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a question on mirrors

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posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:03 AM
As we all know mirrors can be used for many things these days but have you ever just sat down and looked at yourself in the mirror, i did recently and noticed something strange, it was as if my face was disappearing and changing at the same time going black and circular and then next second it was white n pointy. when i look in the mirror these days i always see the same thing and its me but not at the same time so i was wondering if any1 else has this problem or am i just imagining it?

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:05 AM
You might have been hallucinating. That is the only possible conclusion I can come about.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by whiteicefire

Perhaps because you are staring it at for a length of time, your vision is becoming blurred and weary... thus your eyes/mind are playing tricks on you.

Stare at this long enough, and you'll see a giraffe!!

Stare at the black dot, the grey/gray will shrink.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:26 AM
Hey folks,

Mirrors are fun to be sure. Odd experiments with them has been done in the past. I know that, sometimes, when you look directly at yourself in a mirror, your face CAN seem to change. At first, you study yourself, every pore, blemish, color, etc. You can recognize yourself immediately, but after time, you seem to change. Try looking into your own eyes for a while. It's a bit surreal.

After some more time, your features may seem to change. Given even more time, your visual perception may change as well. Peripheral view, perspective, focus, blind spots, etc may skew your view of your own face. I like to bear in mind that our physical appearance is merely a perception of our own perspective. The way we see ourselves may not be the way others see us. Some folks may see red as brown, green as gray, etc.

Our brains are very powerful, but they process images as they do for us alone. Each individual may be slightly, or very different. Our own brains may translate images from the eyes differently through long term exposures. What if you spent 30 hours looking at one object, nothing else. What would you "see" in that 30 hours? Would you, maybe, experience some sort of distortion...dementia?

Food for thought.

Thanks for an interesting post.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:53 AM
In the bathroom there is a mirror on the wall and across the room is a mirror on the shower door. If you look just right you can see for forever. You can see the reflection of the mirror in the other mirror and you can see the other mirror in the reflection and so on for forever, its pretty neat.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Michaeljp86

yeah, I have similar in my bathroom.
It is a mind# indeed....

It's good to see the back of your head once in a while though eh?
Just to check it's still there...

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:05 AM
In the "Come as you are" Nirvana biography, David Grohl talks about his experience stoned in his teen years when he stared in the mirror to long and freaked himself out so much he was damaged for years to come.

I find mirrors to be pretty unnerving when I'm on magic mushrooms (p.cubensis). Its usually 1 hr into the trip when I have to urinate and the first thing I see when I walk into the washroom is myself. Usually my beard and flesh trip me out in that they look more real than I'm used to experiencing.
I find that I have to reach almost a zen meditative state before I'm relaxed and confident enough in my own self-image before I'm able to explore my reflection.


"Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls, Biggie Smalls"

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:13 AM
Poised perfectly, a mirror to another mirror is

A world within a world, within a world, within a world.

I remember a TV show sometime back that showed a man who believed that when you place a video camera in front of a television just so, the feedback of "infinity" would show images of "people". It was quite creepy.

In order to view mirror on mirror, you would have to have a two-way mirror on one end. Though, the transparency may limit the "infinity" that could be seen IMHO. In the '70's there were also "infinity mirrors" with lights around the edges that did the same thing. I remember looking into one of them.

If you had a mirror in a bathroom that reflected another mirror behind it, you could not truly see directly behind you if you stood in between.

I wonder, if you had perfect reflectivity between the two, would that create a doorway to true infinity? However, light would reflect and refract at a non-perfect angle as it could not be projected from true center. If it did, the source would block the receiving end.


posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by AnnunakiX

True indeed.

And some interesting ideas to ponder...

nice one

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:15 AM
So, therefore, a true reflection of infinity AFAIK would be to look directly into your own eyes into a perfect mirror. Your brain would constitute the reflection back and forth from mirror, to brain, to mirror, to brain, and so forth.

Maybe this mirror thing has more to offer than we know?

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:44 AM
Aww...I hope the conversation is not over. I love the contemplation on matters such as this.

Please, others with ideas, questions, feelings, insights,


posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by AnnunakiX
So, therefore, a true reflection of infinity AFAIK would be to look directly into your own eyes into a perfect mirror. Your brain would constitute the reflection back and forth from mirror, to brain, to mirror, to brain, and so forth.

Maybe this mirror thing has more to offer than we know?

Really like what you said here!

I've always been fascinated with mirrors! I think they are more than meets the eye.

Can't understand why according to Feng Shui, you shouldn't have mirrors in your bedroom (something to do with th silver cord, I think)-!?

There's a technique (for those who believes in past lives)- which says that if you are in a dark room and place yourself in front of a mirror with a candle below your face, staring for a while at your eyes; You'll see how your face starts to transform into other faces- which supposedly are some of the faces of your past lives.

I tried it, and it was wicked. But who knows for sure, right?- anyway, it was fun.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by plutoxgirl
There's a technique (for those who believes in past lives)- which says that if you are in a dark room and place yourself in front of a mirror with a candle below your face, staring for a while at your eyes; You'll see how your face starts to transform into other faces- which supposedly are some of the faces of your past lives.
I tried it, and it was wicked. But who knows for sure, right?- anyway, it was fun.

Ohh, ooh, yeah. Gonna try it. Don't have the foggiest idea of what could emerge from this, but, yup...sounds interesting enough to experiment with. Am I really a beer-maker from old Germany? Or am I Cleopatra? Haha. If I could find a way to videotape the whole episode...

Mirrors and magnets both have my attention as oddities of nature. You could also include light in that mix as well.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by AnnunakiX

sorry....just went to try and was sucked into infinity.... heard this squeaky little voice telling me to stay away from the light.... when i woke up i realized i had poltergeist on.

I'm only kidding..

What you have said is very thought provoking and profound and if i wasn't getting ready to go out, i would love to carry on in a little more depth..
Perhaps later this evening/tonight (uk time)

Thanks for the great ideas and thoughts though

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by AnnunakiX

Hmm, there's a flaw here I think. The mirror reflects the outside world which in turn is percieved by the eyes/brain.... that's it. The mirror's image does not deepen, the perception does not deepen. The brain is not reflecting anything, the mirrior is just reflecting light from the outside world which the brain picks up (vis eyes)... it is a dead-end oneway path.

Edit: Hang on ... I think I'm seeing what you mean..... gggrr head hurts

[edit on 24-1-2009 by and14263]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:18 AM
Ok, now imagine this.

Remember when you were in a place devoid of most light and you stared into the vastness of space, at night into the stars, and tried to imagine, or see beyond? It was mind boggling, right?

Or this, staring into complete, utter darkness. What did you "see"?

Or even this, trying to contemplate forever, and forever, and forever...eternity or infinity.

It hurts the brain to do so, at least for me.

What happens when you place a light source into an amplifier, like a magnifying glass that reflects into a magnifying glass into a mirror, into a magnifying glass and so on?

Can light reflect upon itself? Is there always a plateau or breaking point?

What if a wheel containing neodymium magnets could rotate against the opposing force of another wheel of neodymium magnets only pushing at the proportionate angles to provide possible perpetual motion? Would the wheels eventually spin down?

Can light be amplified? And if so, would there be a "terminal velocity"?

My guess is that there is a terminal velocity, or a diminishing value for most objects. That would be due to the idea that there is an infinite mass of an object (molecule or otherwise).

In that sense, mirrors can maybe reflect only so much before the image is muddled, then eventually darkened.

Otherwise, objects would, IMHO just collide, creating "darkness".

Any takers?

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Back in my younger years, I used to love to go look in the mirror after taking acid. I could stand in there for hours. The mirror image of me during that time would just look so happy. It was like looking at myself as other saw me and not how I saw me. I did not turn into anything weird, it just gave me a real good feeling effect. Can not explain it. I would never do acid again though, that was many years ago,lol

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by AnnunakiX

Ive often thought the Holy Trinity was the act of looking into someone's eyes. You are unable to look at both of their eyes and focus on just one, to go back on what Annunaki said, this creates some sort of "infinity loop".

"The eyes are windows to the soul"

What about red-eye in photographs? The scientific explanation is that it is just the blood vessels lighting up. I tend to believe it is light redshifting (moving away from you) into infinity.

Eyes and mirrors are definitely interesting subjects and psychedelics only add to the experience.


posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by whiteicefire

It has a name in the paranormal world, 'scrying' and is very well known in Europe. Have some links:

I do feel I have to give some warning though, people of a nervous or unstable disposition should not attempt it - just as with talking boards except even more so in this case. Psychosis is a very real possibility and the hallucinations can be very disturbing to say the least - or fun if you have no problems with the latter and/or you're used to it.

Good luck.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 01:48 PM
I was also going to mention the point of scrying. Now you've mentioned it I might give it a go tonight yey!

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