posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:45 AM
Ok the Sit X that has just occurred.
Here is the link.
Flooding and home's without electricity.
Would you need to bug out ????? This would depend on your area at the time.
Ok this is on main land Europe but this type of natural disaster could happen to any of us at any time.
Are you prepared ???
Take a look at the story, and think what are my preparations if this happened to me ?
Do you have clean drinking water during / after a flood ?? do you have the means to heat and cook ?? do you have back up light ?? Do you have food in
a water tight container ??
This is a sitx alot of people may find themselves in and it is shocking how many people are ill prepared to deal with this.
Take this opportunity to run through your's and your family's survival and safety plans and check on any equipment that would be used during such a
sitx. It may just save your life.
This thread also runs with my other thread of Bugging in, are you ready ???