posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 04:26 PM
No offense to all who've already posted, but most of what I've read on here has been laughable. I'm a Marine officer and platoon commander. The
strength of the Marine Corps is primarily centered, in my opinion, on two things.
1) Discipline. Argue all you want, no service is more disciplined than the Marine Corps. From the proper carrying/handling/cleaning/accountability
of our gear and weapons, to the pride we take in our service, to the observance of customs and courtesies (snappy salutes, proper greetings, looking
good in uniform, etc.), I will tell you all that anyone who dares to claim their service has an edge on the USMC is either a liar or an idiot. I
can't tell you how many times I've wanted to destroy (verbally correct) a junior soldier, sailor, or airmen for their behavior in uniform, but
didn't because there's no sense in trying to hold them to a standard that their own commanders don't expect. On the other hand, if I see a Marine
Private who is jacked up, I need only tell them tactfully to fix themselves, or just point him out to an NCO (non-commissioned officer/Corporal or
Sergeant) and BAM! problem corrected. That is the beauty of a Marine - discipline.
2) Employment of forces as a MAGTF (Marine Air/Ground Task Force - Pronounced "mag-taf"). I saw someone mention the MEU(SOC) [Marine Expeditionary
Unit (Special Operations Capable)]. This is a MAGTF, and for my purposes here, I'll refer to them interchangeably (though they're not really the
same thing - difficult to explain and not really pertinent here). The whole idea of MAGTF organization and employment is to have a combined-arms
force in readiness, capable of deploying quickly and logistically sustaining itself for a period of time. This means that a MAGTF brings its own air,
ground, naval, and logistical assets to the fight. There is no other force from any country in the world that can do this, including the US Army or
Air Force. The Marine Corps operates (in conjunction with the Navy) in a manner that puts its enemy on the "horns of a dilemma," without the means
to escape, fight, or effectively dictate any change in the battlefield situation.
So yeah, you could probably say we're the best. My Lord, how I would hate to have to fight us.
Semper Fi