Dangerous Mythology of Hope?
Wow, so let me get this straight you are saying, by having Hope – we will/can actually have more
nefarious manipulations against all the
people? Thus, the apex of what you are getting across is we should not have hope and it is just a myth to be used against us?
A question to you:
Is it better to live with hope than fear, or vice versa?
Lets break down each feeling – because ultimately it is our own feelings that rule our lives in what we do and say in everyday life and how we treat
ourselves and others.
Along with that, we will look at the history of the U.S.… and some remarkable eras, to see if the population of the U.S. would have been better off
with the general population feeling
fear versus hope. Those pivotal moments of our history – we can look at both ways….the way it
was….versus what could have happened…if the opposite feeling had prevailed.
Then we will look at the future and the hypothesis if it would be better for us all to have the feeling of hope within ourselves or fear within.
Lets now look at the raw and deep feeling of FEAR:
Fear – the definition: A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
Now – what can and does “fear” do to people in how they live their everyday lives – if that is what they feel at all times.
Under the feelings of fear – people of the U.S. could not live social lives with their fellow citizens, the feeling of fear would/does prevent
people from leaving their homes, getting on planes, socializing with their neighbors, traveling outside their towns/cities. People who live in fear,
look at everything through a narrow scope and dark clouds on the horizon.
Fear paralysis’s the senses and mind – thus getting things done and experiencing new places and having exciting adventures and accomplishments is
not feasible for those who live in fear.
Going hand in hand with Fear is
hopelessness, hopelessness works with fear it is the by product of fear. Living with hopelessness, due to fear
– life is nothing – it is neither exciting, thrilling, loving, or bright. Darkness surrounds the senses and mind and makes one incapable of
having fulfilling experiences and relationships. People do not get things accomplished by living with hopelessness, due to their attitudes “it
really doesn’t matter” upon undertaking a task.
Now that we have looked at a small byproduct of living in fear, lets look at the definition of
Hope – by definition…..A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment.
The above definition, is just a very small and explanation of hope. Though I would gather, many of us could come up with a much better definition –
than the official one in a dictionary … through our own experiences of hope, we have experienced in our own lives.
Now, lets take “hope” as we did “fear” and look at how we have/could live our lives with it, in place of fear.
People who live with hope as their raw emotion, would and do get things done, as they feel an expectation of reward at the end of their endeavor.
Hope drives people to do their best in a situation, hope drives people to socialize and mingle with their fellow man. Hope allows people to
experience the world – with the thought of seeing and experiencing brand new and wonderful places. Hope is the bright light at the end of what my
be a travel through a dark tunnel, but it drives people to push onward through the darkness – because there is a feeling of brightness to await them
at the end.
Just as the feeling of Fear having byproduct of hopelessness, The feeling of Hope has a byproduct too… it is called: Faith!
But instead of just using definitions, lets now go back through history and lets look at what might have been, if people would have been driven by
Fear instead of Hope, and where we might all possibly be today if that had happened.
First from history, lets look at Christopher Columbus’s discovery of the New World:
If Columbus had the feelings of “fear” he would never have set off on the opened oceans, due to at that time in history the world was
considered… flat. Others told Columbus, he was going to fall off the face of the earth, if he sailed very far from Spain. Are we all thankful, he
did not then cower back in fear, in the face of “the world being flat” as everyone was telling him? I would bet all of us are, he instead took
his feelings of “hope” to conquer the seas and to discover what other places and land laid outside his own small world. His “hope” is part of
what has shaped the world to what it is today, he set out – not knowing what laid before him, but yet knowing that his own feelings of “hope”
was driving him to risk is life – for the ultimate betterment of others.
Question to you: Would we be better off today, had Columbus instead lived in fear and had not discovered the New World and listened to all those, who
told him the world was flat and he would die – if he sailed too far off the coast?
Thus was it better…. Columbus lived with hope in his own mind?
We will jump a little forward in history now:
Lets look to the forming of the United States of America,
Lets look at what happened, compared to what could be if the opposite feelings of our forefathers had numbed their minds and senses and thus dictated
what they did and fought for during the American Revolution.
I would like to ask this question of you – before I get too deep into this particular discussion.
Which feeling do you think our forefathers had; the feeling of “Hope or Fear” when they wrote the “Declaration of Independence and Bill of
Rights”? One follow up question to go along with it……
Do you think – they knew there would be resistance from England by writing the “Declaration of Independence” but were still determined to do so
and what would have happened, had the opposite feeling been in place, would the “Declaration of Independence” had ever been written?
Have you answered those questions yet?
Lets dissect the questions now together…..
Did the forefathers have the feeling of “Hope or Fear” when they wrote the “Declaration of Independence”?
I would wager everything I have with the answer of “Hope”.
Thomas Paine had written a letter in Jan. 1776 wrote a pamphlet titled: Common Sense.
Link to pamphlet:
The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth. 'Tis not the affair of a city, a country, a province, or a kingdom, but of a continent- of at
least one eighth part of the habitable globe. 'Tis not the concern of a day, a year, or an age; posterity are virtually involved in the contest, and
will be more or less affected, even to the end of time, by the proceedings now. Now is the seed time of continental union, faith and honor. The least
fracture now will be like a name engraved with the point of a pin on the tender rind of a young oak; The wound will enlarge with the tree, and
posterity read it in full grown characters.
The above is a very small fraction of what is written in the pamphlet – does that sound like hope or fear in his words?
If our Forefathers had lived with the feeling of fear in their hearts and minds, the United States of American would never have happened or been
formed. We would still be living under British rule. Our forefathers would have been paralyzed by the threats from England and thus would have been
afraid to go to war over what they saw and felt as a better future for the colonies. They were met with resistance from all areas, even those people
who were in the colonies. Why did those already in America – resist against what our forefathers saw for us? Let’s hazard a guess –their
feelings were: Fear! Fear of what would happen with resisting England.