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Try your hand at guessing the date of the 'Strong Delusion'

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posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:14 AM
Let's take some guesses at the date that so called 'disclosure' of our smelly little pretend 'alien' friends might occur. Also take a guess as to whether Obama will do the honors first, SETI finds a signal, full on attack out of no where like a flood, or even a whole new angle.

Prophecy says that the Tribulation should start by July 10, 2009. And we have Bill Clinton's all time favorite movie, Independence Day, as a possible clue. But I have a feeling they are itching to start the NWO as fast as possible! For they know their time is short. The Bible says the antichrist will keep "trying to change set times". This seems key to me. It also says he will have to set up this one world government as quickly as possible by forced slave labor of those that take the mark using DARPA anti-sleep spray? While God pelts them with every manner of horror! America would never let this stand, so America has to go as told of in Jeremiah 51 and Revelation 18. They would need a pretext as to how 'aliens' supposedly got here as well. What lie will they go with? SETI just found a fake signal? The LHC accidentally opened up a "doorway"? The LHC was a planned "gate"? Some of our so called 'aliens' might actually admit to having lived in hell... I mean 'under the surface' for a long time? Which is really only a half-truth and not a total lie.

Now we know that the LHC is suppose to start up in spring. Remember Nostradamus' c.9 q.44 prophecy? Plus like I said earlier, I feel they want to do something in B.O.'s first 100 days (Jan-April). It can't be before HDTV is mandatory on Feb. 19 or the movie magic won't work as well and then you have Apollo 11 problems creeping back up with footage discrepencies... ugh! Recently, someone suggested maybe Pi Day, 3.14 ,but never gave me any reasoning for it. But it did get me thinking of another possible date. Do you remember the 'Skull and Bones' symbol? Yep, 322:
Now the best most people could come up with for the meaning was the start of the Indo-Greek kingdom (or Mauryan empire) in 322 BC which was a major happening on the Satanic calendar- Alexander supposed son of serpent form Zeus (or Amon) unites two major Aryan tribes plus the Hebraic serpent tribe of Dan (Danaans) mingled in as well now living as gentile Lacedaemonians (Spartans).

But I saw something interesting recently. The satanic Rosicrucian Georgia Guidestones were erected in 3.22 1980. So I will go with this date they love so much as a median between now and April. Maybe even a TR-3B... I mean a flying saucer from Mars will hover over the stones. So my range is from now until July 10, but if I have to take a specific date, I'll go with MARCH 22 and I would suspect some more LHC activity by then. Expect SETI to pretend to find a signal really soon...

Here are the Georgia Guidestones if you haven't seen them before:

Oops! Seems they have changed lately! LOL:

[edit on 23-1-2009 by Fallen Aliens Hate U]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:24 AM
wow what a load of speculation that is...

prediction threads are a Big No No

why should we believe this ?

[edit on 23-1-2009 by easynow]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:40 AM
We're just going to throw in educated guesses.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 03:46 AM
Nice OP there dude.

Interesting that you brought the LHC into this. Not many people think about. I couple of us at work here discussed also the possibility of the LHC to be a device to open a portal or gateway.

My prediction as to when.. September 09. Why? Dont know really

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 03:54 AM

Prophecy says that the Tribulation should start by July 10, 2009


May 27th, 2009!

It's my Birthday and since my name when spelled subsituting letters for numbers equals 799814 221332 and my mother was born on pi day in 1950 and I have an extra toe and my father's great uncle went to the pyramids and and and.....

Oh yeah my all time favorite movie is Deep Impact...that about clinches it, I'm the Anti Christ AND the Aliens will come on my birthday!

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Fallen Aliens Hate U
Full on attack out of no where like a flood, or even a whole new angle.

[edit on 23-1-2009 by Fallen Aliens Hate U]

My guess is you have been playing way too
much Halo?no?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Fallen Aliens Hate U

SETI, religion, NWO, LHC, Independence Day, DARPA, Apollo 11, Satanic calendar, Indo-Greek kingdom, Georgia Guidestones etc. etc!

I think you've left out Itchy and Scratchy.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Fallen Aliens Hate U

Which "strong delusion" are you speaking in reference too?

If you are referring to the biblical "delusion", you might want to rethink.

Delusion comes from the inside out, not outside in. People fool themselves with vanity and trust in things they can not prove to even themselves.

Delusion of people can only take place if emotions are judging their perception so that truth takes the back seat to the more powerful emotion.

Where is it that you believe these "fallen Angels" come from? Is it not from "inside the earth"

Think about this..."Hell have no fury like a woman scorned".

The guide stones say "keep the population at 500 million" which is said to eradicate 90% of humanity, but before slamming this understand God retains a 10th a tithe a tax, if indeed you were referring to biblical "Delusion". Another thing to consider is "The Deluge" is the same thing as "The Delusion".


posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 09:59 AM
Yes, the 2 millennia old prophecy of the 'Strong Delusion' in
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

The 'Strong Delusion' won't last for too long and the whole scheme will be totally destroyed according to Obadiah 4:
"Though you soar like the eagle
and make your nest among the stars,
from there I will bring you down!,"
declares the LORD.

*What else could the 'Strong Delusion' be to fool so many all of sudden in the endtimes. Also meditate on what 'lying wonders' could be.*

[edit on 23-1-2009 by Fallen Aliens Hate U]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Fallen Aliens Hate U
Yes, the 2 millennia old prophecy of the 'Strong Delusion' in
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

The 'Strong Delusion' won't last for too long and the whole scheme will be totally destroyed according to Obadiah 4:
"Though you soar like the eagle
and make your nest among the stars,
from there I will bring you down!,"
declares the LORD.

*What else could the 'Strong Delusion' be to fool so many all of sudden in the endtimes. Also meditate on what 'lying wonders' could be.*

[edit on 23-1-2009 by Fallen Aliens Hate U]

Lying wonders?

Let me ask you some questions that I want you to think about before answering.

Have you seen the blind receive sight? Have you seen the crippled healed? Have you seen lepers cured? Have you seen someone walk on water? Have you seen the dead come back alive? Have you seen 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread feed 5000 people? Have you seen someone turn water into wine?

Have you seen any of these things happen except for in movies or t.v.? Do you know one person who has honestly witnessed these things that "you shall do and greater"?

"I came not to bring peace, but to bring the sword"...Jesus
"Those who take up the sword, shall perish by the sword"...Jesus
"A kingdom divided against itself, shall not stand"....Jesus
"If you are able, please take this cup from me, never the less, not my will but your will be done"....Jesus

NOT MY WILL, But, YOUR WILL BE DONE....A kingdom divided against itself, can not stand.

Meditate on Isaiah 14 and realize that there is the true Christ who was, is and always shall be then there is the Anti-Christ who was, is not, yet is...the living image of whom life is breathed into. Keep in mind that television statement I asked you about.

Isa 14:9 Sheol beneath hath been troubled at thee, To meet thy coming in, It is waking up for thee Rephaim, All chiefs ones of earth, It hath raised up from their thrones All kings of nations.
Isa 14:10 All of them answer and say unto thee, Even thou hast become weak like us! Unto us thou hast become like!

Luk 23:35 And the people were standing, looking on, and the rulers also were sneering with them, saying, `Others he saved, let him save himself, if this be the Christ, the choice one of God.'
Luk 23:36 And mocking him also were the soldiers, coming near and offering vinegar to him,
Luk 23:37 and saying, `If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself.'
Luk 23:38 And there was also a superscription written over him, in letters of Greek, and Roman, and Hebrew, `This is the King of the Jews.'
Luk 23:39 And one of the evil-doers who were hanged, was speaking evil of him, saying, `If thou be the Christ, save thyself and us.'

Isa 14:11 Brought down to Sheol hath been thine excellency, The noise of thy psaltery, Under thee spread out hath been the worm, Yea, covering thee is the worm.
Isa 14:12 How hast thou fallen from the heavens, O shining one, son of the dawn! Thou hast been cut down to earth, O weakener of nations.
Isa 14:13 And thou saidst in thy heart: the heavens I go up, Above stars of God I raise my throne, And I sit in the mount of meeting in the sides of the north.

Mat 24:30 and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory;
Mat 24:31 and he shall send his messengers with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his chosen from the four winds, from the ends of the heavens unto the ends thereof.

Isa 14:14 I go up above the heights of a thick cloud, I am like to the Most High.
Isa 14:15 Only--unto Sheol thou art brought down, Unto the sides of the pit.
Isa 14:16 Thy beholders look to thee, to thee they attend, Is this the man causing the earth to tremble, Shaking kingdoms?

Mat 27:54 And the centurion, and those with him watching Jesus, having seen the earthquake, and the things that were done, were exceedingly afraid, saying, `Truly this was God's Son.'
Mat 27:55 And there were there many women beholding from afar, who did follow Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him,

Isa 14:17 He hath made the world as a wilderness, And his cities he hath broken down, Of his bound ones he opened not the house.
Isa 14:18 All kings of nations--all of them, Have lain down in honour, each in his house,
Isa 14:19 And--thou hast been cast out of thy grave, As an abominable branch, raiment of the slain, Thrust through ones of the sword, Going down unto the sons of the pit, As a carcase trodden down.
Isa 14:20 Thou art not united with them in burial, For thy land thou hast destroyed, Thy people thou hast slain, Not named to the age is the seed of evil doers.

Mar 16:6 And he saith to them, `Be not amazed, ye seek Jesus the Nazarene, the crucified: he did rise--he is not here; lo, the place where they laid him!

So many will be caught and fooled because of what they least expected....An enemy from WITHIN their own house, the one with the Double edged sword.


posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Umm.. you started this thread the other day...

This all seems linked in your strange view.... why start a new thread?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 03:58 PM
If you never watch another movie for the rest of your life,

BTW, my world-view is called TRUTH

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Fallen Aliens Hate U
If you never watch another movie for the rest of your life,

BTW, my world-view is called TRUTH

Bro, why not just post "Left Behind"? What truth is there to what you are saying? Show me. You must be able to or you are not dealing with the truth.

I was really hoping you'd answer my questions, if not in posting, for yourself at least. I'm not here to tell you what to believe, that is your choice, but you don't realize that you are already fooled. "If possible even the elect would be fooled"

What "Mark" do you think is being applied to all? The mark goes back way further then Jesus. Start with Nebo in Bable. People have been receiving the mark, young and old, since the beginning of time.

It's like base BAAL. 3 strikes and you are out. 4 BAALs and you walk. You've popped a fly, but the center fielder is on it.

The thing that will sweep them away is their failure to see that they are ANTI Christ....LET THE READER UNDERSTAND

Everyone believes it will be "the others", but you don't realize that is a double edged sword you are swinging. The moment you condemn them, you are condemned.


[edit on 23-1-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:28 PM
Left Behind is no where close to this one.
Six: The Mark Unleashed is the real deal

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Fallen Aliens Hate U
Left Behind is no where close to this one.
Six: The Mark Unleashed is the real deal

...In your opinion.

You try to make this sound as fact, yet with your last thread and this one.. you are still lacking ANY good evidence to back up your claims.

Sensationalism does not equal fact.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 04:39 PM
Look the stock market is going to crash and martial law called and then comes the New World Order that will initiate the Tribulation.

Here, they have been practicing for this event for years:
Coming to your neighborhood soon... 2009

Save up food and water now!

[edit on 23-1-2009 by Fallen Aliens Hate U]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Fallen Aliens Hate U
Left Behind is no where close to this one.
Six: The Mark Unleashed is the real deal

No, Six: The Mark Unleashed is a movie produced by a "Christian" production company in Hollywood. People make movies for the purpose of generating income and revenue for the production company, not to warn you about "the mark unleashed".

600 60 6 is the number of exiles returned from "Confusion" Bablyon. It just so happens that the name of the returned is Adonijah. This is another name for "The Lord".

Don't you understand that the one who betrays Lord is himself? Beginning and End? Alpha and Omega? Jesus and Judas? Left hidden from Right? Tyler Durden and Jack?

Is it just to kill yourself? He committed suicide by willingly handing himself in knowing he would be killed. If you don't believe they are the same, no different. He knew they would kill him and he allowed it.

Christ Messiah means Annointed. It says by his knowledge he shall startle many.

Jesus himself said, "why do you call me good, not one is good except God". They accused him of many sins, to which he denies none of what they say, only remains silent. When asked if he was king of the jews he replied "you have said it". When accused by others he simply flipped the script to make them see they were no better.

Blood is required, not as a burnt offering (the cross), but as life. Blood goes forward in Semen or (Clouds) and is produced by the "Glory" Orgasm of the Lord. It goes forward to make a place for you (your children) so that where he is, you may be also.

There is NO SALVATION in death for it is death. Salvation is nothing more then rememberence of you in the memories of those who love you. It's your signature on their hearts...friends but more so family.

"Forbid not the children to come unto me"....Have kids and raise them right.

"Teach your children well...."

I hope you find your way out of the delusion you are under. I don't mean that in a bad way because you will find out one way or the other.

Which ever way you pick, I can tell you this having the witness of Jesus and being slain daily by his spirit. Be hot or be cold. Don't be middle of the road or get squished "just like grape". Understand Danial (Judge of God) Son?

When he begins taste testing you, you will see. I assure hot or be cold, because you won't like the "spit out of his mouth" option. Take it from a sinner.


posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Fallen Aliens Hate U
Save up food and water now!

Should have known better. A water salesman.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 09:56 PM
Is this like guessing how many jelly beans in the jar?

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 10:09 AM
You need to wake up. NOW!

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