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Thank you, PRESIDENT Bush.

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posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by YoungStalin

when you do what he did to his people and his neighbors that is being a terrorist, cut and dry, i take all news sources in compilation to extract what i think is a somewhat educated analysis. but you can spin me as FOX news entranced, i'm used to that kind of one-sidedness from people on the other side of the fence. Peace Out.

[edit on 1/23/2009 by cal7man]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:41 PM

This thread is a good example of how sites like ATS has become infiltrated by paid operatives, which are just people that simply are too brain washed to think for them self's and or people who have been paid off lots of money to betray their own people.

It is so obvious that you guys are all here to try and sway opinion and too convince people that there is nothing to see here move along. You guys have been here for a long time doing this kind of work, but common now, this thread is just a little obvious don't you think?

I am too assume that you guy's have been ordered directly from the "Department Of Homeland Security" to up the ante. Well, im sorry to tell you, but you are all doing nothing but just making fools of yourself's.

How in anyone's right mind are we suppose to believe that someone who does not believe in anything presented here on ATS and sites like it will waste their time coming here and saying the stuff that you guys say, when I cant even get any of my right wing friends or even left wing for that matter to come here and check stuff out even if I paid them lots of money to do so???

Common guys! Get with the program! More and more people are waking up to the truth and soon you will all be out of a job. Better start looking for a new one now while you can still pick something up.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by cal7man
reply to post by YoungStalin

Hussein invaded a UN nation ILLEGALLY.
Hussein was a tyrannical dictator who strayed from morality
and repeatedly ignored and violated UN rules.
Why do you people defend a murderous terrorist dictator and instead
bash a national political figure because of different ideologies??
Truely, why do you defend Saddam??

All of your points are correct. But he told Ambassador Glaspie what he was going to do and her response was that the U.S. had no interest in his dealings.
And considering that we armed him and were his best buddy at the time, he believed it.

Nobody is defending Sadaam, but American hands are not clean in the whole mess either.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by cal7man

Because the world is full of murderous dicators and we are not out to remove every single one.

And if the world is full of murderous dictators, then why did we suddenly go after this particular one.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:48 PM
i think bush was a great president, you all are so brainwashed with obama, you guys think he is the all saviour for our country, he has done nothing yet but promises, hes been in office for 4 days. i think obama is full of crap, and has just told every person what the want to hear. can't wait till the day he screws over the us and all you idiots are standing there with nothin to say, mccain was the way to go a true american!

BUSH ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Angus123

Yes, but you can't take this out of context, which is what you are doing by not mentioning that we were an ally to Iraq because of our standing against Iran at that time. Thats just like all these people who want to blame us for Osama bin Laden rising to power, we did help him but it was to help his people out because the Ruskies were blasting them to shreads with Mi-24 gunships armed with the equivalent of sidewinder missles and 50cal. machineguns vs. afganies on horseback with ak-47's, THEY USED TO BE OUR ALLIES, JUST LIKE SADDAM..

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:52 PM
I think history will look back on him as the mistake that he was. But they will also go over the wonders he did for english. I can see it as a little not in texts books in the future somthing like
Did you know?
President bush was the first president to make up words for his speeches. see: ingrinable

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

He was a major threat to our economy in the aspect of the Kuwait oil fields, the geographic significance of overthrowing a country with ports on the persian gulf, and his growing arsenal of WMD's(although people still think he was innocent) and mostly the genocide in his country needed to end, yes there are alot of bad people around the world, but some you just can't go after because of the consequences involved in pushing the wrong buttons.

[edit on 1/23/2009 by cal7man]

[edit on 1/23/2009 by cal7man]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Threads like this one prove beyond any shred of doubt that we now know where the abysmal douible digit approval ratings for the scumbag Bush come from: Sadly, there are still some Americans who do not read beyond the headlines that are spewed from Fox news and other right wing trash outlets for info.

Bush deserves a noose around his neck, Cheney should swing next to him ( a hemp rope I hope, just for irony), but ulike the filthy Bush regime I would grant them a trial. The Bush cabal just about destroyed the Constitution, began a trend toward secrecy and illegal dealings unknown in modern times, corrupted virtually every agency of government, denied due process so many times it became almost langorous to see the daily outrages performed by the criminal Bush cabal.

Bush and the Israel/NWO criminals, with Cheney as an active participant, pulled off 9-11...and now Bush claims that someday he will be seen as a is enough to make one retch. Hero? It staggers the sound and informed mind to even consider these scum as anything but what they are: criminals of the worst sort. I have more respect for a junkie crack whore than for these murdering devils.

Has anyone even considered the fact that there are so many ' inexplicable anomalies" proven and unanswered that no rational and intelligent person could possible still believe the fairy tale that was fed to the public concerning the events of 9-11. consider the deaths in raq alone, hundreds of thosands, all for nop reason: Correction: No GOOD reason. Sure, after the secret oil boss meeting with Cheney, the Afghanistan invasion happened. pipelines have to be built, and by friendly money interests to the NWO bosses, so wars happen to make money flow to the rich and powerful. Its always been this way.

But still there are some who are more parrot than human: Just say" no other attacks since 9-11" and asume that there is a reason for it other than the real one: The cabal that did 9-11 has plans that are going to be done in stages...too much does not get the desired results. Also, after 9-11, thousands of sane and knowing people( see for proof) were are are watching closely for another inside job: The ' missing' nukes that we have never been told the truth about for one..there are others..the cabal cannot be careless; they got the desired results beyond their dreams and are very happy that the bill of rights is gone, torture is OK, money i missing in the trillions that will never be found..and we all know where it really is.

Every fact, every bit of proof, from the Downing St. memos to the ' order' that the ' young officer' dared question Cheney about ( the stand down order), proves beyond any doubt that the Bush/Cheney cabal was and is a violent, ruthless, immoral, murdering conspiracy to defraud and profit from the deaths and suffering of their own people. Only money and power count in their realm: The masks are off, the evil can be seen: From stolen elections( PROVEN) to torture and murder( PROVEN) to negligence on a scakle so massive and deliberate that it can only be called CRIMINAL.

recall the FBI agents weeping as they recalled being stymied at every one was going to stop the plan...too much at stake. No one was ever reprimanded, only rewarded.

But hey, nothing really big has happened since the 9-11 inside job, so all is well and Bush is a hero...right? Doesn't that make sense? huh? Does it?I mean, Fox news says its true, right? hello?

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:03 PM

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by kettlebellysmith
reply to post by dooper
Now that's funny!
Seriously, there are people out there who will hate Bush, no matter what. And to those of you who believe Bush planned the Twin Towers bombing, as well as the Pentegon, I have one thing to say. WE WERE ATTACKED ON AMERICAN SOIL BY MUSLIM FANATICS. GET OVER IT! LEARN TO DEAL WITH THE REALITY OF IT AND QUIT BLAMINING YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT. If you try throwing your support behind your government, perhaps we could get this crap under control. We will always have to deal with terrorists, but we don't have to let the sobs attack us again.

but nothing was suspiscious about the towers right? how the planes hit the top parts, and the bottom gave no resistance as they fell.

when Clinton was in office, an attack was on the lower structure, and burned for MUCH longer, yet this weak point did not clooapse. those of us onhere with any sense at least know that something very strange happened that day and it is not clear cut. I will not say it was an inside job, i do not know that for sure, all i know is those buildings were designed to SURVIVE more than one such plane crash on the same building, they fell at the speed of gravity, the lower VERY STRONG supports did nothing to stop the fall, rather they were just vaporized to dust. I don't actually believe our president had anything to do with destroying the buildings, but is it possible that we are not being told the full story? Is it to painful to look at logicly? i was not in New York on that day, so i cannot fully understand the horror that must have been going through the minds of the people there, but i do know that this matter has not been resolved, and we were not told the whole truth.
as for the illegel wire tapping, and patriot act, yes those are horrible, they go against or constitution, but i have known that that piece of paper was null and void basicly for awhile now. TO the Obama Nation: I am so glad that finially a man has come along that was able to win his presidency through the means of a majority of votes by us the people, (which Bush did not do OP, once he did with 53% against KERRY, the frankenstein looking monotone guy that gave most people the creeps) that being said he left office with the lowest approval rating EVER, quite a feat. But also to the Obama Nation: prepare for failure, he is not only going to keep the wire tapping, but he is going to increse it. change we can believe in? maybe. i certainly hope so. I was very glad to see 2 million people converge on the capital for one unified purpose, i want that clear, that was amazing. We need to be unified about something, that's partly why i will not sit and talk about how bad our last president was....he's gone, and that chapter is coming to a close. Now let's see what happens with this one.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by RobinB022

My point was clear, or I thought so, that it was a good thing for the country that I or someone like me was not President.

Presidnt Bush showed great restraint. He listened to his advisors, found a strategy, and acted. He brought down the Taliban with a minimum loss of American lives. That is his job.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

I made no mention of Iraq, WMDs or not.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Thanks for nothing president Bush. You and your ilk destroyed the economy leaving me scraping to put food on the table and pay the bills. You destroyed America. SHAME on you and your kind.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:32 PM
I think some people define "good preident" as republican. I do not choose sides when it comes to party i just look at people running. If you think that good president means republican then yes bush was good

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:33 PM

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:39 PM

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Swing Dangler

yeah but its only terrorisim when other countries do it. When we do it they are called casualties.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Howdy folks. The attacks on the OP will stop now. The topic isn't Jsobecky, or what you think of his politics. It's about President Bush. On topic, or don't bother...

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

You said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the US had a whole run of Presidents that suffered NO terrorist attack during their tenure? You see the problem with your position of setting BUsh above every other US leader?"

Well OK, you are wrong.

The US has been under an almost constant barrage of terrorist attacks on our people for over 30 years.

Gerald Ford, had two attempts on his life from domestic terrorists. (Both were members of the Manson Family. He also had to deal with the hijacking of an American Merchant ship by the government of Cambodia. The Paris massacre, by the PLO happened under his watch.

Jimmy Carter, had the Iran hostage crisis. That lasted for nearly 2 years. Then the botched resucue attempt. Nuf said. He also had the bombing of numerous Embassies worldwide after the Iranians showed that the US was weak.

Ronald Reagan, had the Iranians firing missiles at unarmed tankers in the Straits of Homuz, and the Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut. The taking of US hostages by terrorists in Beirut. Also a number of Embassies attacked. The USS Stark was hit by an Iraqi missile. Pan Am Flight 103 brought down by a bomb over Lockerbie Scottland.

George HW Bush, there were very few terrorist attacks on the US during the tenure of Bush 41, but there was the assassination attempt on him in Kuwait after he left office.

Bill Clinton, had the first WTC bombing. The Kobar Towers attack on US personel in Saudi Arabia. The Somalia situation. The attempt on Bush 41. The USS Cole attack. Plus a number of incidents that were suspicious like the TWA flight 800 crash.

So you can see, we had been under a nearly continuous attack through terroristic means right up to 9/11.

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