posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Threads like this one prove beyond any shred of doubt that we now know where the abysmal douible digit approval ratings for the scumbag Bush come
from: Sadly, there are still some Americans who do not read beyond the headlines that are spewed from Fox news and other right wing trash outlets for
Bush deserves a noose around his neck, Cheney should swing next to him ( a hemp rope I hope, just for irony), but ulike the filthy Bush regime I
would grant them a trial. The Bush cabal just about destroyed the Constitution, began a trend toward secrecy and illegal dealings unknown in modern
times, corrupted virtually every agency of government, denied due process so many times it became almost langorous to see the daily outrages performed
by the criminal Bush cabal.
Bush and the Israel/NWO criminals, with Cheney as an active participant, pulled off 9-11...and now Bush claims that someday he will be seen as a is enough to make one retch. Hero? It staggers the sound and informed mind to even consider these scum as anything but what they are:
criminals of the worst sort. I have more respect for a junkie crack whore than for these murdering devils.
Has anyone even considered the fact that there are so many ' inexplicable anomalies" proven and unanswered that no rational and intelligent person
could possible still believe the fairy tale that was fed to the public concerning the events of 9-11. consider the deaths in raq alone, hundreds of
thosands, all for nop reason: Correction: No GOOD reason. Sure, after the secret oil boss meeting with Cheney, the Afghanistan invasion happened.
pipelines have to be built, and by friendly money interests to the NWO bosses, so wars happen to make money flow to the rich and powerful. Its always
been this way.
But still there are some who are more parrot than human: Just say" no other attacks since 9-11" and asume that there is a reason for it other than
the real one: The cabal that did 9-11 has plans that are going to be done in stages...too much does not get the desired results. Also, after 9-11,
thousands of sane and knowing people( see for proof) were are are watching closely for another inside job: The ' missing'
nukes that we have never been told the truth about for one..there are others..the cabal cannot be careless; they got the desired results beyond their
dreams and are very happy that the bill of rights is gone, torture is OK, money i missing in the trillions that will never be found..and we all know
where it really is.
Every fact, every bit of proof, from the Downing St. memos to the ' order' that the ' young officer' dared question Cheney about ( the stand
down order), proves beyond any doubt that the Bush/Cheney cabal was and is a violent, ruthless, immoral, murdering conspiracy to defraud and profit
from the deaths and suffering of their own people. Only money and power count in their realm: The masks are off, the evil can be seen: From stolen
elections( PROVEN) to torture and murder( PROVEN) to negligence on a scakle so massive and deliberate that it can only be called CRIMINAL.
recall the FBI agents weeping as they recalled being stymied at every one was going to stop the plan...too much at stake. No one was ever
reprimanded, only rewarded.
But hey, nothing really big has happened since the 9-11 inside job, so all is well and Bush is a hero...right? Doesn't that make sense? huh? Does
it?I mean, Fox news says its true, right? hello?