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Thank you, PRESIDENT Bush.

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by dooper
I lived in Florida. Jeb Bush was one of the best governors we ever had. We have a real POS currently.

In fact except for Democrats calling elderly and saying that Jeb Bush was going to "take away their social security???", Jeb would have won a term earlier.

He didn't protest, didn't fight it. But he won a major victory and reelection because he was a very astute, very good governor.

In fact, had Jeb been the President, this entire story would have turned out much differently.

So, because of some things he may have said or done, means he's a good leader? No, no corruption at all? Not to the Zapata Oil, or any other of Bush Sr.'s little pet projects?

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

We're supposed to be voting for these assholes and saying how we want OUR taxpayer money spent.

you got it wrong. We may vote them in but we vote them in to serve their represented areas to the best of their ability in addition to America as a whole. They are the ones who decide where to spend money and what policies to follow or implement. There is no way they could handle 300 million different opinions on how things should be done. If you don't approve of the job they are doing you have every right to cast your vote to get them out.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

We are a representative Republic only as long as the majority of the people keep informed and engaged in the workings of government. This has not been the case for the past 50 years.

Ronald Reagan came close to turning the situation around for a few years, but somewhere in his second term the public switched off and they have not switched back on.

So, the politicians get away with raiding the treasury and rewarding their buddies with the money. I don't see anything that is going to turn it around.

You may think that Barack Obama has the potential to turn it around. I hope so, but I think that most people have already switched off again.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

Originally posted by Darky6K

Originally posted by jsobecky
The fact that there hasn't been another attack should be answer enough.

Bali, London, Madrid, Chechnya, Russia, Israel numerous times, the cells in Canada they haven't been able to find. Yeah, al Qaeda was destroyed as Bush said it was. No, in fact all we did was piss even more people off instead of rallying potential allies. Nice move.

Those incidents are the problems of those countries. Were they as tough on terrorism as we were, maybe those incidents would have been avoided.

Yeah, you can count the number of barrels of Iraqi oil we have received on one finger...

You never read about the 1972 Oil Crisis did you?

I lived through it and sat in the lines for gas. Did you?

Didn't the Republicans say to all of Bush's dissidents we're at war and we should stand blindly with the President, and to not do so is disrepsect to the Office? I can spin this around too.

Nope. Never saw those words. Give me a link.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by jam321
you got it wrong. We may vote them in but we vote them in to serve their represented areas to the best of their ability in addition to America as a whole. They are the ones who decide where to spend money and what policies to follow or implement. There is no way they could handle 300 million different opinions on how things should be done. If you don't approve of the job they are doing you have every right to cast your vote to get them out.

Hey, I do vote, but you're on ATS and I'm sure you read about the connections many of these (snip) have, voting doesn't necessarily equal (snip) with them. These career people don't listen, are corrupt, and purposefully hire goons who can't manage money well, either that or they're in good with the CFR, Bilderbergs, Skull & Bones, etc. Many people said they were against the bailout, didn't matter, we'll spend another one for 800 billion.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 1-23-2009 by worldwatcher]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:12 PM
I also wanna thank mr Bush
for making us laugh with his jokes

hehe i think im gonna see those bush bloopers again.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

Darky, I am not saying that there aren't corrupt people in government. I am just saying that a government does what a government wants to do, regardless of what its people think. Sometimes it is for the best of the country and sometimes it isn't. Unfortunately, we may all be dead before we ever truly discover which is which.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:16 PM
This Bush guy is full of dirty filthy (but slightly tasty with a little bit of mutton) lies!

My Ninja Consortium is responsible for us not being attacked. Where is your evidence? We haven't been attacked since I put my Ninja's on the watch! There you have it. Proof.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:17 PM
You don't need to thank the man, he doesn't care what the public thinks. Said so himself.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

You said, "Yeah, 'bring it on' is a great display of intelligence after an attack."

Is it your opinion that the statement "Bring it on", made al-Qaeda hate us worse? Or are you worried that it hurt their feelings?

I for one like a man who speaks like a man, especially when he is headed to a fight. Can you imagine if he had said, "Gee, I hope they don't hurt us."

Face it, some of you folks just hate Bush and it has nothing to do with anything that he did. It goes back to Florida in 2000.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Those incidents are the problems of those countries. Were they as tough on terrorism as we were, maybe those incidents would have been avoided.

Uhh, Israel is in a conflict once or twice a year, Britain has been with us in Afghanistan and Iraq, same for Spain. Russia didn't care and just gassed the theater during the attack. Indonesia, while a poor nation, has been fighting the corruption in the same manner as others have.

Nice solution. Ideas are bulletproof, you won't end terrorism.

I lived through it and sat in the lines for gas. Did you?

No, but I did at least read the history on how, by pulling out of everything the American dollar started to crash because of the gold standard being taken off. Afterwards, ever since then, we've been bending over for oil and not even trying hard for alternative fuels. As a result, the price of oil and gas affects the entire economy.

Hell, I could see what was going to happen when it started a few years ago, and Bush and Cheney said they didn't?

Nope. Never saw those words. Give me a link.

I can try. I used to work for a polling place and I heard that from self-decalred Republicans all the time.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Originally posted by jsobecky
...He had Congressional oversight, which was employed liberally (no pun intended).

You see 'oversight'. I see complicity and negligence. Moreover, there is ample evidence Congress was lied to much of the time anyway. So 'oversight' as a characterization really starts to become a stretch.

Originally posted by jsobecky
I do not agree that we as a nation have been weakened at all. Remember, these were uncharted waters that we were cast into. The American public was protected and made safe.

No... History is filled with examples of nations feeling threatened and applying solutions far worse than the threat.

Originally posted by jsobecky
Nothing he did cannot be undone if deemed unconstitutional.

Perhaps. But our legal traditions require a measure of perceived permanence. It is why precedence plays such a prominent role in our form of governance. Monkey with that and you eliminate the one characteristic that distinguishes our society from most of the examples attempted by humans over the last 6000 years.

Originally posted by jsobecky
But I respect and welcome your thoughts and comments.


[edit on 22-1-2009 by loam]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by lunarminer
Is it your opinion that the statement "Bring it on", made al-Qaeda hate us worse? Or are you worried that it hurt their feelings?

I for one like a man who speaks like a man, especially when he is headed to a fight. Can you imagine if he had said, "Gee, I hope they don't hurt us."

Face it, some of you folks just hate Bush and it has nothing to do with anything that he did. It goes back to Florida in 2000.

You don't #ing act like that during an attack. FDR didn't, Reagan didn't, WTF was Bush thinking? You have a bunch of crazed, psychotic killers...and you say come on? Would you do that if I put a gun in your face and was about to rob you? They're already #ed in the head and you want to make it worse? You remain calm and use words to make your people unafraid, you DON'T act like Hulk Hogan before a WWE match.

You know nothing of me, so don't act like you do. Bush brought it on himself with his attitude and lack of efforts. Even when the economy was falling his attitude was he was out shortly anyway.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:32 PM
Good riddance to Bush and his vocal whackjob supporters... not that his supporters aint around anymore... I just dont have to see their BS in the whitehouse anymore

Bush got boo'd and good thing he did.... america has no class?.... yea america has no class for not expressing their feelings long before.

Thankyou..... for finally showing us what happens under a nationlist conservative administration after 8years.... EX-PRESIDENT bush.

Now its time for change, under your new PRESIDENT.... president Obama!

[edit on 22-1-2009 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by jam321
Darky, I am not saying that there aren't corrupt people in government. I am just saying that a government does what a government wants to do, regardless of what its people think. Sometimes it is for the best of the country and sometimes it isn't. Unfortunately, we may all be dead before we ever truly discover which is which.

If it's going to do whatever it wants; NWO projects, black budgets, throwing money to criminals in the banks, etc, then why care anymore? Why fight, why protest, why even wake up in the morning if EVERY aspect will be dominated by these people? No point in even having a First Amendment, may as well declare the NWO now.

Most of the time, let's face it, isn't for our best interest. I know the amero isn't good, and when Bush met with the Canadian and Mexican leaders in September for the SPS, that's not good.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Darky6K

Darky, I am not saying that there aren't corrupt people in government. I am just saying that a government does what a government wants to do, regardless of what its people think. Sometimes it is for the best of the country and sometimes it isn't. Unfortunately, we may all be dead before we ever truly discover which is which.

A government? Or a corrupt government? A government that we were supposed to have isn't supposed to do what it wants, it's supposed to do what the people want. The people make the choices, the government abides. This is why we HAD powers to remove government, we still do, but the ammo is being taken away slowly.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:41 PM
do you want to kiss him and have his babies?

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:42 PM
When Bush first shouldered the Office he seemed too be interested in Bi-Partisan behaviour right up too 9/11.
I actually thought he did well handling that Most Horrid Event.
However I condem what he did with the "War on Terror" theater They had going on soon after. And what about the Anthrax scares that None talk about today.
The need too tie 9/11 terror factions with Iraq was Complete and utter Fabrication as we have known for awhile. No WMD's,No Training Grounds for shoe bombers,Nada.....
However Bush did help the Terrorists inadvertently by leaving a Vaccum in Iraq too be filled sadly.
And I bet Bin Laden and his followers have hundreds of miles of of caves under the Mountains by now.
Excellent work and Thanks Mr. Bush.
He's a classic Rule them with Fear character IMO.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Darky6K

He did not say "Bring it on" during the attack. He said it four weeks later, when we were about to take it to the enemy. The press asked him if he was worried about foreign terrorists would flock to Afghanistan.

Considering that we lost less than 200 troops in toppling the Taliban, I would say that either his words scared them, or they gave us all they had and fell short. Either way, I see no problem.

You seem very defensive on my response.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 12:02 AM
Thank you,W for accomplishing what your grandfather and father failed to accomplish the total fascist take over of our nation thankfully,you never had the chance to have another "attack" since the majority of the people saw through your bible thumping flag waving farce.

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