posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:06 PM
When I was really young (K-2) I developed slowly, I don't remember being able to read fluently until 1st grade. I was pulled out of class for a
spelling tutor in 2nd because I was way behind in reading (The same year I got glasses because my teacher noticed I had my face 6" from the book when
I was reading, turned out I couldn't see the words).
Eventually I went the opposite direction, scoring well on standardized tests, special G/T classes, blah blah.
Long story short, I took an intelligence test some time between 2nd-4th grade, my parents refused to tell me what I scored because, in essence, I was
a kid and it was way over my head, etc. I don't remember if this was the Parrish (that's what I recall the spelling to be, might have been one R, I
remember the name because a girl in my class had the same last name) test or that the prior IQ test was the reason for my being included in the
Parrish test, but either way I didn't see the results of the Parrish test either, nor was I ever told its purpose. It was a long time ago, this
isn't the important part.
What concerns me is that I distinctly remember participating in a standardized test called the Parrish test, however just now googling it I cannot
find any reference to an (accounting for admittedly bad memory) 'Parish', 'Parrish', 'Paret', 'Parett', 'Parret' or 'Parrett' standardized
test, much less what the test was supposed to be measuring (I don't even remember the content of the test, I suppose basic geometric, mathematical
and literature problems).
Has anyone heard of and/or taken this test? If so, who was singled out to take this test, and what was it supposed to measure?