posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:36 PM
Originally posted by RFBurns
Wow, I dont think I have ever seen so much reference to these sightings being birds before! It used to be swamp gas and Venus and ballons, but lately
its been an infatuation with birds!!!
Our little feathered friends will appreciate all the attention!
Well, its great that people are keeping their eyes peeled, but people are also failing to go thru a process of elimination and every single little dot
or smear on a photo is posted now as a UFO.
When people come across a photo, they should all do their own research FIRST before posting - UFO? - Its rather easy to do so
. And if a conclusion
cant be found, post and be open to other people's ideas and research
*Could it be a bird? Well, let me look at some bird pictures and see if there is some similarity.
*Could it be a star/planet? Well, let me look at a space program (Stellarium) and see exactly what is up above me at that time.
*Could it be a plane or helicopter light? Well, let me look at some footage of planes (placement of lights) how they fly, etc etc.
*Could it be slow shutter speed? Motion blur? Well, let me look at some photos of what motion blur on lights would look like.
*Could it be dust on the lense? Well, let me go look at some photos or do some research on what dust on a lense would look like.
Etc. Etc....The list goes on
Process of elimination....something everyone can do and should do
[edit on 1/22/2009 by greeneyedleo]