posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 03:36 PM
The Post was moved… THANKS MODS!
Well, I found it interesting because these are all conspiracy movies (excluding mars attacks, and is a movie that the media constantly uses when
talking about UFO’s)
Also found it interesting that these movies portray some sort of shadow government.
It said (presidential picks) and for someone who spends time on ATS would know that this raises some kind of red flag, if not a red flag, some sort of
one at least.
Might not be a big deal but just the day after I posted this, Obama signs an executive order releasing documents, and or, making the govt more
transparent as long as it doesn’t affect our national security. (odd, but great if it goes through!)
Furthermore, my point & question is that I think it’s a form of subliminal programming meant to warn us of these things that might be in play, or
make us semi aware, or keep the silly things out there in the public view so when someone asks, or see’s something on the news, (UFO, CONSPIRACY of
NWO and Shadow government) or on a site or w/e it would be easier for the sheeple to brush it off. So why were these choices made? Yea, the president
plays a roll in each movie, but you have other BETTER movies they could have mentioned.
IM at work right now, ill update this thread when I get home and link a few things so I can support my points a little more, or if someone would help
me, that would be great!