I am continually amazed by the people who still believe that 9/11 wasn't an inside job, preferring to believe that World Trade Center
building number 7 was so depressed after seeing his big brother and sister fall, buildings one and two, that WTC 7 simply decided to commit suicide at
5:20 PM that day.
Also, I've never actually seen a UFO or an alien being from another planet, as far as I know. However, common sense alone makes me believe that
there MUST be other human-like beings somewhere in this universe.
Then, of course, there is all the incriminating evidence pointing to an alien presence on Earth, like pictures of flying aircraft etched on walls
which are thousands of years old, the construction of the pyramids which had to have employed electro magnetic levitation technology, Atlantis,
Lemuria, and on and on.
Yet, there are many folks who will roll their eyes at you whenever you mention anything about aliens. I even remember when Peter Jennings of ABC-TV
did a special on UFO's and at the end of the show he said he did not believe either UFO's or aliens had ever visited earth.
I would prefer to think that David Icke is right, that shape shifting Alpha Draconian hybrids are ruling us through the 13 Illuminati Families, and
they are being ruled by pure, 100% Alpha Draconian reptilian types living somewhere underground.
At least that would explain the low level of compassion these reptilians demonstrate towards us. After all, we are just another meal to them, our
lives being no more important to them than the life of a cockroach is to us.
Have these Alpha Draconians actually cloned our leaders, killing off the originals, now possessing their cloned bodies? Hell, I don't know. I'd
like to know, wouldn't you?
Are there really numerous alien races in the Galactic Federation who believe in an Omnipresent God of Love watching us and trying to help us? Or are
they being forced to keep their distance because of some galactic politics?
There is much I don't know and don't pretend to know. But wouldn't it be nice if we could actually be governed by love, truth, and justice?
Imagine, there would be no wars, people would be actively engaged in their specific labor of love, everyone would be showered in abundance of every
kind and everyone would be radiantly healthy and live long and joyful lives.
Unfortunately, while 99.999% of us are peace loving folks who only want to live and be happy, the ruling elite are purely evil and ruled by fear, not
Oh well, bless you all with love,