posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:14 PM
Something I've noticed in several didfferent conspiracy sites lately.
One of the things I've seen the NWO or Illuminati or whomever accused of is forcing people to register or basically invading the privacy of the
It's understandable why that would be a problem for people, I'm pretty open about myself and I have issues with the idea.
At the same time, and sometimes even the same people, there are statements calling for the requirement to have certain groups register or make
themselves completely open to the public.
The reason for it has been cheerily stated as: "We don't know for sure what they are doing."
Meaning, because we cannot see everything they do, we assume the worst.
Basically, fear is driving this statement.
Which is interesting, the Patriot Act that is so hated by so many people was instituted on the basis of fear as well. With the idea that a true
American would have nothing to worry about.
Some conspiracy theorists state that private groups would have nothing to worry about if there was nothing for them to hide.
It seems like people on both sides here are pushing the same idea, and some of the responses in support of either side scare the spit out of me.
Yes, this is msotly to do with posts I've seen in Secret society forums, the problem is just how similar the comments I've seen are.