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'Israeli nukes threaten world'

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:19 PM

An Iranian diplomat says the Israeli crimes committed against Gazans should alarm the world about the threat of Israel's nuclear arsenal.

Geneva-based Iranian diplomat Ali-Reza Moayyeri said Tuesday that Israel's extreme measures against Gazan civilians should bring world attention to the threat posed by Tel Aviv's stockpile of nuclear warheads.

“No word can do justice to the extent of Israel's war crimes in the Gaza over the past three weeks,” said Moayyeri.

Although Israel neither denies nor admits of possessing an atomic arsenal, former US President Jimmy Carter has described Tel Aviv as the sole possessor of a nuclear arsenal in the Middle East.

Moayyeri said that Israel's refusal to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and its nuclear weapons program should be the cause of serious concern for Middle Eastern countries.

Tel Aviv has so far refused to join the NPT or submit its nuclear installations to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards.

Isael has nukes? Considering their actions of late, this should be of great concern to us all. I would not doubt their willingness to use them at the drop of a hat if they get angry enough at someone.

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[edit on 2/18/2009 by Badge01]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:51 PM
Israel has had nukes for a very long time. But Iran calling them out? Ha ha ! Reminds me of the kid who got caught trying to steal a cookie ratting out the kid who got one.
The big difference here is Iran has made blatant threats to perform genocide on the Jewish people. The Israelis, although not always the good guys, are trying to stop a faction from attacking them. Agree with the means or not, those are the facts.
A nuclear Iran would be very scary!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Hmmm I would say that Israel has done a lot more towards the actualization of genocide than Iran has. At least to date.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by slicobacon
A nuclear Iran would be very scary!

of course it would be scary

for you...

easily intimidated people like you would be scared, but we don't see iranians butchering their minorities (jews included)... nor we have seen iranians waging war on their neighbors...

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro

Originally posted by slicobacon
A nuclear Iran would be very scary!

of course it would be scary

for you...

easily intimidated people like you would be scared, but we don't see iranians butchering their minorities (jews included)... nor we have seen iranians waging war on their neighbors...

I couldnt agree more. In my lifetime i have seen Israel do far more damage to human life than Iran has. I have nothing against Iranians, I'm more than a little wary of Israelis...

If Iran had a nuke, i highly doubt they would use it. Israel on the other hand would be far more willing to use it.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Is has been, is, and will remain the utmost concern that the Zionists possess nukes! Given Israel's VERY shaky "play-nice with the world" record, the Zionists goals of basically controlling the ME and their overly heavy-handed tactics of "Self-defense" - I would say that they have the highest propensity of actually using one compared to other nations. Take that in account along with the fact that Zionists have somehow been involved in most major world conflicts and you have a recipe that spells D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R for mankind!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Irony on!
Of course Zionist were involved in all major conflicts. I mean Zionism exists only for two hundred years but it was somehow involved in all the wars humanity had since Adam and Eve. Those bastards took Troy, they are the reason for Babylonian, Assyrian,Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Chinese, Roman and ctr wars. All the rest of humanity are cute white furry rabbits. If not for those damn Zionists.
Irony off.
And on topic - if there was any crysis more threatening world then Cuban missile crysis then please, remind me. Wonder how you going to pull by ears Zionists causing that? Oh i forgot Castro,Khrushchev and Clinton are (were) a devoted Zionists.
Edit: Since irony is sometimes gets lost in the written form:

[edit on 21-1-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:11 PM
I've always been more wary of Israel than any other nation, mainly because Israels the only one that wants to bully around and make themselves known. Israel having Nukes is old school; the fact that we have been pushing Iran to go through the Nuclear Treaties and not Israel is hilarious.

All the Gaza conflict accomplished was pushing those of us that were on the fence about the Zionist regime to fall to the other side. My personal prayers are with the Palestinians, the Jews in Israel...not really no.

Edit*- China and Russia don't count, they are heavy weights...plain and simple, as well they know how to play the Politics game.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Riviera]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Oh goody. Another 'Lets bash Israel' post.

How pathetic! Don't you guys have anything better to do with your time than to think up new ways of whipping up a frenzied storm of anti Jewish

For the record the Zionists, as Zeroknowledge called them, were not around at the time of Alexander The Great, neither were they around at the time the ancient City of Troy was sacked.

It may have escaped your limited intelligence Zeroknowledge, but the Zionists did not take part in the sacking of Rome nor the Peleponese Wars.

To the best of my knowledge and correct me if I am wrong, but the Zionists were not the cause of the American Civil War and neither did they try to tell the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

As to Israel being hell bent of domination of the ME, as Kozmo states, lets take a closer look at who owns and does what:

1. The Arab nations occupy some 13,486,861 square kilometers.

2. Israel occupies just 20,770 square kilometers - inc occupied West Bank.

3. The GNP of all Arab nation combined is some 1,195.49 Billion US dollars.

4. The GNP of Israel is just 110.20 Billion US dollars.

5. Population of the Arab counties combined (as of 2001) equalled some
292,400,267 million persons.

6. The Israeli population (as of 2001) numbered just 5,938,093 persons.

Hardly stacks up in Israel's favour, now does it?

Another curious fact that you Zionist haters may not know is that since the Roman occupation of Israel, especially the occupation of Jerusalem, Arabs and Jews alike have flocked to the region in their thousands, to seek work.

Some things never change. Arab and Jew alike are still going in to Israel today, in search of a better way of life and a secure job.

Funny how they can't get a decent home or job within the 20 odd Arab countries that surround Israel.

Another thing that is funny inan ironic sort of way, is that of the so called Palestinian Refugees. Since 1949, the puny State of Israel has been at war with it's Arab neighbours, in one way shape or form.

Since 1949 and especially the 6 Day War, Arab Jews fled across the borders of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, to settle in so called Refugee Camps. Why are these Arab Jews still living in shanty towns or refugee camps?

Israel does not keep them there. Israel does not force the governments of the those Arab countries to keep these people in camps or tented cities.

Grock, you are as mad as a hatter if you think Israel will use her 'bomb' willy-nilly.

In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel was 4 hours away from being totally defeated by Egypt and Syria - alone.

Nodoby and I repeat, nobody stood by Israel. Not the French, we Brits or their so called allies, the Americans.

Russia on the other hand, was re-arming Egypt at such a rate, that she was diverting brand new Sagger ATGW units to the ME together with new shoulder launched SAMS.

Egypt crossed the Suez Canal and stormed through the Bar Lev Line whilst the Syrians almost stopped the Israeli Golani Brigade cold.

Israel was losing more men, tanks and aircraft than she could replace. Even reservists were rushed straight to the front - often from home.

In other words Grock, when Israel had the motive to use her nuclear weapon, she chose not to and instead defeated another two Arab nations through superior tactics and leadership.

Israel will not use her nuclear weapons - unless some Hammas or Hezbollah crazy get a nuclear device from Russia.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by damwel
I would say that Israel has done a lot more towards the actualization of genocide than Iran has. At least to date.

Considering that Israel has had nukes for a long time and hasn't used them .... considering that Iran wants nukes and has essentially promised to wipe Israel off the map .... I'd say you are wrong.

BTW - Israel is NOT committing genocide in the Gaza. Not even close. A few hundred are dead. Mostly because terrorists hide in civilian centers. If Israel was committing genocide, they'd turn the Gaza into glass.

Get a grip people.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:14 PM
eryone uses the term, turn to glass or into a parking lot like it's no big deal, once you detonate a nuclear device over a population it is more than just turning it to glass.
You have world condemnation, you have fallout and you also have land that you can't use due to radiation.
as far as genocide goes, who says it has to be done in one go, most british ruled countries tried to wipe out indigionous poplulations through all different means, they didn't just shoot them all. it is not about killing a race of people, it is about killing the way of life as well as tradition and belief ststem

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by fritz

Im willing to bet that if Israel had nukes during the 6 day war they would have used them, even though the conflict only lasted 6 days.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
eryone uses the term, turn to glass or into a parking lot like it's no big deal, once you detonate a nuclear device over a population it is more than just turning it to glass.
You have world condemnation, you have fallout and you also have land that you can't use due to radiation.
as far as genocide goes, who says it has to be done in one go, most british ruled countries tried to wipe out indigionous poplulations through all different means, they didn't just shoot them all. it is not about killing a race of people, it is about killing the way of life as well as tradition and belief ststem

By my estimation, since 1950 Israel has lost around 3000 people to terrorist attacks according to this graph:

Estimations are that Israel has between a 3:1 and 4:1 ratio of killing Palestinians. So a high estimate of Palestinians killed by Israel since 1950 would be around 12,000. Approximately 3.8 million Palestinians reside in the Israel area currently.

So, even if Israel were to kill 12,000 Palestinians alone this year it would only amount to 0.3% of the population.......and Israel has killed that number over a 50 year period........

You guys and your ideas of Israel committing genocide are crazy. Just crunch a few estimated numbers here and there and it is quite obvious Israel isn't trying to wipe out the Palestinian people.......

Some more random statistics that uphold ratios presented and estimations of people killed. (Oh, and this is even an anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian site)

[edit on 22-1-2009 by Bugman82]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by Grock Im willing to bet that if Israel had nukes during the 6 day war they would have used them, even though the conflict only lasted 6 days.

Grock, I would love to carry on this battle of wits, but you are obviously ill-equipped.

Why should Israel use a nuclear device when she totally destroyed 4 Arab armies and airforces in just under six days?

Get real and please stop posting such drivel.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:17 AM

It is widely reported that Israel had two bombs in 1967, and that Prime Minister Eshkol ordered them armed in Israel's first nuclear alert during the Six-Day War.

from here.

I say let history speak for itself. Israel had the bomb then and didn't use it, what makes people think that they will use it now? I suggest that people who are afraid that Israel might use its nukes read up on the Samson Option. I guess the only time the world will see mushroom clouds from Israeli nukes detonated in anger will be when Israel and the Zionists feel threatened with annihilation by their neighbors.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro

of course it would be scary

for you...

easily intimidated people like you would be scared, but we don't see iranians butchering their minorities (jews included)... nor we have seen iranians waging war on their neighbors...

Yeah what was that war again?
8 Year war ?
How many millions died again?

I'm surprised people get shocked that Israel has nukes. They have had nukes!

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by toreishi
I guess the only time the world will see mushroom clouds from Israeli nukes detonated in anger will be when Israel and the Zionists feel threatened with annihilation by their neighbors.

Naa israel ain't gona hurt US by destroying all the oil and gas rich countries.

Sometimes i think to myself after facing something like holocaust, why did the jews decide to migrate to a place that is very hostile to them.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Grock

If Iran had a nuke, i highly doubt they would use it.

Yeah ok Lets give these guys the bomb and see what they will do with it

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:42 AM
I wonder how many innocent people have been killed in Iraq due to Iran's support and supplying of militants in Iraq over the past few years...a hell of a lot more than have unfortunately died in Gaza.
I am a lot more worried about Iran having nuclear technology and using it than the Israelis who have had nuclear weapons for decades and despite nearly been defeated still didnt use them..

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:16 AM
As its been said a couple times. Israel has HAD nuclear weapons. They wont use them until its a very very very last resort. I would be a lot more worried if Iran had nuclear weapons. Plus for the person who said that Iran hasnt invaded its neighbors and killed a whole bunch of people...there hasnt been a group right next door saying Iran doesnt deserve to exist, launching rockets into its population centers....just saying.

And since im almost positive this is going to come up at some WAS NOT the United States who gave them the info, and the tech, and the equipment.

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