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Avoid the medical establishment if you can

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:28 AM
After watching Eustace Mullins' little video Murder By Injection, and Dr. Len Horowitz' video In Lies We Trust, and the video about the Hoxsey treatment, then reading about Royal Raymond Rife, Rick Simpson's Hemp Oil, etc., I am now absolutely convinced the Medical Establishment, which includes the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the AMA, the FDA, the NIH, and others is absolutely corrupt beyond measure.

Of course, for all this blatant corruption to be allowed to continue, it necessarily means that the Department of Justice, headed up by the Attorney General, along with the FBI, the Supreme Court, every U.S. Senator, and member of the House of Representatives must all be corrupt or too afraid to say or do anything about it. Regardless, NONE of our elected officials or any of our highest ranking leaders are doing the right thing, or anything at all.

The Medical Establish was monopolized by John D. Rockefeller nearly 100 years ago and his family has worked hard to keep things just as corrupt and even more profitable ever since. Of course, David Rockefeller is a big supporter of the population reduction movement as well. The more dead people, the better, especially when they are making billions in profits from radiation and chemotherapy which don't work, only kill.

These criminals have been systematically making us weaker, sicker, and less intelligent by poisoning our water with fluoride, poisoning our food with things like aspartame, and spraying heavy metals like barium to poison our air supply.

How do we fight against this evil system which seems to be so all pervasive?
The best way I have found is to walk it and talk it. Tell everyone you meet about at least something they need to learn more about, even while they're rolling their eyes at you.

I tell people about the poisoning of our water, food, and air. Then I show them some scientifically engineered natural ingredients, herbs, berries, etc, which can help counteract the malicious poisoning and help keep our immune systems as strong as possible.

Just keep learning, sharing, and praying. Forgive these criminals for they know not what they do. They are children of God, just as we all are, yet they have forgotten this most important fact. Remind them whenever possible. Psalms 82:6

Bless You with Love,


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:39 AM
I have to agree with you, get the same reaction when i talk to people about the same thing. my 2 yr old daughters doctor looked at me like i was crazy when i asked the question about mercury in vaccines. then she said are you serious, i told her do look like a person that would joke about somthing like that. when i left the office pissed she then ask my wife that i not return, i told my wife that if anything happened to my healthy little girl, hell has no fury compared to what i would bring down on that doctors office. i don't believe in flu vaccinations it is just a ploy , when you see health people go from feeling great to having the flu somthing is wrong with this picture.

God Bless All Humanity,

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Back in the old days using herbs, roots and other plants to cure your ailments was the norm and is a knowledge mostly gone and the pill companies aren't in any big hurry to bring it back. I can imagine books on the subject from days gone by where rounded up by Pharmacutical companies and researched to see what free natural cures could be made into a pill and sold. I'm sure most of the drugs they've come up with were extracted from some kind of plant to begin with with a few other chemicals added (added because I don't think you can patent what's natural) I guess you can still by the newer books on herbs and remedies and make yourself a cup of tea or eat something that will help you "live longer" but anything that would cure an auctual diesease like cancer or the like is probaly supressed. As for the wealthy elites dying of regular joe-blow dieseases, they can pretty much tell you what they want to in the news. Anyway we're screwed, The cotton and lumber companies demonize hemp because anybody can grow it and it can be used to make paper,clothes, and about a 1000 other things that would be bad for business. Monsanto is modifying crops and the food you eat, the news media feeds us a constant stream of lies and half truths and nobody is or can doing anything about it. Must be all that floride in the water, At least when they find our skulls they"ll have nice teeth.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:00 PM
I do avoid medical interaction, I don't visit the dentist the doctor or anything, that is for a last resort if an ailment I have won't go away naturally


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Here is a thing, there is a huge increase in life span. Despite medical establishment? Or it is one of the reasons for that...
I do not say that it is without problems. I remember also raising a brow and arguing how vaccines are good until one person here on ATS showed me video of a person responsible for first Polio vaccines. Mercury is harmless compared to what was in that stuff.
But there is a reasonable behavior. If one really needs an antibiotic - in vast majority of cases no herbs will help. If there is a high blood pressure and person is incapable/unwilling to change lifestyle - without controlling it with drugs he will live less. Cholesterol - the same. Asthma - how asthmatic can live normal life without inhalers? Diabetes ... And the list is long.
Fearing medical establishment is an overkill. It should be treated with caution. No more.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by korath

Korath, I laughed out loud when I read the line about finding our skulls with nice teeth.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

ZeroKnowledge, you make a lot of sensible points and I agree with you. However, I am referring primarily to the suppression of cancer cures over the past 75 years, while they murder people with radiation and chemotherapy which has been proven to kill, not cure.

Statistically, those who refuse any treatment at all outlive those who subject themselves to radiation and chemotherapy. Plus, treatment is considered a success if the patient lives for 5 years after diagnosis, even if they die one day later.

Those few folks who do recover from cancer do so, in my opinion, because they dramatically change their eating habits coupled with very positive expectations and a strong desire to live.

We don't really know how powerful things like Hemp Oil, Hoxsey, Essiac, Rife, etc. truly can be because of the devils running the medical establishment have outlawed them all.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:57 PM
Other than going to the hospital to birth my children a few years ago I have not been in the medical establishment at all.

I know tons about herbal and alternate medicine, just from my own studies.

It has been enough to cure virtually anything I have had, from the sniffles to a severe abcess in one of my fingers.

While Western medicine has some very redeeming elemts, the medical establishment is nothing but a system set up to get one sick and then keep him sick to milk money.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Here is a thing, there is a huge increase in life span. Despite medical establishment? Or it is one of the reasons for that...
I do not say that it is without problems. I remember also raising a brow and arguing how vaccines are good until one person here on ATS showed me video of a person responsible for first Polio vaccines. Mercury is harmless compared to what was in that stuff.
But there is a reasonable behavior. If one really needs an antibiotic - in vast majority of cases no herbs will help. If there is a high blood pressure and person is incapable/unwilling to change lifestyle - without controlling it with drugs he will live less. Cholesterol - the same. Asthma - how asthmatic can live normal life without inhalers? Diabetes ... And the list is long.
Fearing medical establishment is an overkill. It should be treated with caution. No more.

I have do disagree.

First of all--in my opinion better hygine and sanitation, not so much vaccines is what is responsible for better living and fewer communicable diseases.

For all of those diseases you have listed there are herbal or dietary cures, at the very least aids.

I do not think it would be good for me to list them lest it be misconstrued as unliscensed medical advice, but they are out there.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:21 PM
In my opinion, there is room for both aleopathic and natural medicine....when used correctly, they can compliment one another.

Natural medicine tho, is my first choice, and I have used it extensively. As a breast cancer survivor, I gave aleopathic treatments a couple rounds...never finished chemo, could tell it was "killing" me, as for radiation, all it was going to do was probably create more cancer. But, then again, this was "me"....such treatments "may" work for others...

but then considering we are all very unique and that none of us react all the same to any type of medication, be it aleopathic or herbal, consideration should be given to personalized treatments. The whole idea is to CURE the patient, not make a business out of their ailments.

Here's a quick natural treatment for minor burns/sunburn that has never failed me. Lavender Oil. It is one of the only oils that does not need to be "cut" with a carrier oil and can be applied directly to a burn...I've never blistered (grease splash while cooking, or burning a hand or finger) and it takes away the sting in a few seconds.

It's up to you if you choose to try it. ***This is NOT medical advice*** simply sharing a personal experience.


posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:31 PM
Have you tried aloe vera for sunburns?

IT is better than lavender oil IMO, because when it dries it forms a kind of protective coating over the burn, not unlike Newskin.

They are very easy to grow, too.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:10 PM

I am now absolutely convinced the Medical Establishment, which includes the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the AMA, the FDA, the NIH, and others is absolutely corrupt beyond measure.
reply to post by bwinwright

I'm happy to hear you know all this while the many dedicated professionals in the field have no idea anything conspiratorial is happening!

As a (very) experienced veterinarian, I look at the human medical people as being very serious and dedicated but rarely do you find one of them that is able step back and see the overall view. Most of them are specialists in some small field and even the generalists are specialists. Herbalists, holopaths, homeopaths and nutritionists are themselves specialists.

They specialize because it is impossible to know and understand the entire field. So why expect your doctor or pediatrician to understand the intricacies of neutrasutiacal and herbal medicine? He probably doesn't unless that happened to be an area of interest to him or her. It is looked down upon anyway in human medicine.

I've known many local doctors personally and NONE of them take an interest in these field with only one exception. The one doctor was interested in nutrition from a sports perspective. He was an athlete.

I had a bad case of Brucella (caught long ago from a bovine source) a few years ago. My doctor didn't diagnose it, I had to ask for the test. I had to go on a long and potent course of antibiotics, the only effective treatment. The after affects of all the antibiotics was itself serious. Intestinal discomfort, aches, joint pains, lethargy among other symptoms. The medical profession offered no solution so I took some of my own probiotics ( combination of Lactobacillus and other bacteria), omega fatty acids (fish oil) and double and tripple doses of glucosamino glycans (glucosamine). The effect was nearly immediate! Back to feeling normal when I was about to quit work and retire due to the pain.

The reason all these suppliments work is a long story but they do. They could be worked into treatments by clinicians but it requires years of experience and study. Something few doctors are willing to do.

So my advise is study these things, read all you can from dependable sources (there is a lot of huxterism out there) and keep all your suppliments and herbs within safe dosage limits. Start with low dosages and error on the safe side. I like to go to a website like Pure Encapsulations (Google it) that has a wealth of information about each of their suppliments.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by plumranch
...As a (very) experienced veterinarian, ...

Just curious....

Do you advise your clients to give glucosamine chondroitin to their dogs with hip dysplasia?

Edit to add: You actually caught Brucella?
I was not aware it was transmissable to humans.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:46 PM
I just had to post to thread.
A couple of years ago I began experiencing some symptoms that I won't go into, I don't want to bore you, anyway after many tests including cat scans and spinal taps amongst others, the doctor called me at work and told me that I either had lupus or MS that they would like for me to see a specialist in another city.
I went and saw this specialist , and was given a totally different diagnosis and sent back to my regular dr. for treatment... My doctor, now with 3 different diagnoses proceeds to start writing prescriptions. I asked him what they were for since they weren't sure what was even wrong with me, well, this one is for this and this is for that...anyway I went off and told him I wasn't taking any of that crap until they could tell me exactly what was wrong with me.
A little frustrated with me he then said he didn't blame me and one of the first things that he was taught in medical school was that ALL medication (including over the counter meds) are nothing more than POISON, but with beneficial side effects. Just thought that I would share that.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:00 PM

Do you advise your clients to give glucosamine chondroitin to their dogs with hip dysplasia?
reply to post by sir_chancealot

FYI it's glucosamine HCL and condroitin sulfate. They are members of a class called glucosaminoglycans which are long chain sugars. I've recommended them since about 1985. I usually recommend going on the high side of he dosage at first like 2000 mg/day for a large dog.

No side effects normally. I currently use the Costco product for my arthritic 14 yr old who has bad stifles. Hip dysplasia isn't much different, there are all degrees of severity and every dogs reacts differently.

There was a study done at KSU on one of the first glucosamine formulations and the dogs given it had thicker, whiter cartilege pads in their joints. Pretty convincing.

Don't forget fish oil. It is anti inflamatory and can be given at up to 6 one gram caps daily. My dogs think they are treats!

FYI also, Brucella is an important disease in the under developed world and is contracted from animals, especially infected milk. I got it from the old strain 19 bovine "Bangs" vaccine by accidental needle stab. I'm lucky I remembered the exposure after 35 years!

Good luck!

[edit on 21/1/09 by plumranch]

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