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OMG Must see! this is why Gaza doesnt stop firing rockets! *Warning graphic video*

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by GamerGal

Now, I am replying to you, are you getting the controvercial attention that you need?
Fake baby, I guess their ain't enough dead babies to go around then , huh?

I have never (well, almost never) heard the likes of you spewing ignorance like a badge of honour.
Why could it not be a real baby?
Why would it not be a result of this conflict?
Where is the disrespect? I see respect, respect that this body shows the world an attrocity, and this child did not die without sending a message to the world.

PS, the video is still up.

PS again, you seem to repeat yourself a lot, is that all you got?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:24 PM
This is's not pretty and never will be. The difference is that we all see it now for what it really is. Will we ever figure out another way to settle our differences?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:59 PM

Ok, so far two of us are unable too watch it again, why? Hmm, do you use IE or Mozilla? I use IE.

Check your parental control filter your mother may have it set for strict moderation.

Now to the video there is something about the body that i spotted

The child had to be dead for many hours before the body was burned.

Any body that was just killed and burned will be twisted due to muscles,and ligaments tightening from the heat. a body will twist so much that the joint will come out of there sockets.

This body showed none of that.
that means the body had been dead 12 to 24 hours before it was burned.

It also was burned in a flash fire because the skin is still over the skull, this

skin will burn away within 5 minutes of fire and peal back.

I am staying neutral of whether it is propaganda.

But it looks to me like a body that was burned hours after death.

This is my expert opinion after what i have seen as a EMT for over 30 years.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by ANNED]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:12 PM
Apparantly GamerGal has been banned.

I know the staff frowns on "drama" and all. But a banning? Was that warranted? Hmm.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:44 PM
I didn't click the link...didn't need to nor did I feel it was required.

Vietnam - Photographers purposefully took photos of dead and dying children to capture the heartache of war, and to fuel the propaganda machines that are MSM.

Heroshima - photogs of children dead and dying
Africa (warrtorn areas and areas of terrible famine and disease throughout modern history) children dead and dying.
Iran, Behruit, Jordan, Syraia, Greece, georgia, Germaby, Britain, Ireland, Canada.....every single country on earth that has ever experienced grief on a large scale has relied on photographs and video (film ) of children in the throes of death and dying.

it is a moment captured to postulate the grief, to further a cause (be it wrong or right), to shock and enrage, to gain sympathies and supports....

This isn't a new phenominon, it goes back before video and cameras, goes back to pictograms on cave walls, hyroglyphs and the like...all through human history.

There is also the matter of culture and religious beliefs...that child is a martyr and in their culture it is perfectly acceptable and infact expected that that child should be held up and paraded as such. We in the west consider it distasteful at the very least, because we have entirely different views about death and life.

Do a google search on "child, death" and take a look at all of the millions of photos on the net alone depicting death of children...

A dead child is a powerful message and represents the absolute grief and suffering of a people. All cultures have done this sort of thing ALL.

I think we all need to take a step back, the picture is far bigger than this, and it reaches around the globe. had it been a North American child killed similarly would we not photograph it and display it to get our message across?

just my opinion of it. It's nothing new and the message is clear regardless of what country the child belongs to.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by king Pop!p

I guess I see to much of this stuff all the time that didnt effect me at all.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by ANNED

Then, tell me:
Why doesn't a pig on a spit break bones and twist, or a thanksgiving turkey in the oven?
I don't think it's quite like you say.
Other than that some bones were clearly broken off, but really how much could a torso and a head twist about?


Any body that was just killed and burned will be twisted due to muscles,and ligaments tightening from the heat. a body will twist so much that the joint will come out of there sockets.

OK, sorry, but I still don't buy what you say, but you could be right, I can't disprove you.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Toadmund]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:47 PM
I dnn't know what all my Israeli friend saw on the telly, but she just got back from London and she had no idea of all the atrocities being commited in her country's name in Gaza. She was shocked! All I know is the things she described seeing on the telly in England were much more horrible than I have seen on the telly here in Kentucky. She has an entirely new opinion about Israel's policies on Gaza and the West Bank. Finally she and I have some common ground to speak about on Israel's actions towards the Palestinians.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by ANNED
The child had to be dead for many hours before the body was burned.

Any body that was just killed and burned will be twisted due to muscles,and ligaments tightening from the heat. a body will twist so much that the joint will come out of there sockets.

This body showed none of that.
that means the body had been dead 12 to 24 hours before it was burned.

It also was burned in a flash fire because the skin is still over the skull, this

skin will burn away within 5 minutes of fire and peal back.

I am staying neutral of whether it is propaganda.

But it looks to me like a body that was burned hours after death.

This is my expert opinion after what i have seen as a EMT for over 30 years.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by ANNED]

I have to agree, this does seem like it was burned long after death. Also it seems to be a flash fire too because parts are not falling off.

In the case of a structure fire victim we sometimes have to hit the body with a fire extinguisher to make them cold enough so they stay together for transport.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:01 PM
America, along with Us-backed forced did the same thing, a thousand fold in Iraq. There was no justice for the innocent Iraqi's, there will be no justice for the innocent palestinians.

I feel ashamed to be human, nothing will come of this except for more death. Israel should be wiped off the map again. Give the jews an island to call their homeland not land preowned.

I would like to see another country dare to destroy UN facilities, Aid and medical Depots and not get into trouble. For a 60 year old country that should not be acceptable.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Toadmund
reply to post by ANNED

Then, tell me:
Why doesn't a pig on a spit break bones and twist, or a thanksgiving turkey in the oven?

Because of the heat. Throw that turkey in a structure fire that is burning in excess of a few thousand degrees and you will see the difference.

A flash fire is intense but the duration is short.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:52 PM
That video is so sad, it makes me worry about my own son. The thought that they completely disregard this child's dignity by parading his poor little corpse bothers me just as much. If that was my child , yes I would fight until death - but my child would have been laid to rest with love and dignity first. Losing a child is every parent's worst should never for any reason be put on display.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by jam321

it was hard to watch but you are right about the Hamas propeganda.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

This made my blood boil!!!!! This is my issue with the bible right there!!!!!!! It is a book written by MEN justifying their murderous need for conquest and domination.
Yet those that cry the loudest of the truth of the bible and the horrors of abortion are in full support of Zionist Israel. HYPOCRITES>

How quickly they forget the horrors of Nazi Germany, how quickly. This is the kind of filth that makes the religions stemming from Abraham and the Torah so repulsive to the rest of the world. And this is a loving god????? Are you kidding me, really.

If this is the attitude of the people of Israel, which I just pray it is not, then it is no wonder, no wonder at all that they keep bombing. If the Iraqis, or the people from Afghanistan were to drop a few on Washington since Washington drops them on them, you would all be screaming about the innocents, what about these poor people that are trapped in there. There is no justification for their behavior, none at all.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by king Pop!p

err NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it is the firing of rockets that CAUSES israli retaliation

no rockets , no retaliation - its a very simple concept

and anyone who attempts to respond to this - please do not even THINK about babbling about ` the blockade ` and ` suppression of human rights `

because i do not deny they occur - but rockets do not lift the blockade -

rockets cause continuing blockade AND retaliatory airstrikes

stupid hamas just made things worse

and as for the blockade - just ask yourself how much food and other relief supplies could be smuggled in - if hamas stoped smuggling munitions

it really is commical - thier people are allegedly short of basic ammenities , so hamas digs smugglers tunnels to egypt , ah allah be praised think the gazans - the tunnels will bring relief supplies - but none appear - what is happening they ask - we have rockets now beam hamas

utter utter stupidity

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:05 AM
Jeez, listening to the Zionist apologists is appalling. Arguing over the exact death toll when you know damn well it's at least over 1000 which is genocide? And demanding proof of each death? Go to hell along with your criminal buddies in israel.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by -NewSense-
This is what happens.

Yes it is, unfortunately. Not just Gaza but other war zones too.

When you hear of a civilian area being bombed, that baby is what happens. Most people don't understand it because they've never seen it.

As horrible as that video was, it's important for people to see, so they can understand what bombs really do.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:33 AM
Let's see, Hamas agrees to a cease fire, but doesn't actually cease firing?

Hmmm. I'm glad that these guys don't strap bombs on kids and send them into markets. Oh, wait, they do!

Hamas has no regard for life, of any kind, theirs, their kids, yours, your kids.

Who knows how that kid in the pics was killed? Could have been an Israeli air strike, it could just as easily been a wayward Hamas rocket.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by CapsFan8

Yes, who would ask for proof? Who needs proof?

If that is your attitude then why stop at 1000? Let's put a big 0 on the end and now it's 10,000 but why not 100,000?

Numbers have no meaning without something to back them up. That is what we call proof.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by lunarminer

Isn't that the same as saying 6000 Jews in Germany and putting 000 at the end and making it 6,000,000? Where is the proof. the name, date of birth, religion, time of death, cause of death, DNA analysis, bone count, etc....

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. Adolf Hitler

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