posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:19 AM
It seems that humans as a whole like to think of themselves as the ones that can make or break the very earth we live on. We are constantly trying to
figure out why we are here and what what we are going to do while we are here. Now the only way we keep track of our existence is through books,
scriptures, paintings and many other written down statements. This is our history, a point in which we can remind ourselves of past involvement with
each other and other technological advancements in how we live. Now if we take that into context and look at what we have achieved as the modern race
of human life. You can see that we are not doing to bad!
Scientists like to use the term, theory. They us this a lot, makes them seem intelligent and makes them feel important. Remember this is just a
glorified name for 'idea' and if we look at all our past 'theories' about the universe, we see that we do not know anything, really. Mostly
everything is based of ideas, elaborate ones at that. I understand that most 'theories' are sculptured from science and studies carried out on a
grand scale but who is to say that those tests or observations where conducted correctly!? What I am trying to put forward is that everything in which
we design and build is constructed from trial and error instances. If its right, its right but if its wrong. Then we could we running down a path in
which there is no end. We are merely guessing......
It really does seem like everyone is trying to be the first to find 'the' answer, to everything. Now there is nothing wrong in that but in that
process we get the dead ends. Just like our beloved 2012 ideas.........The only information in which makes this date even an importance is because we
looked at Mayan calendars and made our assumptions about what it could mean. Again, another idea/theory that we like to staple to each others heads as
an importance or something we need to understand. Lets put it this way, the earth has lived for more then 4 billion years. We have only supposedly
inhabited this planet for 200,000 years of the 4 billion its been alive and now we feel its going to end!? What, because of us? So the earth has not
already been through some of the most devastating events!? Think about it, our understanding is not a understanding. Just like the bible, its a
guess... A stab at what could be, not what is. We try to fix everything, extinction of animals.....Just another attempt from us arrogant humans to
control nature. We always state that we must save the planet! We do not even know how to save ourselves. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the
planet. The planet is fine, its been that way for 4 Billion years. Its not going to change now, tomorrow or in the next 1.000.000 years. This process
is much larger then you or I could ever comprehend. Stop thinking about end day, as that day will never come. You need to be worrying about others
humans ending your life, not the earth we live on!
[edit on 21-1-2009 by TheWorldNeedsPeace]