reply to post by Locoman8
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal
or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal
conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I
accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!
UPFRONT Personal Disclosure:
Explanation: 1stly you state and I quote "To OmegaLogos from the OP, I don't care about your disclaimers or all the other excess junk stated before
your messages."...Well then please don't squeal and whine when you completely IGNORE it and I show you up on this OK.
For example ... and again I quote you "How can you sit there at your little computer and type up such a waste of thread space to basically say all
you needed to say in "all I believe in is the books of Moses".... the end.".
Guess what?
IT'S SHOWTIME!!! and I quote my DISCLAIMER " I'm a theist but
not of the Abrahamic faiths." with bold for emphasis!
Now as to wasted thread space I note that I have yet to be "mod'ed" [
as to being "off topic" and please provide some evidence to back up your A PRIORI claims that you make about my post/s.
2ndly you state and I quote "Half the time, I can't understand what you write because of your lack of proper grammar."...How nice of you to
Ad Hominen me. Here is
a helping hand to help translate my posts ....
3rdly you state and I quote "You talk about denying ignorance yet the BTS slogan is to "deny boredom" and all I got from your message was
boredom."...All you got was boredom you say. Hmmmm! Well methinks that some (already one) posters may find what I posted to be and I quote
"OmegaLogos WoW. You sure have thought a lot about this stuff. I enjoyed reading it. A lot of good pionts i can think about
" i.e. to be Denying
their Boredom! Care to refute? Also your post clearly proves your boredom was DENIED because something I posted sure stirred you to post your curt
reply to me where you just fob off my post without answering ANY of the questions I asked. If you were that bored then why reply to me at all.
There is an ignore button FYI. :shk:
4th you state and I quote "Instead you went through this long spill about how all of the new testament is wrong and how all but the Torah of the old
testament is false but you really have no more hard evidence than any one of us "christians". My argument involves the New and Old Testaments and if
you don't believe in 34 of the OT books or any of the NT books, how can we discuss the topic at hand? If you don't believe in Jesus, so be it but my
post was meant for Jesus believeing christians, weather they believe in my post or not.".....No more hard evidence?
I've barely got started !
Do you really want me to debunk Moses and the Torah as well and leave you YHVH worshipers NO LEG TO STAND ON? Because I have BOTH scriptural
evidence (ie. the Torah vs the Torah) and historic evidence (i.e. the Torah vs Science ). Please give me a green light on this and I'll gladly
debunk away as best I can. Also my argument also involved the NT and the OT and I note that the OP only used 1 OT scripture (twice!) and that was Gen
1:1 and the rest of the time the OP uses NT scripture from various versions of the bible, where as I use a slightly more balanced approach and use
many of the same scriptures posted in the OP (therefor 90%+ NT) and balance that out with scripture from YOUR very own bibles OT (It's not just me
promoting this view as YOUR bibles back me up), specifically the Torah! Also you jump the gun and judge me prematurely as I do believe in Jesus, just
not as how the OP promotes him. I note that the only thing in the OP that comes close to what you state in that final sentence I quote above is and I
quote "I would love to get some opinions because I know there are trinitarian believers and this article disagrees with the trinity." ...and yes it
[the booklet the OP quotes from] does disagree with the trinity, but it completely goes against
Unitarianism i.e. A Monotheistic (singular) GOD (YHVH) and since the OP doesn't directly exclude
me (either personally or directly as a non-Abrahamic theist) from denying both boredom and ignorance concerning its PRIMA FACIE arguments , I posted
with a clean conscience where as you are ONLY just now revealing more parameters ( i.e. Christian thread only and trinitarian at that!) some 20 posts
5th You state and I quote "Miriam is a good example. She opposes some of my stuff and puts up a good fight in doing so but you have come here and
flat-out offend me and other christians here with your rhetoric."...miriam0566
is a brilliant poster and argues her points with me with passion and vigor so we agree on this 100%. As to flat out offending anybody, that would be
up to the Mod's [
] to decide whether I have inappropriately flamed or harmed anybody and my post would then be obviously replaced by the
appropriate "decorum and manners" banner!. If you have such a problem with me or my post, I suggest involving a mod to resolve these issues! Also I
would like these other Christians to please speak up for themselves, especially since you seem to be the 1st person who has either publicly had a
problem with me and my post in this thread! Got anybody to back you up?
6th You state and I quote "Deny Ignorance? I thing you're being more ignorant than I."...I'll leave that to the Mod's and other posters to decide
Continued next post below....