posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:51 PM
It's a very interesting subject matter that is very personal. I too have memories of one particular thing that has caused me to wonder if it was a
dream or a tangible experience - and it was one that scared the beejeezus outta me and still does. I wake up and have to leap outta bed so I dont
think about it anymore.
I'd prefer to have experienced a UFO, certainly, however, how is my event more or less scary than your own? I'd probably be as scared within dreams
or thoughts as you are in your experiences, the grass is greener in madness lol
A friend saw me experience my fear during waking hours and suggested I see a "doctor" for anxiety and I refuse on the grounds that I have been me
for so long now, no dependancy on substance or counsellling for Psycho-I-Understand-The-Curicullum-Ive-Been-Indoctrinated-Into BS. I can take this and
so can you.
[edit on 20-1-2009 by ichienkai]