Hello, this is the most depressing existential thread ever.
Only people with self-distance, strong belief and calm inner sense should read and reply to it...
If you
really think about this topic to come, you might be very depressed.
something happen, say, something rather devastating for times to come; how many of you would be done for?
I mean, have your absolute worst case scenario displayed for your inner eye, and picture what you would do and how likely the chances for survival
For me, personally; I have like one (1) pretty lame evacuation plan. It is not too far away, you could walk there. Without any cataclysm/major
upheaval going about, it would take you a day or so. I deem it rather safe after much research. If only "social disasters" was to happen (massive
riots, total destruction of the state), I can easily sit it out on my location.
But there are other scenarios that make me realize that if something major, something really, really bad would happen... I guess I would be pretty
damn done for...
In general, we are very well spared from major natural disasters, there could be floods of course, but I am located high up, there could be storms and
such, but not as bad as on the west coast...
But this
other threat is a problematic one:
Being located on the coast of the Baltic sea, we have numerous outdated nuclear plants in the vicinity.
In 1986 when the Chernobyl plant went off, we could measure the fallout on our soil, and it was severe, especially in northern parts of Sweden.
Berries and mushrooms could not be picked for years, wild game could not be eaten... And Chernobyl is very far away from us... This was long time ago,
but substantial radioactive pollution still remains in the areas worst affected. We have
exact copies of that plant in Lithuania and in the
St. Petersburg area. Oil and gas is becoming expensive and more scarce, they turn those bastards up on high speed....
These disasters are known to be swift, silent and extremely deadly. The plant goes crazy, meltdown impossible to avoid, wind direction straight into
my face, might be storming even and keep doing so for a week (normal weather), rain...total pollution. For miles. For thousands of years...
Yeah, I would be pretty done for. I live in a city with roughly 2 million inhabitants, suburbs included....great stuff.
What warnings in advance would I have? Can I have one hour or less? I would barely make it half-way to my location. Traffic would freak out totally,
people would have a very hard time complying. Our government SUCKS on dealing with such issues. I understand that any effort would be well intended,
but I rely the
least on their intervention saving my life.
It would be impossible to go out doors, for weeks. All water would polluted. Evacuation would be extremely hard and slow.
I guess that if so is written on your path, there is no avoidance of fate.
I will not go down without a fuzz though! If something happens, I will go out BLAZIN'!!!
Take a look at your local situation.
Ice Storms that last for months on end, maybe longer that the season even.
Major earthquakes, unprecedented since the beginning of the planet.
Volcanic eruptions, maybe series of them. Might have global impact.
Draught so severe, fresh water is a scarce luxury.
Floods and tsunamis or mudslides.
...or whathave you.
If you picture yourself in the midst of it. Do some research even:
How bad was it last time my area was affected?
How bad was it the "worst ever"-time it affected my area?
How much time in advance did the alarms go off, if any?
How much have warning systems been improved since then?
Did the warnings help much, or did it just become mass-hysteria?
If you ask yourself, are you actually done for?
I don't say that it is very likely that
you would be affected, now even ever, but who knows?
Worst case, for the whole lot of us, would be a global disaster where no refuge is to be found at all. Still, wonderful opportunity to
go out
Would be interesting to see how many of us lives on "borrowed time" just like I do!
Thanks for your attention, peace be with you.