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we would never be invaded by any other inteligent life

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posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:06 PM
For man to leave their world= it requires very advance technology, it is not easy to brake the speed of light or construct technology that could manipulate dimensions, the technology of our planet it is just beginning to grow .
Technology grows and becomes highly advance every second , every minute , every day , every year.
The speed of light takes hundreds and hundreds of years to reach the distance of other stars,
but can time and distance be manipulate by future technology? I don�t know ,but what I know is= that time is what it takes for technology to improve and become advance.

Do u think we could survive to the next century with so much technology and so much hate,
do u think nuclear energy is the most destructive energy that has been discover or will be discover?
Why does people think that there are evil aliens surrounding us.
I read a book from this child who claims to be an alien, he wrote 3 books by dictating it to a human child by telepathy,
he say�s that= no civilisation could depart to other worlds without understanding the science of spirituality,
he say�s that = is very unlikely for a world to construct advance technology machines that could travel to other stars without sorting hate, divisions of countries and suffering conditions ,
he say�s that= a world without sorting this big problems will be self destroyed before reaching a technology advance enough to leave their planet
He also say�s its hundred times easier to discover small energies like the nuclear and to discover many more that will be even more powerful, than creating space ships to other stars.

And I thought he is right because it will be a bit of a coincidence for humans to survive 100 world wars.
I mean = we had 2 world wars in just one century this where the first big dangerous wars,
could u imagine a third world war on this century with all this advance technology we have today= IF U ARE INTERESTED INTO TO SEEING SECRET WEAPONS AND SECRETE STUFF FROM GOVERMENTS YOU COULD WAIT UNTILL THAT DAY

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:31 PM
Can't assume that an alien culture will be the same as ours. Technological achievment doesn't have to coinside with spiritual development.

Also, how come the genius alien kid had to dictate his story "telepathically" to another kid? You would think an alien child that smart could type.

While I think it unlikely that contact with an alien race would be hostile, never put it past any species to want to dominate another.


posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:34 PM
In a couple hundred years we may possibly be the aliens to other unknown worlds and lifeforms.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:36 PM

In a couple hundred years we may possibly be the aliens to other unknown worlds and lifeforms.

Good point...and heaven help them


posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:55 PM
Spirituality is the last thing we need. It only leads to hate, a larger ego and it subjects people to fear of change.
As for nuclear stuff, I am sure one of you has heard of the lights appearing at a colorado military base and shortly after all their nukes were disarmed. And another incident in which a missle was launched and some thing went by and shot light at it. Are we being overlooked. Anyways I am still skeptical of alien on earth existence. Those were clearly acts to prevent nuclear war, so whoever did that is probably still around. Assuming they weren't some stupid hoaxes or lies.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:06 PM
Another good example of aliens "non hostile" behaviour is the Teheran UFO story. Classic case...

The airship mentionned did warn the fighters but actually never did any wrong to them...

If we had to be invaded/colonized by a waaaaaaaay more advanced civilization, that is considering that that one civilization has already been visiting us for a long time, then we would not be of this world anymore now!

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:23 PM
Religion causes problems. Just look at Iraq, it will be many years before the shiites and sunnis can put their differences behind them and grow together and build a great nation. Or they may never put their differences behind them. I am not a fan of religion or organized religion.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Freedom Fighter
Religion causes problems. Just look at Iraq, it will be many years before the shiites and sunnis can put their differences behind them and grow together and build a great nation. Or they may never put their differences behind them. I am not a fan of religion or organized religion.

Religion also solves problems, not everyone is commited to killing each other in the name of thier religion or belief. I agree sometimes it interferes but its not totally sublime in nature and certainly not every religious person is a fanatic

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:28 PM
Religion is only a temporary solution. Sacraficing knowledge for ignorance and selfish piece of mind.
Like I said in another post predatory animals(fairly advanced ones)
have eyes in the front of their head and prey has eyes on the side. Any species with Predatory eyes should be viewed with more caution. It really makes no sense that such an advanced race of aliens would look so human. With all that mind power they can easily compute more eyes. If there are aliens on earth it, it should be considered they are predators. Unless our image of them is wrong.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:37 PM
Well you see the thing that most people on this board fail to realize is that they speculate rather then use the scientific knowledge that is available to them. An ET need not ever travel the speed of light to reach our planet, there are many ways possible to cover large distances in small amounts of "Time". For instance a Wormhole (speculation) would allow one to travel through a bend in space/time caused by a sever gravity hit. Also as you approach the speed of sound which is the maximum speed one may go at any time in regular space, time begins to slow down. Meaning that if you fly to Mars at the speed of light and come back, you will have aged around 1 minute (est.) but here on earth it would seem as if you were gone for 1 hour. This is how relativity works on a small scale, now a much larger one would be to say if you travel to Alpha Centauri, it may take you 200 Earth years and it will have aged (The Planet and it's in habitants) 200 years but you would have only aged maybe 6 months? We don't fully yet know if time stops completely at SOL, but we do know it slows down and at around 99.5 percent the speed of light it drops about 97% of time out of the problem.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:59 AM
Dude, that is sixth grade physics. And, are you sure you meant sound? And the ratio is not 1 minute to one hour. Infact that makes no sense.
You speak like you know relativity when you know squat.

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