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We don't deserve this country

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:50 AM
We have become the America we are because people don't fear the wrath of God anymore, unbelievers, seperation of church and state, abortion, sexuality the way it plays today, America has fallen away from us, it is not the wonderful place it was, people saying we are part of god and that he isn't anything, I just want to say in this article, if your a homosexual, thanks for this, if your a athiest, thanks for this, if your a person who stopped going to church, once again thanks for this. I seriously want to become Amish, at least they know what America really is, I want to be Amish. I can throw away my ipod, forget the internet, go live with people that marry the opposite sex in a church before God, I can dream of children playing in the fields with wooden toys, not texting eachother nude pics of themselves , or doing drugs in the bathroom. And it will be ok to spank my kid when he mouths off. This is America, too late to repair it, might as well just commit suicide, cause of freedom this country will be enslaved. What really pisses me off is there are agnostics out there that will fricken drive to area 51 to wait for aliens to give them meaning in life and then at the same time ignore the beauty of the children that God gave them. I hope America as it is burns to the ground, and I don't believe it is the retelling of the rizing of the phoenix, we will stay down, because we are corrupt and GoDless. We are the infidels as the Arabs call us. We are. If I ever get my hand on a time machine, I would nuke california for its free thought generation that totally screwed america in the backside.

now its a broke gangland welfare state type deal waiting to throw us all into martial law so we can be hauled off to gas chambers and killed cause we are all worthless lying wastes of humanity who turned our backs on the lord, I envy the Arabs for being pure in there living rules and religion, at least they have that core to hold them on a progressive future.

I am done with this nations people full of every kind of I got to act cooler than the next guy and I saw how on tv crap. We all will burn.

Goodbye America...

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:58 AM
So, it's everyone's fault except the Christians ( and the Amish?) that this country is going to hell in a handbasket, ? Is that what you are saying?

[edit on 20-1-2009 by virraszto]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by NOTANWOFOLLOWER

wow. how nice and lovely and endearing of you to say. Just so you know, I was raised catholic/christian, and its judgemental, fear-mongering people like YOU that make me question whether I want to be a part of this religion. I believe in love and kindness to ALL....not bitterness and threats. And yes, I do believe in God. But not the God that you portray him to be.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:29 AM
As religious as you are sounding what is happening in America should not be bothering you. Or did you stop reading right before Revelations. For you to believe that America and the world would be different than what it is if the masses stayed with God you are being naïve. If you believe like I think you do then you should know through the scriptures that this is the direction the world was going to go. American people, homosexuals, people who stopped going to church, Atheist didn’t cause your problems. I recommend you reread Revelations. Then you will realize that this was going to happen no matter what. So quit taking your fears out on everybody else.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:29 AM
Christianity against homosexualism is the biggest contradictory in the history of this Earth. How can people claim to be good Christains and hate homosexuals at the same time?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by NOTANWOFOLLOWER

If there's something you admire about Islam, then let it be "There is no compulsion in religion."

You cannot force others to think like you and you cannot punish others for not believe what you believe, or else it becomes oppression.

God gave us free will - the choice to make a good or bad decision, but also to learn from any bad decision. If everyone made the same choices, it would not be free will.

If you want to cherish a gift from God, cherish free will and the idea that everyone has free will.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 01:35 AM
Dude, us non religious people didn't cause your problems. You can't keep blaming your problems on people who aren't religious. You can't keep blaming the problems of the world on people who don't believe in a religion and people who you think to act godless.

I don't believe in religion... I believe in God... but to say that the country's problems are caused by lack of faith... is just such a blatant false statement I don't really know where to begin.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by Frankidealist35]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:34 AM
If you feel that way then start growing your beard get some black clothes,sell your car and buy a horse and buggy. I am sure us godless Americans will miss you. I find your statement absolutely offensive.

1. The Amish are no better in their religion than anyone else.
2. Lack of separation of church and state have caused many of todays problems.

3. Your statements are irrational and lack any basis in fact.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:47 AM
These types of views are the real problem. "It's everyone else's fault but mine/us." Everybody wants to blame everyone else for what's wrong, and nobody does anything to fix it. If you love theocracy so much, go live in a Muslim country and see what happens to you. Why do you think they're all trying to get the hell out of there? And don't blame the atheists. We are tired of getting crapped on all the time because we don't believe your fairy tales of an imaginary god.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 03:43 AM
I think it's funny that you say you are a Christian yet you "might as well commit suicide". Your not exactly by the book now are you?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:26 AM
I see everything that well exuse my french , but "pussies" have done to our country. Lets just say it was everyone, but there was a day when, and maybe its an illusion that this country was together, and now its apart for every reason that could happen, corruption in our politics, churches, streets. Oh I am just truely angry that my poor father who believed in this country died with the dream intact, and we never will. It hurts deep to even turn on tv to see, but maybe I am just having a problem with the changing of the clock and not really the country. I might be getting old, maybe losing my grip on reality as reality itself is what I am rejecting. I would of fought and died for this country when I was younger, and maybe that is why our soldiers are younger, now I see the wrinkles in the face of the USA and she isnt pretty to me anymore. Can anyone say things are getting better, is it just me, yes I want to blame people, isnt that the human reaction to disdain. This once great nation now with no morality or ethics, and I am suppose to happy to have free will, Im talking about this life retards, not where you go after you die, here in the streets of our failing countryside, where no one listens and no one cares about anything unless it comes from china for a dollar.

America must of never really been anything, greed and killing, lies, coverups, bull#...

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by NOTANWOFOLLOWER
We have become the America we are because people don't fear the wrath of God anymore,

What do you mean "anymore"? I've "never" feared the great spook in the sky. I am not a "make-believer." I'll fear the spook when I know for sure what the heck there is to fear. Until then, I prefer not to worship nor fear any make-believe idol, nor any of that human created fear dogma. I'll wait for the real deal to reveal itself, himself, herself, whatever .. if ever. BTW, how do you know you've chosen the right spook to fear/worship among the 4000+ religious and their various versions of da great omnipotent spook? What if you picked the wrong one and all you're doing is worshiping a make-believe idol/spook?

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:40 AM
I understand your frustration and I too have my days but I think that you are a little misinformed about the Amish. In 1999 in Pennsylvania a drug ring was busted and they were Amish. The Amish use the internet and they have all the creature comforts that main stream America enjoys. They have problems with their children just like everyone else. The idyllic land of the perfect American yesteryear is a fantasy or an out and out lie. Do the research. The only place that the America you think is gone every existed was on TV and sometimes in the movies. We have definitely screwed up a lot of things but you can’t mourn a life that never existed.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by NightSkyeB4Dawn
I understand your frustration and I too have my days but I think that you are a little misinformed about the Amish. In 1999 in Pennsylvania a drug ring was busted and they were Amish. The Amish use the internet and they have all the creature comforts that main stream America enjoys. They have problems with their children just like everyone else. The idyllic land of the perfect American yesteryear is a fantasy or an out and out lie. Do the research. The only place that the America you think is gone every existed was on TV and sometimes in the movies. We have definitely screwed up a lot of things but you can’t mourn a life that never existed.

Out of all the things written your words make me feel the best,
thankyou for sharing.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by NOTANWOFOLLOWER]

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