posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:50 AM
We have become the America we are because people don't fear the wrath of God anymore, unbelievers, seperation of church and state, abortion,
sexuality the way it plays today, America has fallen away from us, it is not the wonderful place it was, people saying we are part of god and that he
isn't anything, I just want to say in this article, if your a homosexual, thanks for this, if your a athiest, thanks for this, if your a person who
stopped going to church, once again thanks for this. I seriously want to become Amish, at least they know what America really is, I want to be Amish.
I can throw away my ipod, forget the internet, go live with people that marry the opposite sex in a church before God, I can dream of children playing
in the fields with wooden toys, not texting eachother nude pics of themselves , or doing drugs in the bathroom. And it will be ok to spank my kid when
he mouths off. This is America, too late to repair it, might as well just commit suicide, cause of freedom this country will be enslaved. What really
pisses me off is there are agnostics out there that will fricken drive to area 51 to wait for aliens to give them meaning in life and then at the same
time ignore the beauty of the children that God gave them. I hope America as it is burns to the ground, and I don't believe it is the retelling of
the rizing of the phoenix, we will stay down, because we are corrupt and GoDless. We are the infidels as the Arabs call us. We are. If I ever get my
hand on a time machine, I would nuke california for its free thought generation that totally screwed america in the backside.
now its a broke gangland welfare state type deal waiting to throw us all into martial law so we can be hauled off to gas chambers and killed cause we
are all worthless lying wastes of humanity who turned our backs on the lord, I envy the Arabs for being pure in there living rules and religion, at
least they have that core to hold them on a progressive future.
I am done with this nations people full of every kind of I got to act cooler than the next guy and I saw how on tv crap. We all will burn.
Goodbye America...