posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 05:42 PM
I agree that bullying and making fun of people online and in video games is useless and uncalled for. Its childish and immature to make fun of people
less skilled.
Having said that. There is a definite distinction between those who excel at video games and those who are less coordinated with video games.
Im sure the military would be able to provide data on this matter, in fact. Given the new branches of remote controlled defense.
In terms of MMO's. If you are running a guild, and trying to see "end game" scenarios its in your best interest to judge people on their playing
ability. This helps to plan out encounters, placing the proper people for the task on the right task at hand.
In fact, in most end game guilds there will be a application process in which you will most likely have to show your ability to the members, and if
you preform up to a certain standard you might get into that guild. If not, your probably going to be told that the guild mysteriously "filled up the
spot" or are no longer needing your class. In some cases they will just tell you your not good enough for them, simple as that.
Ive been a part of a WoW guild in which I was a 'physical DPS officer'. It was my job to judge the physical DPS members ability and coordinated
encounters with that information. You do not want people who are hard of learning, or slow learners when learning new content. It can be the
difference of learning a new boss encounter in less than a week, or as much as many weeks.
So, while in most cases video games are meant for fun, some times judging peoples ability is critical in order to have that said 'fun'. ie: see the
end game of MMO's.