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Act of 1871 - Inventing the Illegal U.S. Corporation

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posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 04:02 PM
I post this info to discuss and brainstorm practical strategies to combat this sad yet very real situation in America. This despicable act of treason may be the most important factor we face today, as well as, the very fountainhead that's destroying and enslaving Americans today? Please help me bring this little known fact into the light for all Americans to understand!

Many of us have heard the rumors that we are merely market traded commodities or corporate slaves. That The Constitution has been compromised and illegally amended by those wanting to enslave us. I have heard many things like this, but until now, never found the hard evidence proving it as fact. Recently, I've been researching American history and have found some rather disturbing things.

The Act of 1871 brought about the District of Columbia, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the UNITED STATES CODE. This turned our republic into a corporation and sovereign citizens into slaves.

(15) ``United States'' means-- (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

Basically they created a second constitution we don't get to see that redefines words to deny us any rights at all. This act made Washington D.C. the CEO of The American Corporation. This needs to be exposed, help me find the best way to do that?

The united states Of America is a corporation owned by foreign interests September 21, 2008 Posted by spiritualphilantropy in Analysis, News in English. trackback Below are two articles covering the fact that, since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international bankers and aristocracy of Europe and Britain. In 1871 the Congress changed the name of the original Constitution by changing ONE WORD — and that was very significant as you will read.

I started a thread here [] about our 8th president Martin Van Buren that shows amazing parallels to recent events. A nearly identical situation of greedy foreign banks, over extended credit, devalued paper currency, illegal immigration and even a proposed bailout. All leading to economic collapse and depression/recession that literally mirrors America today? The only real difference in 1840 was a president that openly fought to expose the real problems of fiat money and foreign banks. Despite that it surely would end his political career, he defeated an unconstitutional bailout and even though economically beneficial, diplomatically prevented three vary potential wars.

This man was a great American that acted as such even at his own peril. Ever heard of him? I hadn't and don't recall him so much as mentioned throughout my education? What does that tell you? The repeating the same mistakes and consistent failures in our government can not be denied any longer! It is painfully obvious that failure is their strategy and yet failure to think of more than this single tactic exposes their vulnerabilities as well.

There are many important things we all need to understand before anything can be done. I see threads about fighting back, but until you know what you're fighting against, you fight at a huge disadvantage.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24 Jan 09 by Gools]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:03 PM
I heard about U.S. Inc also and have done a little research on it too, but so far I haven't come across a solution to change the whole thing around.

Try running a web search of the words: soveriegn citizenship. Sorry to send you on another internet hunt for knowledge but this search could easily lead you to your exit from the UNITED STATES CORPORATION (note the caps) and being a corporate slave. is the first site I visited that put me on to all this. Starting there might help you put things together.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by 100% Real

thanks for the link! very interesting stuff. i had to go over it a few times, but i think i understand it? do you know of any specific cases of this being accomplished in the courts? our system is so corrupt, it's hard to believe you could get anywhere with this even if it is legal? kind of like income tax code. legal or not they still seem able to push you around.

UCC and contract law is very open to litigation. i'm currently involved in a contract fraud case committed against my company. when we looked closer into the details we were shocked to discover several violations this company committed against me, some that will likely put someone in prison for a while. there may be some hope of victory for the good guys after all? tired of watching the righteous fall to the wicked.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:08 PM
i just want to bump this one time for another chance at discussion. i think most people know nothing of this and, if accurate, seems important to expose. thanks.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Thank you for the link. There is not much I can add regards to content but thank you for the thought.

I live life day to day and am almost always happy. I suggest everyone else does the same while ALSO seeing the truth.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by Zerbst

Zerbst, in your research did you find out what the official reason was behind turning the USA into a monolithic corporation?

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Good information but alas poster, we the sheeple would rather discuss, 2012 dates, Star gates and UFO's than things that are 'real' and affecting us directly right now.

I think we need more of these threads and some of that ATS investigation directed into how we are being Played and Bled dry of our human rights at the expense of the NWO elite’s agenda.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 09:25 AM
If the Republic of The United States of America has been changed to the Corporation of USA, Inc. then shouldn't it be held to the same accounting standards (FASB) as corporations? Also can corporations impose taxes?
It is hard to have it both ways.....

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by truthquest
reply to post by Zerbst

Zerbst, in your research did you find out what the official reason was behind turning the USA into a monolithic corporation?

It seems that this over extended credit situation that allows these banks to repossess wealth from hard working people has been used over and over throughout our history? There is evidence of the exact scenario happening today of debt, foreclosure, bailouts and economic failure being played out systematically in order to suppress average people from accumulating any real wealth. What's happening today is presented to us as new, when nothing could be further from the truth. Though it is not taught or documented in our history, this tactic has been used many times and certainly isn't new to those wanting us to believe so. The fact that our government acts surprised and apathetic to such a well known series of events is proof of their treasonous involvement in the whole process.

Personally, I think our leadership fell into the very same trap now used against us? Tricked in the same manor, but on a much grander scale? Led into foreclosure of the USA itself due to insurmountable indebtedness by foreign bankers? If not that, something just as devastating for all intents and purposes. Either way the name of the game is suppressing labor costs and redistributing wealth. Brief research comparing labor rate increases against cost of living and inflation tells the whole story. Lagging wages, along with the negative effecting policies effecting them, both foreign and domestic, are enslaving us. Rising costs and stagnant wages are further magnified when trying to compete in a fictitious "free market" system that is anything but free and fair. Greed and dishonesty have devastated the lives of those preyed upon. We are slaves in every sense of the word. Anyone denying this is either involved in the enslavement or just fooling themselves.

All governments repeatedly act as if they fail us unintentionally, while all the citizens repeatedly act as if this is normal and forgivable. This most certainly is intentional and far from forgivable! Government gets what it wants, not most of the time, but every and all of the time, period! They are our worst enemy and will continue to cause our suffering if we let them. Until we start understanding this fact, we will never be free.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by mlmijyd
Good information but alas poster, we the sheeple would rather discuss, 2012 dates, Star gates and UFO's than things that are 'real' and affecting us directly right now.

I think we need more of these threads and some of that ATS investigation directed into how we are being Played and Bled dry of our human rights at the expense of the NWO elite’s agenda.

Thank God someone else feels this way! I keep trying to spark conversation on these matters, but no one seems interested or concerned? I find this fact extremely frustrating considering the importance. I see threads about trivial things with 99 replies while topics like this are ignored? I wish people would take this more seriously. The fact that our greatest enemy could possibly be our own supposedly elected government, should be important enough to investigate? It also could be easily stopped with non compliance if only people realized the necessity? Maybe one day?

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:54 PM
The implications of this are terrible.We have been born into economic slavery. Our so called Supreme Court refuses to address any petition for the redress of greivances,as guranteed by the Constitution.The Congress,Senate or the President have failed in their sworn duty to protect and defend the constitution.The nonaction toward the redress of greivances,is by law a act of treason.

They have left us with only one alternative.We must get the word to all that will hear,and refuse to give the government anything. TPTB are testing our metal,all these crisis are manufactured to legaly take our property from us.I say stand and fight.I believe we are born soverign in our own country,therefore under no man's thumb.

All the money that has been used to purchase our birthright was "Conjured" out of thin air by the Federal Reserve Bank. If their money is made of air,that is exactly what we owe them!!!!

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by daddyroo45
The implications of this are terrible.We have been born into economic slavery. Our so called Supreme Court refuses to address any petition for the redress of greivances,as guranteed by the Constitution.The Congress,Senate or the President have failed in their sworn duty to protect and defend the constitution.The nonaction toward the redress of greivances,is by law a act of treason.

They have left us with only one alternative.We must get the word to all that will hear,and refuse to give the government anything. TPTB are testing our metal,all these crisis are manufactured to legaly take our property from us.I say stand and fight.I believe we are born soverign in our own country,therefore under no man's thumb.

All the money that has been used to purchase our birthright was "Conjured" out of thin air by the Federal Reserve Bank. If their money is made of air,that is exactly what we owe them!!!!

Exactly, daddyroo! If all money is debt, we only owe them debt in return? How can they repossess real assets to pay for debt? Makes no sense to me, yet people are ignoring it. Now everyone is griping about a stimulus package for American citizens. They say nothing when foreign banks are awarded what could be $$trillions$$, but everyone wants to stop a stimulus to working folks? It is surreal!

If people would just wake up to the robbery we could shut it down immediately. That just isn't happening though? Maybe denial?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:01 AM
I read the post, I also found the "Act of 1871" and this is such nonsense. First of all, the "Act" established Washington D.C. as a municipality, and does not replace the Constitution of the United States.

You can read the actual doument called the United States Constitution as it was written by hand, by downloading it from the national archive. Its free becasue it belongs to all of us.

You will notice that United States is always capitalized as it is the name of this country. Also, the portion that says "Constitution for the United States" is in the preamble, not the title.

Secondly, all municipalities are what’s called municipal corporations. Only a legal entity can enter into contracts. A human is a legal entity, but so is a corporation. If New York City or Washington DC want to buy police cars, salt for the highways, oil to heat the schools, etc., they must exist in some legal form in order to enter into contracts.

Similarly, the federal government is a legal entity that has bank accounts and owns property; therefore, it is a corporation. It must be able to enter in legal contracts, to sue and be sued in court, etc... Thus, its a corporation.

The Red Cross is a not for profit corp, but still a corp. Private schools are incorporated. Small towns are incorporated, New York City is a corporation, I'm sure the town or city you live in is incorporated.

OOHHHH I’m afraid of everything that is a corporation. This is just nonsense. If an entity other than a HUMAN wants to enter into contracts, it must have some other legal form, e.g. limited liability company (LLC), limited liability partnership (LLP), S Corporation, C Corporation, etc.

BTW, I am an attorney who is trained to read statutes and other legal documents such as legislative acts of congress in a way that a lay person does not understand.

Additionally, nothing in this post is to be construed as legal advice or an attempt to enter into an attorney client relationship, or an attempt to solicit anyone to enter into an attorney client relationship.

[edit on 1-2-2009 by finemanm]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by finemanm
Similarly, the federal government is a legal entity that has bank accounts and owns property; therefore, it is a corporation. It must be able to enter in legal contracts, to sue and be sued in court, etc... Thus, its a corporation.

The Red Cross is a not for profit corp, but still a corp. Private schools are incorporated. Small towns are incorporated, New York City is a corporation, I'm sure the town or city you live in is incorporated.

What is the difference between a *non-profit corporation* and a commonwealth and/or a cooperative? I fail to see why government chooses corporation status versus something else.

I think most people associate a corporation with business entities only!

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:02 PM
"The Act of 1871 brought about the District of Columbia, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the UNITED STATES CODE."
^ Any politician or lawyer that tried to overturn this would either be laughed out of "business" or killed.

I don't want to say it outright so here's a hint...
The best defense is a good offense.

Where do we sign up?

[edit on 19-5-2010 by FearNoEvil]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by FearNoEvil
"The Act of 1871 brought about the District of Columbia, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the UNITED STATES CODE."

Actually it was *The constitution OF the United States of America* and after *The Act of 1871* became *The constitution FOR the United States of America(all caps?)* meaning the constitution was converted into a business charter.

Originally posted by FearNoEvil
^ Any politician or lawyer that tried to overturn this would either be laughed out of "business" or killed.

I don't want to say it outright so here's a hint...
The best defense is a good offense.

Where do we sign up?
[edit on 19-5-2010 by FearNoEvil]

Sign up for what? Some things you do and don't openly talk about!

[edit on 19-5-2010 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Sep, 8 2010 @ 10:03 PM
Umm . . . I think it was, actually, changed from "for" to "of". . . it makes sense as, "for" would be for the people, & "of" would be of the newly formed corporation of the UNITED STATES (see note below) which is NOT for we the people, but for the small group of "ELITE" Foreign Bankers & their Middle Templar Attorneys, that own this new PRIVATE corporation!

NB:- Names of corporations are always spelled in CAPITAL LETTERS, as is YOUR name, used on all your business / legal documents, which is ALSO a corporate / fictitious, name / entity, commonly known as your STRAWMAN. I will explain your STRAWMAN further down.

NB:- Your name in all CAPITAL LETTERS is called, "Capitis Dominutio Maxima", which means: a maximum / highest / most comprehensive loss of status through the use of capitalization (JOHN DOE or DOE, JOHN). This occurs when a man's condition is changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he becomes a slave; it takes away all citizenship & family rights. Remember this for later.

The following short article, submitted by Ralph Waldo, can be found on the Daily Paul website:

The Act of 1871 - Is This The Source of All Our Problems?

Submitted by Ralph Waldo on Sat, 06/26/2010 - 17:07 - Daily Paul Liberty Forum

The following article explains how the original "Constitution for the united states for America" was, in 1871, changed to the "CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".

If this impostor is the source of our modern day problems, repealing it could be the simple solution as well.

I am a neophyte of this topic but find it most interesting. Hopefully, some other DPs will help confirm the accuracy of this historical event and bring additional understanding to the fore.

Excerpt from The UNITED STATES Isn't A Country - It's A CORPORATION ! by Lisa Guliani:

The Congress realized our country was in dire financial straits, so they cut a deal with the international bankers (in those days, the Rothschilds of London were dipping their fingers into everyone's pie) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers.

If we think about banks, we know they do not just lend us money out of the goodness of their hearts. A bank will not do anything for you unless it is entirely in their best interest to do so. There has to be some sort of collateral, or some string attached, which puts you and me (the borrower) into a subservient position. This was true back in 1871 as well.

The conniving international bankers were not about to lend our floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a brilliant way of getting their foot in the door of the United States (a prize they had coveted for some time, but had been unable to grasp thanks to our Founding Fathers, who despised them and held them in check), and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed.

In essence, this Act formed the corporation known as the UNITED STATES. Note the capitalization, because it is important. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved right in and shoved the original "organic" version of the Constitution into a dusty corner. With the "Act of 1871", our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word "for" was changed to the word "of" in the title.

The original Constitution, drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written as, "The Constitution for the united states of America".

So, Congress committed TREASON against the People, who were considered Sovereign under the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.

* * * * * * End of Excerpt * * * * * *

We the people, have not only NOT been told about this, & what it means, but wherever you look, it is misleadingly written about so as to SOUND like the original Constitution . . . BUT . . . it is NOT the same document!

The CORPORATE constitution operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it is the same parchment that governs the Republic . . . when it absolutely is not!

It is a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, therefore can only be enforced in the District of Columbia!

This corporate constitution does not benefit the Republic, it serves only to benefit the corporation. It does nothing good for you or me, & it operates OUTSIDE of the original Constitution.

Instead of absolute rights, guaranteed under the "organic" Constitution, we now have "relative" rights or privileges.

This is why we are being so frustrated & thwarted so often when it comes to dealing with the Federal Government.

WE think they are following the ORIGINAL Constitution, the one for WE THE PEOPLE, the citizens of the Republic, "the united states of America", when THEY are following the 1871 CORPORATE, Economic constitution, the one meant for the citizens of the UNITED STATES, which are the people of the District of Columbia & the Federal Government!

Yayyyyy! That means, if I am not a citizen of the District of Columbia, they have no law / say over me, right? I can just go back to living by the original Constitution, & not have to abide by any of the Federal Government's laws / statutes etc., right?

Well, not exactly . . . not if you have VOLUNTEERED to be a citizen of the UNITED STATES.

Huh????? What on earth are you taling about? Of course I'm a citizen of the UNITED STATES!

No, actually . . . you're not.

Remember? The UNITED STATES is a corporation, & you can't be a citizen of a corporation, can you?

Oh, yeah . . . you're right . . . no, I guess I can't. So then who / what / where the heck AM I a citizen of then?

Well, if you have a US birth certificate / driver's license / vehicle registration/ SSN / bank account, or use the US postal service / zip code, or (this little darling) have ever filed an Income Tax Return, then you ARE a citizen of the UNITED STATES . . . AND . . . as a "citizen" of the UNITED STATES . . . get ready for this . . . they OWN you, they LITERALLY own you. You, Me, We are their property!

I know, I know, this is mind boggling, but I kid you not.

Here, let's lighten it up a bit. Here are some interesting nuggets of information I came across, in my digging into all of this:

1) Did you know that the UNITED STATES, always was, & STILL IS, a British Colony? We have not been told the truth in our schools & history books.


3) The "Crown", as it has been known for centuries, IS NOT the Queen of England, as is commonly understood.

4) It refers to the Templar Church, aka the Crown Temple or the Crown Templar, in Chancery, in the independent and sovereign City of London.

5) The "Crown" holds the land titles and estate deeds to ALL of North America.

6) And who owns the "Crown"? Why, the Pope & the Roman Church, of course! This came about when England's King John broke the terms of the Concession of England charter of May 15, 1213, by signing the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215. The penalty for breaking this agreement, was the loss of the Crown to the Pope and his Roman Church. To formally and lawfully take the Crown from the royal monarchs of England, by an act of declaration, on August 24, 1215, Pope Innocent III annulled the Magna Carta; later in the year, he placed an Interdict (prohibition) on the entire British empire. From that time until today, the English monarchy and the entire British Crown has belonged to the Pope.

7) The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat US Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the "Crown", from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the UN (United Nations), the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the WTO (World Trade Organization), and, most importantly, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements). Even Hitler respected his "Crown" bankers by not bombing Switzerland. I always wondered why only Switzerland was able to remain neutral during War II, now I know.

8) The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, controls ALL the central banks of the G7 nations. And as they say, "He who controls the gold, rules the world!"

9) There are three Sovereign City States in the world: WASHINGTON, DC, the CITY of LONDON & the VATICAN.

10) As I understand it, as part of the latest "New World Order" agenda, Washington DC would have served as the global Military arm, the City of London as the global Financial arm & the Vatican as the global Spiritual arm.

So . . . the Pope owns the whole world!

Now, you might want to take a break here, or a deep breath, or even go for a walk . . . or you might want to go get your teddy bear, or a good stiff drink, before we get going again. Me, I'm going to go & get into my jammies, grab my teddy bear AND a good stiff drink!

Oh! You already WENT & got a BOTTLE, a while back?

Oookey-Dokey . . . here we go, then. Fasten your seat belts . . . we're in for a BUMPY ride!

Getting back to being a citizen of the UNITED STATES. Actually, you are MORE than just a citizen of the UNITED STATES . . . oh, yes . . . MORE . . . MUCH, MUCH MORE.

Not better, mind you . . . just more, a LOT more.

Since the US went bankrupt in 1933, all new money has had to be borrowed into existence. That's right, BORROWED, with interest! Who from? Riiiiiight, you guessed it. All those sweet foreign bankers & their private banks. The "full faith and credit" of the American people is their ability to labor and pay back that debt.

In order to catalogue it's laborers, the government needed an efficient, methodical system of tracking its property to that end. Humans today are looked upon merely as resources . . . "human resources" . . . that is.

Thus, all states started issuing serial-numbered, certificated "warehouse receipts", for births and marriages, in order to pledge us as collateral against those loans and municipal bonds taken out with the Federal Reserve's (private) banks, & a dollar value was assigned to each of the heads of the citizens; a practice that continues today, with our current system of debt-based currency, that relies upon a steady stream of fresh new chattels to back it.

By registering your birth, your parents, unknowingly, handed ownership of you over to the government. They, in turn, entered your name in "Capitis Dominutio Maxima" on your birth certificate, thereby changing your status from one of freedom to one of bondage, with all of your citizenship & family rights taken away. Remember the definition I gave above?

Nooo . . . I am not kidding, look it up for yourself, this is real. It is not only real but very, very scary. Think about it. Who holds most of the US debt????? CHINA! Right! And what happens when someone, or a country, defaults on their debt, or the debt is called in?

The collateral . . . that's YOU & ME . . . has to be handed over!

What's so scary about that, you ask?

Well . . . the American people are not being told just how bad the US economy really is right now. Not only is it NOT coming out of a recession, or even going into a double dip recession, but it has been in a depression for a while now . . . & is on the very brink of a complete collapse! If that happens . . . or . . . or any time the Chinese government feels like, really . . . we / you / me / us . . . could be sent to China as slave labor. Or as whatever else they want to do with us.

That is why we all have to spread this alarming, information. America has to get ANGRY & get TOGETHER to come up with a peaceful way to put a stop to this! Not only was this horrendous debt created fraudulently, but IT IS NOT OURS!!!!!

Anyway . . . back to when you were born.

The government was quite happy to leave your caretaking up to your parents until you were able to enter the work force & start paying on the country's debt.

Because you were not able to voluntarily hand yourself over to the government at birth, being a minor, once you reached the age of majority, it then had to be YOUR voluntary choice to enslave yourself.

And guess what? YOU DID JUST THAT!

Say WHAT?!!!!! What are you TALKING about? I never gave myself up as a slave to NOBODY!

Well, yes . . . sad to say, you did. But you were TRICKED into doing it.

Because the government can't FORCE you to enslave yourself, those sly devils got you to do it by getting you to VOLUNTARILY fill out APPLICATION FORMS for their BENEFITS, which is considered ASKING FOR whatever you are applying for.

You know, like all the ones I listed above, all those things (except for the income tax, of course) that they very well knew you would want. And why not? You thought you had every right to them, as a US citizen, right? Right, so did I!

They KNEW this was what we would think, if they presented them as "benefits". They also knew, very well, that we would not know, that by "applying", we would be "asking", for these "benefits", & therefore, that we were "freely, voluntarily & with consent" handing ourselves over to be owned as the property of the federal government . . . aka . . . the UNITED STATES.

This is how these guys justify what they do, so that they can turn around & say that we did it to ourselves! That nobody MADE us sign on the dotted line! Of course, just TRY driving without a license / registration, or try getting a job without a SSN. They've got us coming AND going. I told you they were sly devils, didn't I?

Of course, you WEREN'T actually handing yourself over "freely, voluntarily & with consent", were you? No, you weren't, because you did not know the TRUE nature of what you were "signing up" for. Everyone knows that any signature on a contract / agreement / consent form, that was obtained by deception, is null & void.

But they're not telling US that, are they? No.

So, are you silently fuming yet????? I know I sure was when I learned about all of this treachery!!!!!

Sorry this is so short, but writing about all these lies is tiring.

I don't think I could EVER get all my notes together in a cogent narrative.

This is one DEEEEEEEP RABBIT HOLE . . . & it just gets more & more incredulous the further down I go!

* * Some of my post contains parts taken from The UNITED STATES Isn't A Country - It's A CORPORATION ! by Lisa Guliani

edit on 8-9-2010 by Maiden PEI because: Grammar & Formatting

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 05:27 PM
Thanks for backing me up with research. Pretty much everthing you say is correct but I feel like making additional comments.

Originally posted by Maiden PEI
5) The "Crown" holds the land titles and estate deeds to ALL of North America.

America and Canada are definitely british colonies but I think mexico is a spanish colony.

Does the monarchy of spain also belong to the pope? If so, then all three countries default to the vatican and so does central and south america..........

Since britain belongs to the vatican that means the entire british commonwealth(USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, islands in the carribean, etc belong to rome.

We already know that the entire world is dominated by europeans and since the rothschild family controlls all european central banks, that means they indirectly control every other "national" bank; perhaps with the exception of communist countries.

Originally posted by Maiden PEI
6) And who owns the "Crown"? Why, the Pope & the Roman Church, of course! This came about when England's King John broke the terms of the Concession of England charter of May 15, 1213, by signing the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215. The penalty for breaking this agreement, was the loss of the Crown to the Pope and his Roman Church. To formally and lawfully take the Crown from the royal monarchs of England, by an act of declaration, on August 24, 1215, Pope Innocent III annulled the Magna Carta; later in the year, he placed an Interdict (prohibition) on the entire British empire. From that time until today, the English monarchy and the entire British Crown has belonged to the Pope.

7) The private Federal Reserve System, which issues fiat US Federal Reserve Notes, is financially owned and controlled by the "Crown", from Switzerland, the home and legal origin for the charters of the UN (United Nations), the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the WTO (World Trade Organization), and, most importantly, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements). Even Hitler respected his "Crown" bankers by not bombing Switzerland. I always wondered why only Switzerland was able to remain neutral during War II, now I know.

8) The Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, controls ALL the central banks of the G7 nations. And as they say, "He who controls the gold, rules the world!"

So . . . the Pope owns the whole world!

So the pope owns the world and allows the knights templar(modern day masons) to issue currency through switzerland? If I recall correctly from a history channel documentary, the knights templar who lead the three holy crusades against muslims in jerusalem, where also the first to issue to travelers checks. Someone travelling to the middle east could make a deposit in europe and then show their receipt upon arrival to get reimbursed....minus the fees!

Originally posted by Maiden PEI
Nooo . . . I am not kidding, look it up for yourself, this is real. It is not only real but very, very scary. Think about it. Who holds most of the US debt????? CHINA! Right! And what happens when someone, or a country, defaults on their debt, or the debt is called in?

The collateral . . . that's YOU & ME . . . has to be handed over!

What's so scary about that, you ask?

Well . . . the American people are not being told just how bad the US economy really is right now. Not only is it NOT coming out of a recession, or even going into a double dip recession, but it has been in a depression for a while now . . . & is on the very brink of a complete collapse! If that happens . . . or . . . or any time the Chinese government feels like, really . . . we / you / me / us . . . could be sent to China as slave labor. Or as whatever else they want to do with us.

Come to think of it we are already slaves to asia because we have lost manufacturing to them. America and europe are becoming more and more service oriented. Cheap labor is the A-Z in capitalism! The only thing that can change this ailment is called tariffs but of course that goes against the principles of "free trade"....more like severly unbalanced trade.

edit on 13-9-2010 by EarthCitizen07 because: removed quote

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 03:53 AM
Great thread with some really interesting extra info in some of the replies.

This subject hardly ever gets mentioned....really surprising !

posted on Jul, 2 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Zerbst
i just want to bump this one time for another chance at discussion. i think most people know nothing of this and, if accurate, seems important to expose. thanks.

I'm shocked that no-one has hardly picked up on this.

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