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Numbers On Birth Certificate Linked To Stock Market?

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posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:32 PM
Can someone explain what this is all about for me? My sound doesn't work right now because the PC is garbage. What would I type into google to learn more on this?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:51 PM
Someone must be desperate for attention. This is stretching paranoia to it's extreme limit.

There is such a thing as record keeping. They assign numbers to files or inventory. Can anyone think of a better way of separating each item so they can be found?

Does your Library Card mean the Library owns you? Your ISP number means your Internet Service Provider owns you?

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:28 PM
I personally check this out. I called the SS office in Washington, DC. I got a 20 something white male. and I asked him what that number was for on the back of my SS Card. and why is there 3 colors of ink I have seen on other peoples SS Cards on the back...
he said that should not be a problem and he would need to ask someone.
he was gone about 5 mins. and when he came back on. he said - I was told to tell you that those numbers go to the printing press that printed it.. and then to my amazement he added... but I dont believe him.
and my jaw dropped and I told him my informations says that number goes to a stock certificate which is traded in switzerland as collateral.
and his jaw dropped and I told him check out Jordan Maxwells videos on google. and thats how the call went...

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:43 PM
The area numbers are assigned to geographical locations. They were originally assigned the same way that zip codes were later assigned (in particular, area numbers increase from east to west across the continental US as do the ZIP codes). Most area numbers were assigned according to state (or territorial) boundaries, although the series 700-729 was assigned to railroad workers regardless of location (this series of area numbers was discontinued in 1964 and is no longer used for new SSNs). Area numbers assigned prior to 1972 are an indication of the SSA office which originally issued the SSN. Since 1972 the area number in SSNs corresponds to the residence address given by the applicant on the application for the SSN.

In many regions the original range of area number assignments was eventually exhausted as population grew. The original area number assignments have been augmented as required. All of the original assignments were less than 585 (except for the 700-729 railroad worker series mentioned above). Area numbers of "000" have never been issued.

001-003 NH 400-407 KY 530 NV
004-007 ME 408-415 TN 531-539 WA
008-009 VT 416-424 AL 540-544 OR
010-034 MA 425-428 MS 545-573 CA
035-039 RI 429-432 AR 574 AK
040-049 CT 433-439 LA 575-576 HI
050-134 NY 440-448 OK 577-579 DC
135-158 NJ 449-467 TX 580 VI Virgin Islands
159-211 PA 468-477 MN 581-584 PR Puerto Rico
212-220 MD 478-485 IA 585 NM
221-222 DE 486-500 MO 586 PI Pacific Islands*
223-231 VA 501-502 ND 587-588 MS
232-236 WV 503-504 SD 589-595 FL
237-246 NC 505-508 NE 596-599 PR Puerto Rico
247-251 SC 509-515 KS 600-601 AZ
252-260 GA 516-517 MT 602-626 CA
261-267 FL 518-519 ID 627-645 TX
268-302 OH 520 WY 646-647 UT
303-317 IN 521-524 CO 648-649 NM
318-361 IL 525 NM *Guam, American Samoa,
362-386 MI 526-527 AZ Philippine Islands,
387-399 WI 528-529 UT Northern Mariana Islands

650-699 unassigned, for future use
700-728 Railroad workers through 1963, then discontinued
729-799 unassigned, for future use
800-999 not valid SSNs. Some sources have claimed that numbers
above 900 were used when some state programs were converted
to federal control, but current SSA documents claim no
numbers above 799 have ever been used.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Group Numbers

The group number is not related to geography but rather to the order in which SSNs are issued for a particular area. Before 1965, only half the group numbers were used: odd numbers were used below 10 and even numbers were used above 9. In 1965 the system was changed so assignments continued with the low even numbers and the high odd numbers. So, group numbers for each area number are assigned in the following order:

1. Odd numbers, 01 to 09
2. Even numbers, 10 to 98
3. Even numbers, 02 to 08
4. Odd numbers, 11 to 99

Group codes of "00" aren't assigned

In each region, all possible area numbers are assigned with each group number before using the next group number. This means the group numbers can be used to find a chronological ordering of SSNs within a region. When new group numbers are assigned to a state, the old numbers are usually used up first.

SSA publishes a list every month of the highest group assigned for each SSN Area. For example, if the highest group assigned for area 999 is 72, then we know that the number 999-04-1234 is an invalid number because even Groups under 9 have not yet been assigned.
Serial Numbers

Serial numbers are assigned in chronological order within each area and group number as the applications are processed. Serial number "0000" is never used. Before 1965, when number assignment was transferred from field offices to the central office, serial numbers may have been assigned in a strange order. (Some sources claim that 2000 and 7000 series numbers were assigned out of order. That no longer seems to be the case.) Currently, the serial numbers are assigned in strictly increasing order with each area and group combination.
Invalid SSNs

Any SSN conforming to one of the following criteria is an invalid number:

1. Any field all zeroes (no field of zeroes is ever assigned).
2. First three digits above 740

A pamphlet entitled "The Social Security Number" (Pub. No. 05-10633) provides an explanation of the SSN's structure and the method of assigning and validating Social Security numbers.

This description of the structure of the Social Security Number is based on messages written by Jerry Crow and Barbara Bennett. The information has been verified by its correspondence to the SSA's Program Operations Manual System (POMS) Part 01, Chapter 001, subchapter 01, which can be found at Federal Depository Libraries. (SSA Pub. No. 68-0100201.)

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:48 PM
I have known about and studied this since the very beginning.

Yes, we are a commodity, but not us as flesh and blood, only the corporate citizen "us" as represented by the Birth Certificate.

The corporate Strawman is the one who is the commodity and is the one who is listed in the stock market. You will not be able to trace it directly. It exists by proxy. Money is borrowed on the value of that certificate, and that money is placed into bonds held by the local community in the municipal bonds, and municipal government.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by nwodeath
Money is borrowed on the value of that certificate, and that money is placed into bonds held by the local community in the municipal bonds, and municipal government.

How many of our local elected officials would be in a position to know this?

If this were above board, why has no one disclosed this to the public nor made the information readily available?

Are there people of exception who have known these details and have been privileged from being bound up in this collateral deal?

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by nwodeath
I have known about and studied this since the very beginning.

Yes, we are a commodity, but not us as flesh and blood, only the corporate citizen "us" as represented by the Birth Certificate.

The corporate Strawman is the one who is the commodity and is the one who is listed in the stock market. You will not be able to trace it directly. It exists by proxy. Money is borrowed on the value of that certificate, and that money is placed into bonds held by the local community in the municipal bonds, and municipal government.

so what the hell is the purpose of this? who has it ever affected? how?

i've heard this theory in a dozen different variations, but the motive of the supposed perpetrators has never been mentioned.

what kind of control do you believe this gives "them" over you? how would "they" exercise it? why would they be interested in you?

who the hell is going to invest in you on the stock market? what have you got to offer anyone? do you believe they're taking your money, or what?

none of this makes any damned sense. explain.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by nwodeath
Money is borrowed on the value of that certificate, and that money is placed into bonds held by the local community in the municipal bonds, and municipal government.

How many of our local elected officials would be in a position to know this?

If this were above board, why has no one disclosed this to the public nor made the information readily available?

Are there people of exception who have known these details and have been privileged from being bound up in this collateral deal?

How many people in elected position know about the CAFR accounts?
I would say the few of them even know, since they barely go to work.

It hasn't been in anyone's interest to disclose it to the public, until the sovereign minded people figured it out.

Yes, the market traders benefit off of it but only monetarily, as they trade in those commodities.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram

Originally posted by nwodeath
I have known about and studied this since the very beginning.

Yes, we are a commodity, but not us as flesh and blood, only the corporate citizen "us" as represented by the Birth Certificate.

The corporate Strawman is the one who is the commodity and is the one who is listed in the stock market. You will not be able to trace it directly. It exists by proxy. Money is borrowed on the value of that certificate, and that money is placed into bonds held by the local community in the municipal bonds, and municipal government.

so what the hell is the purpose of this? who has it ever affected? how?

i've heard this theory in a dozen different variations, but the motive of the supposed perpetrators has never been mentioned.

what kind of control do you believe this gives "them" over you? how would "they" exercise it? why would they be interested in you?

who the hell is going to invest in you on the stock market? what have you got to offer anyone? do you believe they're taking your money, or what?

none of this makes any damned sense. explain.

The purpose of it all is to create debt, which creates money and expands the balloon. Our entire system is based on commerce and commerce is based currently on debt. Debt based currency allows for greater expansion than asset based currency. It is based on nothing, therefore it can be created and expanded easier.

They are not taking our money, they are using our credit, or rather, our Tax Exemption as the principal. As the Principal, all interest accrues back to us, the flesh and blood real live person, so we are not the ones that owe the taxes, the Strawman is. The taxes are actually owed TO US. That is the only thing they are stealing from us because we don't know what is really happening and who is the real Principal and who is the Agent.

[edit on 9-10-2009 by nwodeath]

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by beefeater
this video might explain things better

we are all owned from birth.

No we aren't. The fiction is.

Second line flotilla.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Some information that was passed along...

1. You will need your tracking (routing) numbers from the back of your SS Card. They should start with a letter and end in numbers example- F12345678

2. Go to

3. Click on the green tab called (research)

4. Click on the green sub tab called (Quotes)

5. Where it says enter your stock symbol, you know yours?, me either, So we need to-

6. Click (Symbol Lookup) to look up our Stock Symbol on the international market.

7. We need to search for a (Mutual Fund)

8. We need to search by the (Fund Number)

9. The fund numbers are the key to getting at this info we seek. They are our birthday and the tracking numbers on our SS Card.

10. Enter yours just like this-- Search Value: 1978/F12345678

11. Search Value = year you were born/red or blue numbers on the back of your SSC.

NOTE: you must enter it as above with the ( / ) in between your birthday and your tracking numbers, its very critical you enter them as on your card also it’s (case) sensitive meaning if yours starts with an F, use a capital F

This will bring up a stock symbol for you below your search. It should be (FTIX) = FIDELITY TOTAL INT'LEQUITY FUND remember it’s a pooled account.

posted on Oct, 9 2009 @ 10:13 PM
So how in the world do I get my money. If somebody is trading on my "person" I want atleast ten percent of the profit. I can definitely earn a better ROI for myself.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez
Is it for Americans only? I'm Canadian and tried find out my stock number but there were no matches.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:57 AM
Most intriguing, would anyone happen to know anything about the UK?

Friend22, you seem to be fairly au fait with this, care to share some more information?

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:06 PM
I stumbled across this thread earlier, and got interested!

Ive done some other research into other threads etc, I still havent made up my mind on the whole idea about this, true or not.

However, I did come across this e-book in another thread which some of you might find interesting

Its long, and I do have to be up at 7am, (2am now) but Im, hooked!! Heh.

Whether its fact or not, when you think about the information being presented, a lot, a REAL lot, all clicks into place as making sense, and even appliable in some cases.

I know quite a bit about how financies work, I have a number of businesses and moderate investments, how money moves around and what banks do with "our" money, etc etc so I can verify a lot of the "facts" in the text with my own dealings at least.

If nothing more if might make you think

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by NATIVO

Waking up to yet another deception!

One of the pioneers of the Freeman on the Land movement Robert of the Meanard family tells it like it is.

Hope you enjoy the journey, it may be the key to getting our society in order.
Don't underestimate his humerous style... great videos


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:56 PM
Been on this for a decade! YES, you are owned - a commodity - an exemption!

We tried to get a conversation going about that on THIS THREAD but didn't get many bites. Check it out, read the info, then come back and we can continue the discussion here. There is much that most of you do not realize. This IS the RED pill, the one that can give you your freedom! Do not delay in taking it!

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by fuserleer

You want to read a sweet e-book on it, for FREE!?!? By Mary Elizabeth Croft. Just ignore the spiritual stuff, unless you're into that.

I've researched and read every law, statute, HR, precendent and Executive Order that she referenced and found her analysis to be accurate, albeit sometimes a little skewed, it is in general agreement with case law.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:17 PM
In Brazil, the main ID document is the RG (stands for "General Registration").

Here is an example.

On the back of it, in the bottom, we can cleary see "American Bank Note".

Depending on where you get your document it states "Greg & Sons". (I couldn't find an example).

Even if it's "just the printing company" printing all these different documents everywhere.... I don't like it.


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