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Sleep paralysis and temporary madness.

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:31 PM
oh yeah the systems which control feelings of fear, dread, etc are much like those that create happyness and joy - while MDMA can trick brain into feeling ecstatic me and my friends have a running joke that a new wave of drugs will become called 'negs' - 'was having a really good day then i double dropped some negs and bummed right out'

If in your sudden waking you kept a bunch of the hormones which cause dread then yeah maybe they floated around fora few hours, maybe you left the dread machine on in your brain -ever watch horror films all night then go into the garden? The effects of being scared linger in the mind,

As an evolutionary system this makes sense, we see a tiger and it scares us so we feel nervous - if we know something is wrong then we feel dread, thus we try to uncover whats wrong and get away from or kill it - if on some level your brain knows that a spider in the house is bad but you cant articulate a reason then the emotion of dread will make you kill it, thus removing the danger.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by happinness
Well i'm open to suggestion and believe me i'm the biggest sceptic going!
I remember exactly what was going through my head at the time and i kept thinking it will be gone in a minute, it was all a dream. 20 odd minutes later it was still there and i was still awake, wide awake. Infact i couldn't have been more awake if i'd tried. This thing was even dribbling! I can remember every minute detail. I kept thinking this is like something out of the x file's what is going on? why me? I have never seen anything like since and can honestly say i was petrified that night. i don't know whether i was halucinating, but nothing like it has happened since as far as what i would consider an alien apperition. Weird stuff happens to me alot, but i never thought anything of it and just put things down to coincedence. That's what brought me on here the quest for knowledge. Too many weird stuff to mention on here and i'm frightened of scaring anyone. Plus some of it is too sensetive to go public. I use to refuse too go to bed at night, but as i've got older, i've kind of accepted it. There is nothing anyone can do, other than be a friend and listen to me blab when i have my off days and can't deal with it. I love my bed, but at one time i wouldn't walk through the bedroom door, let alone go to bed!

One question - and you don't have to answer it if you don't want to: Have you ever had this happen again? I mean the alien, or maybe another being beside the bed whilst in SP? And if so, was it as real? Or was it a one time thing - the only time that's happened?

The reason I ask is that, seeing someone or something in the room with you whilst in sleep paralysis is very common. It happened to me, and lot's of other people say the same thing, some people see demons, others aliens (It's an actual 'explanation' of alien abductions) for me, a family member. And if this is the only time it's happened to you I could very well see it being the same thing, because I can't stress enough how much I thought my step Dad was on the bed. I saw him, spoke to him etc, all while thinking I was completely conscious. If I hadn't already have known that this could happen I would have been extremely perplexed and confused by it.

It even says it on wikipedia:

Sleep paralysis is particularly frightening to the individual due to the vividness of such hallucinations.[4] The hallucinatory element to sleep paralysis makes it even more likely that someone will interpret the experience as a dream, since completely fanciful, or dream-like, objects may appear in the room alongside one's normal vision. Some scientists have proposed this condition as an explanation for alien abductions and ghostly encounters.[5

Images or speaking that appear during the paralysis. The person may think that someone is standing beside them or they may hear strange sounds.

Originally posted by NatureBoy
oh yeah the systems which control feelings of fear, dread, etc are much like those that create happyness and joy - while MDMA can trick brain into feeling ecstatic me and my friends have a running joke that a new wave of drugs will become called 'negs' - 'was having a really good day then i double dropped some negs and bummed right out'

If in your sudden waking you kept a bunch of the hormones which cause dread then yeah maybe they floated around fora few hours, maybe you left the dread machine on in your brain -ever watch horror films all night then go into the garden? The effects of being scared linger in the mind,

As an evolutionary system this makes sense, we see a tiger and it scares us so we feel nervous - if we know something is wrong then we feel dread, thus we try to uncover whats wrong and get away from or kill it - if on some level your brain knows that a spider in the house is bad but you cant articulate a reason then the emotion of dread will make you kill it, thus removing the danger.

I actully lolled at the 'negs' thing. Although I can't see me taking any myself

Your second paragraph is exactly what I meant in one of my earlier replies, only you worded it a lot better. I think is exactly what happened, only me not knowing why meant it caused me even more distress, and then it kept repeating - a vicious circle. Thus making it last for up to a week afterwards until I finally got bored of it.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:55 PM
Dude, I had some weird experiences too. These were over the period of a few years though... Check it:

When I was 12 or so, I would sometimes sleep in my moms room on the floor (I know.. I'm friggin blushing as we speak hehe). I just always had that feeling something was watching me. NOT a schitzophrenic thing. - trust me. I started getting that feeling one day when I was 11, and it's been there since...
But anyway, thats why I slept in her room on the floor. So one night, I'm sleeping, but have what some refer to as sleep paralysis. But this was different. I was indeed paralyzed, but at the same time I SWEAR TO GOD that it felt like I was being zapped or something. I felt it EVERYWHERE - from head to toe. I remember I tried to scream, but nothing would come out. It lasted for friggin 3 - 5 minutes. I'll never forget that one.

When I was 23? I think it was, It happened again.

Then a few nights ago, I awoke to the feeling of this: It felt like there was someTHING holding me down. Pretty hard, too. It felt like when a cop puts someone on the ground face-first and puts their leg or legs on the persons back, while like holding their hands and arms down.

I know it sounds like a dream about getting arrested or something, hehe, but no. This sh*t felt crazy.

I wonder if it's like a demon or negativity thing, because I am friggin a mess - mentally and spiritally, and emotionally. Like I said, though, I have no history of schiztophrenia. I don't hear voices (except for my concience, but that's normal, right?

Damn, maybe I am crazy after all these years...

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by _Volt_

dude, read my post in this thread.. I wrote it BEFORE I saw yours.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 01:05 AM
Hi all,
After reading this thread, I wanted to share a few things that have happened to me.

I was taking a nap on the couch one day (on my back) having this FABULOUS dream.
It was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had. It was like a spiritual experience. Seriously. Well, the dream played out, and I slowly came awake, like normal. As I gradually came awake, I realized that someone was holding my head, on either side of my temples, and I felt a mild electricity going up my legs. I tried to jump up and see who the heck had their hands on my head (because no one was home), but I couldn't move, and I couldn't open my eyes to see. I FLIPPED OUT. I kept trying to open my eyes, but all they would do is flutter, and I could not move a muscle. I know you all understand my rapidly compounding terror, and i'm glad, because i'm not sure that I could describe it. Then the phone rang. And my whole body jerked like a foot off the couch, and I could open my eyes.

Another time, I was asleep in bed and was gradually awakened by something brushing my face. I kept brushing it away, but to no avail. So I opened my eyes to see what the heck it was, and it was a fern plant. I was under a fern plant that was growing under a huge tree, in a forest. I sat up and looked around, and realized that I was in a forest, on a mattress, and there was little gold sparklies flitting here and there.
Surprisingly enough, I was not concerned at all, and just laid back down under that fern and went back to sleep!!! I would SWEAR I had been awake!

Another time, I woke up suddenly out of a dead sleep, and raised my head to look around for whatever had awakened me, and when I looked at my open bedroom door, this electric blue man walked right through the patio door right toward me. He was smiling and seemed happy to see me, but I was so scared, I pulled the covers up over my head like a child, and laid under the covers all freaked out until I finally had enough nerve to peep out. There wasn't anyone there.

I have also fought some invisible foe on several occassions, to the complete dismay of anyone sleeping with me. Sometimes I would wake up flying through the air doing martial arts style kicks, other times I would just struggle and scream like someone was killing me. (I don't remember the screaming part, I was told this. )

I have a lot more. What a trip. I think I have a sleep disorder, or two.
I'm really glad that others experience this.

OP, i'm glad you got it all figured out, and you feel better.

Take care,

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by impaired
reply to post by _Volt_

dude, read my post in this thread.. I wrote it BEFORE I saw yours.

I am a dudette.

posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 11:44 AM
Like many others with sp, i know when i'm asleep or not. I only saw the alien once. That was enough, weird stuff has been going on since.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by GodForbid

hey there my friend, i have a thread here in the gray area whch you may find interesting

also last night i somehow managed to trigger the same sort of experience again but i noticed alot more to it this time as it lasted alot longer and i wasnt afraid of it. when it first began last night i heard an extreme crunching cracking sound at the top of my spine. then i lay there calm trying to take in all i could from this experience, afterwards again i felt extremely calm, i would to you my friend not to fear these experiences forthey may be something which we as a human collective are just starting to learn, if it happen again remain calm ( i know that is hard to do but trust me ) and just zone into it.

thanks again my friend for sharing your experience, im noticing alot more people with similar experiences, anyway theres the link you might be interested in

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:38 PM
Last night i had a paralysis again.

I went straight to bed after watching the movie "What dreams may come" in which Robin Williams dies, goes to heaven and try to save his wife from hell after she killed herself.

Suddenly i woke up, hearing a very very loud sound. It even began to hurt my ears. I noticed i could not move again and that i was beginning to see with my eyes closed.

Very weird, i always have different paralysis-ses

Again, i did not leave the body. The fear got hoold of me, again!!

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by GodForbid
reply to post by _Volt_

Yeah I think that's sleep paralysis, perhaps a less extreme version. I have heard a lot of people say similar things about SP.

Not to scare you :O but I also read a thread here about demons visiting them in their sleep and causing sleep paralysis, they explain the same thing. The feeling of someone lying across their legs or holding them down and pushing on their chest.

Personally though, I think it's part of the sleep paralysis, maybe some people get it slightly differently to others, or interpret the feeling of paralysis differently, as I don't recall the feeling of being held down physically, more the feeling of just being paralysed. Kind of like when you wake up and you've slept on your arm and you're unable to move it, only your entire body, and less tingly.

Well, it happened again. Bloody scary.

This was in the morning 12th July.

Cut and paste from my Livejournal blong.

I was in bed trying to get back to sleep.
For some reason I opened my eyes and this black shape rushed past.

I was then unable to move, It feel like it was touching me.

The bed felt like it was moving and I couldn't speak, although I was trying as hard as I could to make noises in the hope that the person I live with would be awake and come to help me.

[edit on 13-7-2010 by _Volt_]

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