Ok, this is gonna be a little long, but hopefully I can get this across as accurately as possible.
It's Christmas eve, I finished work and went out on the town with a few friends, had a bit to drink, but left a little early as I didn't want to
ruin my Christmas by being a drone all day. I returned home at about 1am, and went straight to bed, everything was normal and good.
I woke up at about 4am, which is very odd for me as I'm usually a very heavy sleeper (although I find it hard actually getting to sleep sometimes)
and find it very hard to get up in the mornings. Anyway, when I woke up I noticed I had a very sore throat and had a horrible feeling of dread,
unexplainable dread, perhaps I had been having a scary dream that I couldn't remember or something, I'm not sure. Anyway, after being quite annoyed
at having a very sore throat on Christmas day, I drifted off again.
I woke up at exactly 5am, unable to move. I had had sleep paralysis once when I was younger, and knew what it was, and although it's still shocking I
was sort of calm and kept thinking "it's okay, just try to get one part of your body moving and the rest will come". I could hear someone moving
about in my house (probably my Mum getting ready for work) and I was trying to make a noise to signal them to come into the room and help me by making
some noises. I can't fully remember if I managed to get a noise out, but I think I did. The next thing I know I am dreaming again, I saw my Nan in a
nurses outfit, and wondered where the hell I was, I was half-lucid dreaming, I knew it wasn't right, but didn't have normal thought process, I was
mostly asleep (if that makes any sense). Suddenly I knew full well this wasn't right and that I was dreaming and as soon as I did, I woke up again
out of the dream. Once again unable to move and in sleep paralysis.
Whoever was walking around in my house was still there, I knew that probably only a few seconds had past. (it's worth noting that I couldn't open my
eyes during the sleep paralysis) Somehow I knew it wasn't my Mum and was in fact my step dad, I'm not sure how, but I definitely did, it wasn't a
question, it was him.
I continued as I did before to try to signal for help, while remaining relatively calm, trying to get a noise out. I think I managed it, and I heard
the door open, and thought "ahh thank God" and "try to get him to shake me to help wake me up" So with great difficulty, I tried to say "shake me
I'm stuck" After mostly grunts and noises I managed to just about get the words out, and I remember feeling and hearing a loud bang. After this I
could gradually move my thumbs, then hands, then legs, open my eyes and it was fine. I remember thanking my step dad for the help.
At this point, something didn't feel right, he was too happy, sitting on the end of my bad. A big odd looking grin on his face. Me and my step dad do
get along well, but we're very different people and don't make great conversations with each other normally, it's usually a "hey, you alright?"
sort of thing. Anyway, I had the feeling something was up but I didn't question it as I knew nothing was. I have a bed side lamp built in the best,
which has a regular house 60 watt light bulb in it, so it's usually very bright. I noticed this was very very dim, like an orange glow, and as soon
as I noticed that, that was it. I KNEW it wasn't right now, and as soon as I did - BANG - I woke up again. Once again unable to move, this time no
step dad on my bed and no one moving around. After a few seconds I managed to move my fingers, hands, legs etc again, and I was awake. The bulb was
bright and everything felt more real. This time I was awake.
Following this, all of Christmas day, I kept for no reason getting that feeling of horrible dread that I had the first time I woke up. I was also very
ill still with a sore throat, cough and cold. I just couldn't shake off this feeling of horrible dread. I knew everything was all right, but still,
this nasty sinking feeling would come back. I racked my brains as this was not normal, I'm usually a very happy person, what the hell is making me
feel like this?
As the day went on, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going mad, or maybe already had a little bit. I couldn't think of any reason why, I
wasn't hearing voices, or hallucinating, I wasn't having any unusual thoughts or erratic behaviour. I was as normal as I always have been, but
there's still nasty feeling of horror that I can't shake off. This continued for a few days after. Perhaps up to a week, and really getting to me,
upsetting me and worrying me.
I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going mad, although still not having any explanation as to why, no symptoms of what I would imagine as
madness. Only the horrible sinking feeling.
It really stressed me and I couldn't shake it off, kept getting worse and worse. It's worth noting that I am a very rational person, and knew and
kept telling myself "you're fine, you're associating a bad feeling with a word, (madness) and now everything you think of the word you get the
feeling, and every time you get the feeling you think of the word and that's all it is" but it didn't really help, even though I knew what I was
saying was true.
I'm not really a religious person, or wasn't. But it's worth noting that a few weeks before this, I had decided I would prey as I didn't feel any
harm in doing so. And this was bothering me so much, I decided I would prey again and ask for help shaking this off. Funnily enough, the next day I
felt a lot better. The feeling has reoccurred a few times since, but not as intense and I'm genuinely feeling normal again.
I wanted to share this with you all, because it was of so much significance to me, but I couldn't talk to anyone close to me about it, as I was
afraid of people judging me, or me upsetting those close to me or worrying them. So you as the reader are the first person I have really told of how
much I went through - mentally - for no apparent reason.
The most likely explanation for me is that the odd dream had really gotten to me, more than I had thought it had. And given me some post traumatic
stress syndrome of some sort
Other less likely and more "for fun" reasons are: Being possessed by a demon? (
) as this is actually very similar to some other posters accounts
of this. Although I don't personally believe in demons but am very open minded. Who knows.
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any replies.