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Please help, advice on sudden disturbing images and feelings of unease

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posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 02:07 AM
For the past few weeks I have suddenly grown very uncomfortable in my home. I have lived here for a about two years and have never been anything but peaceful here. I have been seeing fleeting shadows in my peripheral vision as well as a general unease. I almost feel like I need to constantly look over my shoulder and am paranoid to the point where I don't feel comfortable even putting the tv too loud because it feels like i am cutting off one of my senses. Just tonight while in my "in between asleep and awake" place I felt/saw a dark figure lean against my bedroom door frame and felt like I was being watched. I had my eyes closed but it felt so real. I was also being bombarded with images and sounds of...well war is the closest thing I can describe it as. It was so disturbing to me that I had to get out of bed and felt very close to an anxiety attack. This has never happened to me before, ever. And as soon as I opened my eyes after I was wide awake and felt that maybe I hadn't been as near to sleep as I thought I was. Maybe this doesn't seem like much of a cause for concern but like I said this has never happened to me and it left me with almost debilitating fear.

A little background on me. I live with my husband, who has not experienced any of the things that I have just described. I do meditate, and have been doing a bit of self hypnosis for the past month to regulate my stress levels. The hypnosis has not led to an out of body experience although there have been times where I have felt like I was hovering over my body. I have no personal or family history of mental illness. I had taken some percoset earlier in the day as prescribed by an emergency physician for abdominal pain that I still need to see a specialist to diagnose the cause of. But the feelings of unease that I have been having started long before I took the pain medication. I am getting adequate sleep and have a pretty healthy diet.

I am hoping to find some sort of explanation to what I am experiencing and would like to find a way to deal with this since I feel whole heartedly that this is not my imagination. Any insight at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 02:10 AM
Taoist priests believed that if one meditates and enters an out of body state, they make connection to another world, one that they believe is something akin to the spiritual world. Perhaps while having an out of body spirit, some of these beings sensed that you were out of place and were curiouse, some of them may be malevolent. Just what I think may be happening, I'm sorry but i cannot offer a solution, just maybe some information of what may or may not be happening.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 02:23 AM
Tell them to go. away, seriously. Tell them they are not welcome out load when you feel their presence.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 02:27 AM
Seeing things (hypnogognia), and having anxiety attacks when you are entering sleep is a sign that you may have a sleep disorder. I recommend talking to a Doctor who is knowledgeable in the field of sleep medicine, and see what he has to say about it.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 03:17 AM
I know this is kind of hard to just DO, especially when things are happening to your outside of your experience. Honestly the first thing you need to do in order to tackle your fear is to simply not be afraid of whatever may be messing with you.

There are many beings malevolent, benevolent, and otherwise just have a knack for being mischievous in general. A lot of them will simply get bored if you have no reaction to them, and are also very vocal about not being afraid of them AND not welcoming them. Think of them as annoying bullies.

We live in a multi dimensional universe that is for sure.

Also, do you have a welcome mat in front of your house? I have heard that things like that ALLOW any being to just invite themselves in simply because literally, you are inviting them in!

Good luck with that!

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:14 AM
I am a spiritual medium and lay nutritionist, have extensive experience in dealing with discarnate demonic abuse, have counseled victims about it, and can help you. I can even be considered an expert on this topic

First off, you need to boost your nutritional base. When you have a strong nutritional base it is much easier to deal with discarnate abuse. For example, those who suffer from postpartum depression have a severe deficiency in those vitamins and minerals that the body uses to fight stress and maintain emotional equilibrium. This leads one to be more open to the negative effects of disturbing telepathic projections and negative thoughts from common or inferior spirits in one's vicinity.

1. Eat a salad everyday. Avoid iceberg lettuce as it has zero nutritional value. Get some baby green spinach or romaine and also have shredded carrots and celery. Add other fresh vegetables as desired. This helps the body in many ways (e.g., overall digestion) and boosts B vitamin intake.

2. Start taking Brazilian Coral Calcium. Calcium regulates the heart beat and fights stress and there is nothing better on the market in the calcium department than cold pressed coral calcium.

3. Start taking EPA from Nordic Naturals or if you have trouble affording this, then go with an upscale Omega 3-6-9 supplement such as the one Twinlab offers. These are used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and to enhance overall emotional stability. They are also a natural antidepressant, great for heart health, and with no negative side effects.

4. Avoid soft drinks other than the occasional one you can get from the health food store. Drink filtered or bottled water most of the time.

5. Avoid pork and ham completely. They place undue stress on the digestive system. Eat turkey sausage and turkey bacon instead.

6. Avoid all meat that has antibiotics and hormones in it. Consume only organic beef or something very close to that. A good choice is premium angus beef.

7. Get yourself a decent multivitamin and take it daily. An inexpensive one is Solgar Vm-75 in vegetarian capsules.

Now that you have a strong foundation of nutrition so you can deal with the stress of discarnate abuse, let us now target the problem directly.

We are all surrounded by the spiritually retarded in the discarnate dimensions. They are just people on the Other Side who have chosen to pursue pleasure from sadistic acts. But they are ultimately very weak in The Light. There is no such thing as a powerful demon; only primitive spirits who combine into a Group Entity and temporarily appear as a single demonic figure. Their acts of abuse further weakens them in The Light and they are ultimately forced to disband and reside in hellish emotional states on the first plane in the traditional seven astral plane paradigm.

Know that when you have one of these encounters it is not due to a mental weakness that you have but by sadistic spirits who shrink their consciousness constantly. Thus, the demonic attack that happens today is most likely not the same group of inferior spirits that abused you in a nightmare-type attack the other day. This is important to remember.

Call them out in heated whispers that convey your intense emotion but not be audibly loud. Tell them off. They become very frustrated when you face them directly. This blows the whole 'pleasure from the fear in others syndrome' that they have.

Inform them truthfully that they are not one powerful demonic figure but a Group Entity of primitive souls who do not have the courage and integrity to stand alone in The Light.

Be ready and willing to fight them emotionally

Ultimately, you have the advantage. You become stronger emotionally and they become weaker in The Light from abusing you.

After time it will become quite obvious to the inferior spirits in your midst that it is much easier for them to seek out other incarnates with which to torment. Ones that don't fight back emotionally and read them the riot act.

That is your solution.

There are some basic spiritual procedures that can help also:

1. Qigong (Chi-Gong). Draw in sky blue and/or white light energy into your chakras -- while rejecting the other energy colors of violet, yellow, orange, and red -- from all around you. This is an ancient form of self-healing that stems back five thousand years in China and it serves to rejuvenate one emotionally and fight stress-related problems like post-traumatic stress disorder brought on from astral abuse.

2. While drawing in the energy, visualize a white astral shield of protection around yourself and your family.

3. Daily pray for healing, protection, and spiritual guidance. Make sure that the prayer is accompanied by genuine, sincere emotion. The radiance of purified emotion is even more important than the wording of any prayer.

Do all of the above and the negative influence in your home will dissipate and/or become less of a problem over time.

There is other advice I can give you.

Feel free to contact me privately via U2U.

[edit on 19-1-2009 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

Right, another expert that claims that a potential sleep disorder is a discarnate entity.

I know it does not sound as neat, but the fact is that Hypnogognic Hallucinations, and anxiety attacks are a symptom of sleep disorders. The fact that you are posting this at 03:00am, during a time you should be in a REM period is another clue to the real cause of your problems. Being someone who works in the Sleep Medicine field, I would recommend talking to your doctor about this.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
reply to post by Paul_Richard

Right, another expert that claims that a potential sleep disorder is a discarnate entity.

I know it does not sound as neat, but the fact is that Hypnogognic Hallucinations, and anxiety attacks are a symptom of sleep disorders. The fact that you are posting this at 03:00am, during a time you should be in a REM period is another clue to the real cause of your problems. Being someone who works in the Sleep Medicine field, I would recommend talking to your doctor about this.

I see that we have another disciple of the distorted teachings of the late and misguided Sigmund Freud

Before you get on the drug treadmill, take it from someone who "walks the talk" as well as "talks the talk."

What I espouse works.

What this person espouses is simply to get too drugged up to care.

Better to be healthy and aware than drugged up and comatose

To offer further illumination for those interested: hallucinations and dreams are not caused by the brain, as Freud espoused.

They are caused by spirits.

That has always been the case, eons before Freud -- an atheist who did not accept the greater reality of life before life and life after death, much less the discarnate dimensions -- concocted the twisted paradigm that unfortunately led to the foundation of modern psychiatry.

Let us finally bury an obsolete form of therapy and psychological understanding.

Drugs lessen one's control over the body and the soul.

Avoid them as much as possible.

That is good advice in any circumstance.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:47 AM
I have previously expierienced exatly what you have described. Don't let anyone tell you your over reacting or its all in your head. I understand the fear and its not fun.
Firstly its not the pain killer or your imagination but please know you have total power over the occurance of these experiences. Secondly it can not halm you. Got that? It can't hurt you! Hypnosis opens the mind and take down its "protective layer" so that the comands can enter unhindered. Unfortunatly this open vesle also attracts spirits.

It feeds on your energy such that if you go on like you are it will want to stay but if you can get over the fear and not aknowledge it at all it will leave. This entity (Depending on your spiritual belief there are many explanations of what this is but I won't claim its one over the other) will respond to the figure of power in your belief system. So if you were christian comanding it to leave in the name of Jesus will work. If your a Ritual magician using a circle of protection and a banishing spell will work. You just have to believe it and your power will also be behind it. So find out how to get rid of bad spirits in your belief system. If your Athiest (your screwed! lol.. no) then just move out for afew weeks and it will leave to find energy elsewhere.

U2U me a msg if you would like more info. I have learnt alot about this though necessity.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:47 AM
My first advice would be to look at it logical, I've found many times I believed something paranormal was going on there was a good explanation to what was happening. I'm going to assume you're in good mental health and the meditation that you do isn't hurting you. When I was younger I was the running joke of a group of poltergeists that still inhabited the house I lived at with my mother and her girlfriend. They didn't like that my mother was a homosexual and they let it be known, but they never hurt me. I would suggest you use a medium of some sort and find what the spirit wants or why it's still on our plane. It's possible that it's just a prankster and finds it delightful to keep you on your edge or it could possibly be trying to hurt you either way you should safeguard yourself when you meditate, your very open to influence at times like these. If it's something evil of nature the medium will know and the appropriate actions should be taken. If your husband doesn't believe you tell him you need to do it for you, that kind of stuff always works on me
Good luck, and let us know how everything works out.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Paul_Richard

I believe that I recall us having this conversation many years ago, like back in 2004.
Weren't you the poster that admitted to being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, but refused to use the Cpap by insisting that you were being attacked by Discarnate Entities? That was one of the first threads I ever got involved in at ATS, if I recall correctly. I can no longer find that thread even listed on ATS, it must be in some archive though.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
I see that we have another disciple of the distorted teachings of the late and misguided Sigmund Freud

Freud has nothing to do with sleep disorders, we detect them through the use of EEG, and other attachments. Just a short list of some potential Sleep Disorders would include: Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Sleep Paralysis, REM Behavior Disorder, Sleep Apnea, Upper airway resistance, Nocturnal Seizures, and many others.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Before you get on the drug treadmill, take it from someone who "walks the talk" as well as "talks the talk."

Most sleep disorders are not controlled via drugs, the vast majority of people who have an issue it relates to airway obstruction, which is fixed through the use of Constant Positive Airway Pressure.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
What this person espouses is simply to get too drugged up to care.

I guess that would make you wrong, and obviously not very well educated in the field of sleep disorder medicine.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
To offer further illumination for those interested: hallucinations and dreams are not caused by the brain, as Freud espoused.

Funny, why can I tell when a person is dreaming using a EEG machine then? The brain, which slows down during the rest of the night, suddenly increases in frequency to near awake speeds when it enters REM sleep and dreams. The body emits a paralytic to keep you from acting out your dreams during this time, as those with sleep paralysis and REM behavior Disorder quite clearly prove.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
They are caused by spirits.

Only in this persons sleep deprived mind.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
That has always been the case, eons before Freud -- an atheist who did not accept the greater reality of life before life and life after death, much less the discarnate dimensions -- concocted the twisted paradigm that unfortunately led to the foundation of modern psychiatry.

Too bad that the Sleep Medicine field has ZERO to do with Freud then, ain't it? As a matter of fact I have worked in the field for nearly a decade, and I have never even read Freud...

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
Let us finally bury an obsolete form of therapy and psychological understanding.

Seems more like you would like to bury science and use the voodoo witch doctor method to me.

[edit on 1/19/2009 by defcon5]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by queenieme

A little background on me. ...
and have been doing a bit of self hypnosis for the past month to regulate my stress levels.

. I had taken some percoset earlier in the day as prescribed by an emergency physician for abdominal pain that I still need to see a specialist to diagnose the cause of.

But the feelings of unease that I have been having started long before I took the pain medication.

since your at dis-ease, (stress, un-ease, un-diagnosed abdominal pain)
with your gut pain being masked by 'percoset' no less....

as an adjunct to the medical professionals you see,
try to locate a shaman,

because while spirit energy may manifest as a minor ailment (in your case abdominal sensitivity/pain) your own mind/belief system/brain pathways
can make fertile territory for the minor dis-ease to grow and morph...

8 Ways to Train Our Primitive Brain—for Life in the 21st Century

- David L. Weiner

Our brain has sometimes been called an amalgam of unintelligent design. The theory is that as the brain evolved, the limbic system—the center of our instinctive drives and reactive emotions—simply grew over our original reptilian brain. And then our cortex, which houses our thoughts and creativity, grew over the limbic system. This would be like piling new-generation personal computers on top of older ones and expecting them to work in harmony.

Neuroscientists agree that the limbic system, with its primitive components and neural circuitry, can work quite independently of our intelligence. In many instances, this primitive part of our brains distorts our perceptions, creating irrational fears, anxieties, and biases that can work to sabotage our lives in the workplace and at home.

Here are 8 ways we can retrain our brains to overcome these primitive tendencies. [...]


hope this might be a avenue you might try or at least look into more...

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:16 AM
Freud has nothing to do with sleep disorders, we detect them through the use of EEG, and other attachments. Just a short list of some potential Sleep Disorders would include: Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Sleep Paralysis, REM Behavior Disorder, Sleep Apnea, Upper airway resistance, Nocturnal Seizures, and many others.

While that is a big list of names that are assigned to those conditions I would personally find it irresponsible and close minded to assume that no bad entities are involved in these behaviors whatsoever.

The particular spirits that the OP is mentioning if looked at it in a logical way could actually cause some of these conditions like sleep disorder and paranoia. From the description that the OP has given it seems just plain ignorant to put the potential problem down to mental issues or disorders.

Paul Richards has provided sensible information and needed nutrition in everyday life and the most important factor is that he is a lay nutritionist. Chemists on the other hand promote chemical cocktails to mask problems and usually cause more problems than they are supposed to fix.

The OP mentions the issues and current situation are induced by the bad entities that he has seen and which do exists no matter what religion or beliefs you have. The bad entity seems to be the problem and the solution is not being stuffed with doctor prescribed drugs

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by queenieme
Just tonight while in my "in between asleep and awake" place I felt/saw a dark figure lean against my bedroom door frame and felt like I was being watched. I had my eyes closed but it felt so real.

As defcon5 has said, this is a textbook sleep disorder. You're just experiencing hypnagogic hallucinations. I've had them myself (being choked by a naked, invisible succubus while experiencing sleep paralysis in my case).

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
reply to post by Paul_Richard

I believe that I recall us having this conversation many years ago, like back in 2004.
Weren't you the poster that admitted to being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, but refused to use the Cpap by insisting that you were being attacked by Discarnate Entities?


That was not me.

But it sounds like an interesting case whereby more than one treatment would be required.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:07 AM
sounds like sleep paralysis, I've been having them quite frequently, and thought I was experiencing the paranormal as well, I would wake up with a huge head rush, like my breathing had been cut off for some time, so I went to my doctor, and he enrolled me in the hospitals sleep program, sure enough I was having sleep paralysis and sure enough, it was so bad, that I would stop breathing for several seconds..hence the head rush. I'm on medication right now and a strict diet (I'm overweight by 50 lbs since having my second child 17months ago, I just never did anything to lose the weight afterwards) I've been doing much better now.

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
I see that we have another disciple of the distorted teachings of the late and misguided Sigmund Freud

Freud has nothing to do with sleep disorders, we detect them through the use of EEG, and other attachments. Just a short list of some potential Sleep Disorders would include: Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, Sleep Paralysis, REM Behavior Disorder, Sleep Apnea, Upper airway resistance, Nocturnal Seizures, and many others.

Freud was instrumental in forming the foundation of modern psychiatry.

And much of his basic framework of ideas is still used today, which is changing for the better.

The physical problems surrounding sleep disorders should be addressed and treated.

The metaphysical problems surrounding discarnate entity abuse should also be addressed and treated.

To address only one facet of the problem is to fail to solve it holistically and completely.

Originally posted by defcon5Most sleep disorders are not controlled via drugs, the vast majority of people who have an issue it relates to airway obstruction, which is fixed through the use of Constant Positive Airway Pressure.


But doing only the above does absolutely nothing in regard to astral abuse.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
What this person espouses is simply to get too drugged up to care.

Originally posted by defcon5
I guess that would make you wrong, and obviously not very well educated in the field of sleep disorder medicine.

I would rather warn people not to take drugs unnecessarily than to watch them be influenced by those who would get them on the drug treadmill indirectly, even with the guise that it only entails unblocking air passageways.

Most medical doctors do not prescribe devices to unblock air passageways for astral abuse. They, like you, are quite ignorant to the real causes and solutions for same.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
To offer further illumination for those interested: hallucinations and dreams are not caused by the brain, as Freud espoused.

Originally posted by defcon5
Funny, why can I tell when a person is dreaming using a EEG machine then? The brain, which slows down during the rest of the night, suddenly increases in frequency to near awake speeds when it enters REM sleep and dreams. The body emits a paralytic to keep you from acting out your dreams during this time, as those with sleep paralysis and REM behavior Disorder quite clearly prove.

You have some stats but you are drawing some wrong conclusions because your focus is one of prejudice.

Funny, Freud had the same problem.

Yes, there is REM sleep, indicating dream activity. But the nature and cause of the dreams you are missing completely. You are looking at the outside of the situation and not understanding the discarnate cause behind it.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
They are caused by spirits.

Originally posted by defcon5
Only in this persons sleep deprived mind.

There is a grain of truth behind your assumption.

Sleep deprivation weakens the body neurologically, making it more susceptible to the negative effects of telepathic projections -- what Freudians refer to as hallucinations.

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
That has always been the case, eons before Freud -- an atheist who did not accept the greater reality of life before life and life after death, much less the discarnate dimensions -- concocted the twisted paradigm that unfortunately led to the foundation of modern psychiatry.

Originally posted by defcon5
Too bad that the Sleep Medicine field has ZERO to do with Freud then, ain't it? As a matter of fact I have worked in the field for nearly a decade, and I have never even read Freud...

Freudian psychology espouses that dreams and hallucinations are caused by the brain. Which is what you are trying to promote here too. However, in truth, they are only the physical components of an astral cause.

I'm sorry you have had such a limited and obsolete education on metaphysical matters.

Fortunately, there are people like Drakiir and myself in here to help you understand the situation more clearly.

[edit on 19-1-2009 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Drakiir

Originally posted by Drakiir
While that is a big list of names that are assigned to those conditions I would personally find it irresponsible and close minded to assume that no bad entities are involved in these behaviors whatsoever.

They are all related to physical issues involving either the airway or the brain. These can be seen on a polygraph, and are diagnosed by a physician. They are not spiritual or psychological issues, which cannot be observed on technical equipment.

Originally posted by Drakiir
The particular spirits that the OP is mentioning if looked at it in a logical way could actually cause some of these conditions like sleep disorder and paranoia. From the description that the OP has given it seems just plain ignorant to put the potential problem down to mental issues or disorders.

The symptoms of Hypnogognia are well documented and involve hallucinations of gray or dark figures.

Originally posted by Drakiir
Paul Richards has provided sensible information and needed nutrition in everyday life and the most important factor is that he is a lay nutritionist. Chemists on the other hand promote chemical cocktails to mask problems and usually cause more problems than they are supposed to fix.

Neither chemicals nor diet are going to fix many sleep related issues which are solely physical in nature. There are a few sleep disorders that are treated with medication, but the most common fix for sleep disorders is airway pressure. Some sleep disorders are fixed by altering the type or number of medication that a person is already taking. Some of your “Holistic” cures can actually cause certain sleep disorders.

Originally posted by Drakiir
The OP mentions the issues and current situation are induced by the bad entities that he has seen and which do exists no matter what religion or beliefs you have. The bad entity seems to be the problem and the solution is not being stuffed with doctor prescribed drugs

Maybe you can explain the just are real seeming beings that people with sleep paralysis experience?

posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Originally posted by Drakiir
The particular spirits that the OP is mentioning if looked at it in a logical way could actually cause some of these conditions like sleep disorder and paranoia. From the description that the OP has given it seems just plain ignorant to put the potential problem down to mental issues or disorders.

The symptoms of Hypnogognia are well documented and involve hallucinations of gray or dark figures.

Am I right in thinking that such hallucinations and sleep paralysis can actually be induced in a laboratory setting?

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