I admire these guys passion, but really peaceful means such as a roadblock, or protest outside or at a shareholders meeting is better, they did commit
criminal damage with the windows and computers, maybe if they destroyed the Arms, well that is justifiable.
When quite political and younger, 2 decades ago now, I was so horrified by the blatant ravaging of the Rain Forests in Brazil, where about 100 tress
were cut down to get 1 particular redwood, and illegally stolen from the official landowners under the countries law, and international agreements by
these companies myself and a group of human and environmental rights groups did something similar.
The wood was being sold as the latest craze then Mahogony on all the toilet seats and bathroom sets in nearly ever major chain store to do with home
We had proof that this particular wood only grew in certain areas, had the letters from contacts in the native countries, the photos and agreements to
prove it was illegally logged and stolen, and that native South American Indians had died to protect their land, burnt out and shot by the loggers.
A group in S.America had secretly filmed and tracked the wood to the supplier in the UK.
So as this particular countrywide store only used this one supplier for this type of wood, and we could prove where it came from we did the
With local Law Students and sympathisers who didn't want to get to involved, as observers with cameras and stuff, a few of us entered the stores,
peacefully, free cake al around, removed all the wood, placed a poster their explaining what was happening, Phoned the police and reported Theft from
within the store then all left with the wood without paying for it.
Stood outside with info for shoppers, awaited the police, gave them the information and demanded that they take legal action, and prosecute the store
manager for handling stolen goods.
It was a very interesting day.
If done properly these things work.
After 32 stores had this happen over a 2 week period they immediately stopped using Mahogany from that source and changed to a certified Indian Run
plantation with sustainable management techniques.
The poor police did not know what to do, the security at the store were going crazy demanding we were arrested whilst we did the same about them.
If you are right, and can prove you are taking citizens actions to prevent or stop further crime from happening the judicial system is in a real
We spent some time after some of these actions locked up , but none of the desk sergeants ever charged any of us, as we did not commit any criminal
damage, were courteous and respectful.
Interesting enough I know of 6 of the 32 occasions where the "Evidence" of shoplifting was never returned to the stores as the Police agreed, and
put it forward to actually investigate the company for their actions. We had proven the company jnew where it came from as courier mail with full
presentations had been hitting all the board, signed for by their secretaries and such like for about a month before hand.
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
I have often thought about liberating the peoples money from Banks in a similar fashion, due to the current banking fiasco, though I think Armed
police would be a bit less lenient lol... so this part is just a joke and I do not advise anyone to consider that beyond a line in a fantasy novel, I
will accept no proposals to do so, or discuss it with anyone, and I am not conspiring with anyone here or elsewhere to even discuss such an action,
all I have done is mention the good plot for a Fantasy Novel I am considering based on separate life experiences
Kind Regards,
[edit on 18-1-2009 by MischeviousElf]