Originally posted by whitewave
Just started reading a book about the same time as this thread and it seemed a bit serendipitous. The book is by Tom Dekker entitled Black Red White.
It's about a guy who's living in 2 separate realities. Each seems equally real and he can't figure out which one is "real" and which one is a
dream. Both realities say the other one is the dream.
LOL.... Yes you are onto it... but it is very easy to distinguish, which experience is which.
As all things in existence, exist in pairs...
There are two experiences of different Worlds or Programs...
It all has to do with "Inners" and "Outers"...
The Experience and the Observer of that Experience...
When you understand the make up, of what I refer to as the Matrix, we find (
Nothing to do with good or bad), We find an "Upper World" and a
"Lower World" or Programs...
The "Upper Programs" represent the "Outer World" and the "Lower World" the "Inner" in some cases.
While in other programs, we find frames of squares, that are Registers and appear in a form, similar to in appearance of the Odeum of Herodes Atticus,
or the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens.
In other Words formed in Layers similar to the seating around the stage.
These appear sometimes as Rings of Octagons, while at other times, appear as in the form of a Square Frame, made of squares.
Each set in the form of a frame inside one another.
These produce like a square theatre, instead of a round or semicircular structure.
In each case the Registers are arranged in sets, i.e. an "Inner" Set and an "Outer" Set.
And in other cases Hexagonal Registers are used, sometimes in a similar fashion...
In reality, we look
into our Universe from an "Outside" Origin through the Eyes and experience this universe through the human form as
Our Consciousness, is on One face of a Disc, while the Holographic Universe is manifested on the other Face of the Disc.
The book explores the same questions and issues raised in this thread. How would you know if what you thought was real was a "real" reality?
And how could you depend on the rules or science that explains a particular reality to provide you with the tools necessary to prove or disprove your
Well put....
This is exactly my point... How do we apply tests to this???
I know the Outer Program experience, is similar to this world in some ways, and just like this world, is experienced in another (From another Outer
Some may ask but where does its Limits Lay???
The limits are only determined by the knowledge of its Self, as all has been the result of the manipulation of its on Concepts so size has nothing at
all to do with its limits.
Size is only of reality when 2 or more entities exist...
If all is contained conceptually how does size come into it?
It doesn't! LOL..,..
How do you measure the size of a "Conceptual Manifestation", other than being able to compare two or more entities within a single Concept (World),
and not with anything outside that Single Concept (world).
The Universe we see is as endless as a never ending story as it is purely Conceptual in Nature.
It is only the Laws or Rules, and boundaries, within the Program, that allows us to be lead into believing, that this is all real and the only
reality... LOL..
But to understand its true make up, it (existence) is all only based on Concepts, both in its manifestation and workings in Consciousness, that has No
Size or Shape.
So really this Universe appears within (Conceptually) something, that has No Size or Shape.
3D has been Created by something, that has self discovered and used that knowledge, to produce a huge program using geometry, to produce these
illusions which appear as a Universe or World.
Please don't imagine I am underrating the make-up of the Universe we see, but rather I can appreciate the concepts of its simple foundation,
(Conceptual Geometry) that manifests its self, in such wide and varied complexities...
But because this Program that produces the Illusion, seen as this Universe, is so well written, it causes us to believe all, is Real in this Illusion,
rather than the true Reality, of our Consciousness and where it (Consciousness) really resides.
I don't know anything about computer games but does the game tell you it's just a simulation?
I agree with you on these statements....
Thanks for your letter...
I'll get back to you when I get a Chance...
Sorry I have Not read Sefir Yetzirah book/s.
Perhaps one day I may get around to it... Sounds Interesting though by what you said..