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Primary school teacher: facing jail for sending lewd texts to schoolboy after grooming him on World

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posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by StevenDye

Those laws that are in place of the U.K are kind of confusing, messing up in one area thinking that you are allowed to do such and such and yet aren't only to be hit with a fine or have a label such as pedophile attached to your persona. I don't know I think their should still just be a universal thing, though I'm sure many will break it anyway it will hopefully set some ground work for some kids and teens.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

In some cases I don't think people will need an 'A' that badly
. Overall though yes, a lot of girls (especially over here) have used the word "love" and sometimes used the words "Be with you forever" everytime they step into a relationship, only to end with A. They have slept together so passion is over, or B. A child is born and sometimes the other teen just doesn't want to deal with it now. A lot of this seems to start right as they are entering or are in full swing of Middle school, for some reason (I'm going to assume hormones in both girls and boys) cause them to experiment heavily with various aspects of life including sex and drugs. I guess some really want to be like a few rock stars perhaps

Either that or parents just aren't watching them close enough some of the time, though a set age of 18 instead of all these random ages all over the world. That's probably one of the causes of this sex pandemic, kids probably figure out when they can do the dance between the sheets and do it. Wonder if bumping it up to 18 would help or not.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

It is just sad how many people's lives are being ruined while we run another witch hunt. When I was a kid, it was not child molesters but kidnappers. They were everywhere. They were all always around and all wanted all of us. Stats show no difference between now and then other than in the media hype. The problem is all the 19 yr olds that will be sex offenders for life for having consensual sex with their 16/17 year old g/f's because everyone thinks that every man with eyes wants to have sex with their kid.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 10:06 AM
I hope she does end up in Jail. We as parents need to check on the teachers that are teaching our kids. I found out in Nov, 2008 that my sons case is finalized finally due to the fact that the teacher was murdered by a parent that stated she would never touch another child again. For 6 years SAD 68 had covered up for her. The state of Maine did nothing and she had Molested and raped over 200 children total. My son finally has justice. But I will never trust another teacher again Ever. The parent that did the Murder is getting off. Due to the fact that everything had been covered up for so many years and that they were harrassing his family like they had with ours. We had to move to keep our son safe. But when even the police cover up for a child molestor there is a problem. It has been almost 6 years now and my son doesnt mention it any more. But its still there. The good thing is that justice was served.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

Ohhh yeah Ive been cheated on every relationship I've been in, Ive learned not to trust the 'L' word. Hard lesson. Like when you rub your eyes after eating jalapenos. Ive always held back from using it for at least a month though.. longer now.
I dunno about the middle school argument, I went straight from elementary to high, and I turned out alright. My friend who did go to middle school though (it opened up the year after I graduated) told me about how so many of them (I guess they would be equivalent to grade 8s) were having sex and doing drugs and smoking and what have you. It was a lot more than in my grade 8 by the sounds of it, which was in a high school. Maybe because we were all kept in line by the grade 12s?
There are a few people my age though who do regret doing so at such an early age.

Bumping the age wouldnt truly work either, if kids wanna pork they'll pork.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by pmbhuntress

I am so sorry to hear that your son had been well....harassed (may not be the best word for this) by the teacher. I do agree, that background checks should be mandatory for each teacher; but sometimes I feel as if those won't help to much as many of the teachers who do commit these acts will do so after having a clean record. A lot of them seem to do it after one special student comes into a class or after they have met someone whom they think they will find special (in this regard to the lady in the article who did the action) for the most part, their should at least be a weekly meeting with all teachers, and perhaps a bi-weekly report from the students as to how their teacher is doing. Of course it will make some teachers mad I'm sure, but certain measures need to be taken for the safety of children.

Again sorry that such an act has happened to your son and at least, he is free from the teacher.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

I will never understand that either for some reason, the media would like to portray every man as wanting to have sex with anything that is A. legs and B. Is a part of the female species. In a way it feels like it's a conspiracy depending on how one looks at it. Sort've like the media is saying, "Well be sure to watch out for guys when your in such and such age, and be extremely careful as they get older." At least to me that's what it seems like their implying, as for now I'm just waiting for them to flat out say it...

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

That's very true, most of the time I think around grade 8 or perhaps 7, that feeling of invincibility and wanting to try out everything becomes instilled within' the children minds. Maybe it is because they feel as they are getting closer to becoming teenagers they want to branch out and try new things just as other teens are doing (Ones in high school and the ones in college - well ones that are still teens anyway). Bumping up the age, might not help but in the long run it might (hopefully)

Also my high school kept almost no one in line, being that it was all male private school a lot of things I've overheard being conversed about..Just wow...
. Left me wondering what they do on the weekends since they did most of the sex, smoking and drinking all on the weekdays. Some even did it during school hours.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 09:50 AM
The problem though with teachers is they have there back sides covered certain records can not be given out to anyone. But if they have come from another school you can find out what that school is and go there and ask questions. I went to NH and asked around and found out she had done the same thing there and was fired because of it. Yet where she went into another state those records were not seen by the new school system.

Most teachers that do this type of thing go for special needs children first and minority children. As in my sons case he spoke very little and He was close to having MR so he was one of the first to be abused.

One way to protect your kids from this is by making sure that there is a helper at all times in the same room as the teacher. Where my kids go now there are 2 helpers. So the teachers are never alone with the kids.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

Ha thats so true. In my grade 8 I was at the bottom of high school grades, the friend I spoke of was in middle school grade 8, the very top. That explains the feeling of invincibility. My class went from being the top in elementary (7) to the bottom, having no power. They all went from grade 7 elementary, to the new middle school grade 8, they were the oldest kids two years in a row! Case closed.

Haha for your school Im sure a lot of the kids just bragged and exaggerated. Some people I know would be like yea I stole my dads whiskey and got wasted... and it turns out they drank alone. Yay. Or some people would talk about doing some girl, and i would find out they had never met

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by pmbhuntress

Ah, that seems like a pretty big loop hole in our school system, if the teacher can simply move from one state to another without being checked on by the school system. Perhaps their should be a database or something for the teachers of previous convictions or something of the sort.

I'm sorry that what had happened to your child happened. Though that is true, most of the time a lot of teachers seem to go after children who do need some extra help, or those who are well how to say it...a bit anti-social perhaps?

That is also a good start by having the extra helpers in the class rooms, though in a few high schools you won't see some teachers with helpers. It seems to be mainly geared toward those who are under the high school grade level (At least from the perspective here).

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Ridhya

Haha, as to the last one I don't know, their was a kid who said he did do the act with an older female, and turned out to be true. Yet no one ever found out about it except for a select few in the school system. I mean yes kids exaggerate about certain things, but when those exaggerations become reality it becomes quite a scare

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