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Primary school teacher: facing jail for sending lewd texts to schoolboy after grooming him on World

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Ridhya

That last line threw me off, and made me laugh Star for the since of humor in it, also I can see what your saying about age. For some people it's really hard to tell as I remember an exchange student (forgot which country but it was somewhere from the middle east) who came over to our high school. They said he was 15, but my goodness he looked like he was easily over the 35 milestone in his life.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

Haha exactly! I have a friend who is a year younger than me but hes fat and tall, I cant imagine... like 6'3 and 300 lbs? Plus hes balding and has facial hair... I cant see him as being old because ive known him for too long, but most people think hes 35 too

Aaand theres no point in mentioning, but I find it funny, so what the hey. A few years ago I was at my grandma's campsite with my friend, we were walking, and had a conversation like this:
He: Dude, lets go talk to those chicks over there!
Me: (look at the playground) Um..they're like 7.
He: More like GRADE 7!!
Me: Thats not any better!
We walk by, yup they're little kids, he felt ashamed and said he'd never doubt me again

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

I did mean to point out that when I stated I was sick of threads like this, I did not mean to offend the OP for starting it. It is the reliable "pedophile" hunters that show up to talk about how we need to torture and execute these sickos when we are talking about post-pubescent teenagers and not prepubescent children. I am not saying it is right but when there are states within the union where the sexual age of consent is as low as 15, we really do not need to be yelling pedophile every time someone texts dirty things to a 14 year old.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:05 AM
just another sign of the times we live in.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

I understand what you mean and where your coming from no offense taken
. It is quite interesting how the term of pedophilia or any form of the word pedophile instantly means engaging with or attempting to engage with sex with one who is under the age of 18, when it should be something for one children who are at least under the age of 11 or perhaps down to 10?

Either way being that this was done in the U.K. I'm not sure how much different it all is compared to if this were to have happened in the U.S. Perhaps the word would be thrown in a lot more heavily.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:12 AM
Its funny that if this teacher was male, you guys would be saying, cut of his balls, etc... Oh no its a female so lets be respectful, she is a paedo full stop. Males have to pay all there lifes for garbage like this.

Society has a pathetic double standard.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by andy1033

If it was male he would still be getting the same treatment from me, but on a female what is their to castrate or rather do aside from lock her up and simply administer torture (I know what your saying about the castration and other things)?

Agreed their is a double standard and their probably will always continue to be one, but what I think may have further pushed the double standard would be the show "To catch a predator" needless to say, you see a lot more males than you do females being captured, on the news you hear more males over females being taken to court prison and all that. When one female gets caught the judge more than likely will see it as a lack of judgment on her part and perhaps just give her a few years and some counseling with a counselor after the term has been done.

It's just the way people have been conditioned on these sorts of problems, more often than not it's males doing it so stricter punishment to try and ease the problem, while fewer females so well not much of a problem and no need to really set so much an example. Although I have no clue what goes through some judges minds when they say their sentencing on courts like this I have a feeling it may be something along those lines presented in the paragraph above. Though I'm sure if she had committed the act of sexual intercourse with the teen the sentencing may be the same. I guess when the "flower" has been defiled or something then it becomes a problem perhaps.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

Well... firstly lets say less that two years more and NOTHING would have been done. It would be entirely legal....which is rather shouldn't be a black and white issue. 1 minute you musn't do it, the next minute its perfectly fine...

Secondly, I am 16...doing further education at my secondary school.....and my God, some of those, most of those girls could be my age...even the ones 4 years younger than me. It's so hard to tell. Now, whilst those may be girls...I have also noticed it with some guys; I think, jeez why the hell is that teacher in a school uniform before realising, it's a student.

But back to my first point....less than two years in the future, this would barelly get a single this women is a paedophile.... Could we get much more stupid?

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by StevenDye

For the first part are you saying if he had two more years nothing would have been done? Slightly confused on the wording. Well again I do not know the laws in U.K, though I do know the age of consent for sexual intercourse in some states is 16. I think mine may be one.

Yes it is 16 I just checked.

The united Kingdom also seems to portray the same thing (Though it seems to vary from country to country. Being that my geography of various towns and where they are placed in the U.K sucks, I'm going to take a guess and say this happened in England, if that is true then both must be at or above the age of 16 for consent. (Again I may have misread and excuse me for that, but when you said less than two years in the future it kind of threw me off

Anyway, yes a lot of girls look older, some younger - same with guys (especially those who get hit with the heavy dose of testosterone at the young ages and gets the deep voice)

[edit - forgot my source for sexual consent]

[edit on 22-1-2009 by PoisonousPoison]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by PoisonousPoison
reply to post by Luciferdescending

I understand what you mean and where your coming from no offense taken
. It is quite interesting how the term of pedophilia or any form of the word pedophile instantly means engaging with or attempting to engage with sex with one who is under the age of 18, when it should be something for one children who are at least under the age of 11 or perhaps down to 10?

Either way being that this was done in the U.K. I'm not sure how much different it all is compared to if this were to have happened in the U.S. Perhaps the word would be thrown in a lot more heavily.

That is what bothers me about it. Words that have definitions already should adhere to them. Like I said, like calling a 19 yr old who has consensual relations with a 17 year old a rapist is technically incorrect right?

Pedophillia is the sexual attraction to PRE-PUBESCENT children. That is what it means. I understand that the age of puberty seems to be getting lower and lower but then they need a new word. I hate to see such a vile label be tossed around so callously.

Plus, I was 14 and I know damn well at that time what it meant to be hit on, get horny, and what sex was all about. I am not saying that is everyone but I still think it is fair to say this kid playing WoW was a far throw from a prepubescent child. I could be wrong about that but I am sure what the word means and I wish it still meant that.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Probably fair to say that after "to catch a predator" (possibly before that?) the whole concept of pedophilia has changed, no longer just regarding those who are well below the age of 11 or anything like that. Now it's just anyone under the age of 16 (Well 15 also to since I believe some states stated that 15 was the threshold.)

Don't think that word will be the same again and as of now I'm sure we can all just wait until Webster's dictionary changes the word to match the "given" meaning. At least that's how I see it might go.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Its funny that if this teacher was male, you guys would be saying, cut of his balls, etc...

Not necessarily. But men are bigger, stronger, more aggressive and socially more powerful than women. This alters the relationship dynamic, making it potentially more exploitative when the older partner is a man.

Also, the courting and sexual behaviour of men and women are different. An older woman trying to court a very young man runs a huge risk of rejection and unlike a man, she can do nothing about it. You can't force a man to have sex with you unless he's aroused, but you can force a woman. That makes a hell of a difference.

Oh no its a female so lets be respectful, she is a paedo full stop. Males have to pay all there lifes for garbage like this.

I detect a certain sense of grievance. It seems to be directed against women. Unrequited love? Girlfriend dumped you?

Society has a pathetic double standard.

It isn't pathetic. It simply acknowledges the fact that men and women are different, and the same standards we apply to one sex don't always apply to the other.

[edit on 22-1-2009 by Astyanax]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:13 AM
The bottom line is that it needs to be kept in check... if these adults can't get a date around their age there's something wrong. I personally would lock em up, unless, of course, the kids were smart enough to make a *decent* judgement. Maybe they have a good reason to and know what they're doing.

I've had a few girlfriends who've been raped before. Its a touchy subject. Some people in life are dispicable.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:17 AM
Yeah I would be offended if she text me some sex stuff.

[edit on 23-1-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by PoisonousPoison
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Probably fair to say that after "to catch a predator" (possibly before that?) the whole concept of pedophilia has changed, no longer just regarding those who are well below the age of 11 or anything like that. Now it's just anyone under the age of 16 (Well 15 also to since I believe some states stated that 15 was the threshold.)

Don't think that word will be the same again and as of now I'm sure we can all just wait until Webster's dictionary changes the word to match the "given" meaning. At least that's how I see it might go.

I totally agree and it scares me. Washington D.C. is 15 so technically the lowest state I believe is 16 but hey, party at the capital! The who TCAP fad really bothers me. They have an adult talking dirty online and on the phone. Then they have a girl of 18 or 19 at the house and in the picture. A man is turned on by both and goes for it. AHA, she is actually two legal age women but you thought she was just a developed, mature 13 year old so you go to jail. I would like to be on that show just so I can ask Chris Hanson if he thinks the decoy girl is pretty. She is at least 18 so being attracted to her is ok. Is he going to tell me these pretty adult young ladies are not attractive because they think they tricked me into thinking she was really 13? The whole concept of that show disgusts me but to add what it has done to that word, as you said. I guess maybe it is just me. When I was 18, my g/f was 16. We are still friends all these years later and her daddy did more damage than I could have ever dreamed of and she is still ok. If it happened today, I would probably be in jail since the age of consent in NY is 17. Funny, that the age of consent in the states varies from 15 to 18 and yet a picture of a 17 year old girl naked in any state would be illegal. The whole thing is just screwy.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

Aye, anywhere in the UK the age of consent is 16. Unless I am greatly mistaken and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland differ.

But, if the event as taken place two year later, as you understood, the boy would have been 16...and all would have been legal.

In all honesty i think that teacher needs a talking to, and possibly to lose her job...but not all shouldn't be a black and white issue.

I'm 16...a girlfriend I had a few months ago was 14...had there ever been the chance, I almost certainly would have done the act. I would then by legal issue be a paedophile... Which I'm sure you would rather off.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by StevenDye

Ah, okay I see what you were saying previously. It's a strange mixed up world we live in. Can't have sex till your 16 (or 15 in some states I think even 14 as being the lowest in many states), 18 your technically an adult but at 21 you can start to drink (at least in the U.S. I think Germany has it so that you can start at 16 and drive at 21?) Either way, the bar for sex should be set at least at 18. At least when they have become an adult.

True, she lost her job from what I understand given a month in jail and was told to return to court (if I'm remembering the link correctly) yet that doesn't seem all that much now that I think about it.

Also it is quite sad that the two year difference between you and the girl you were with would have labeled you as a pedophile.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

I think the best way to sum up the U.S. in a nut shell is basically become picky when they can be, but at other times just outlaw it. In the case of pictures that were sent it doesn't make to much sense either especially when they have the age of consent right online to be viewed and more than likely listed as a law somewhere in those heavy books the judges keep around. Either way, the show is offline (from what I've heard) and as of yet the word has not changed so perhaps just a little bit longer until someone in congress blows a gasket and attempts to change it.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

Aye for the UK

Sex- 16

Drive - Certain mopeds 16 - Cars 17 - Some heavier vehicles 18+ (Not sure on the last one)

Drink - NO age limit for responsible drinking at home with supervision. 16 I belive to drink at a restaurant with an adult. 18 and no more limits.

I can be a dad before I can drive, and I can drive before I can order myself a beer with dinner.

There should simply be a grey around 15 on ALL the issues.... Each case should be dealt with differently.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by PoisonousPoison

I actually have to agree with you about the age 18... everyone I know who lost their virginity between 13-16 (yeah, 13!) use drugs frequently and some have been arrested... maybe there is no correlation but I can see it clearly. I think it really messes a lot of people up. Especially finding out your first doesn't actually love you! what a shock
Again a lot of girls I have known had been around 14 with their older boyfriends telling them if they love them they will sleep together... and I thought that phrase was only used in the dramatic tv shows!
I suppose the only way to judge fairly would be on a case by case basis though. Except when it comes to teacher-student relationships. Those are just wrong in any light. Unless you really need that 'A'

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