I'm not the only person who can experience this but I'd just like to get a feel for if any of you have experienced this...
We all know the human body is essentially producing energy as its working.
For some other people...a favorite song (usually a song they really enjoy and get into, something almost "epic") when played can trigger a
"tingly" sensation throughout the whole body followed by "goosebumps" and or hair standing up as well (arms, legs, head) as it almost feels like a
wave of electricity is just flowing through your body. I call it a rush because it is short-lived before diminishing. Now obviously this has something
to do with the brain (as everything mainly does). Now I say 'feeling of power" because thats exactly what it feels like...an overwhelming sensation
of essentially adrenalin related power it feels like. Unstoppable, complete motivation. It's short-lived but can come back immediately after the
first "rush". Now like i was saying, most people (if they experience this) usually experience this while listening to intense music they enjoy. I
can give myself the sensation whenever, wherever by almost entrancing myself in my thoughts, however, it seems music has the most predominant impact
to truly unleash the feeling.
Funny enough...I mention serotonin because low levels of serotonin lead to depression, mania, etc...Mainly depression which happens to be the complete
opposite feeling of the "rush" sensation. Feeling low, guilty, sad...etc. Therefore I believe they are related. I've tried using positive and
negative thoughts as well, both work, although I cannot tell which one feels better, if any do.
Now I'm not saying power like we all can blow through walls, i'm just saying power as in natural energy, a life-force.
Clearly I wouldn't come on here without presenting some sort of information...here are a few others who have described similar accounts.
'rush' forum
I suggest sitting in a quiet room, listen to a favorite song that really hits you and just meditate essentially...i'm no krishna, hippie, or
spiritual god here...just giving you the same tools I've used.
This is actually a good way to test yourself to see if you feel what i'm trying to
Its hard to tell because it hits you so fast where it comes from but you feel it in your back, legs, arms, and feel almost like a static pull against
your hair as it stands up on your head. It may sound crazy to some and others may throw daggers at me for it but everything is full of energy, is it
so hard to believe that maybe we do have some actually within us?