posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:20 AM
This is one point of view
I think that man is a meaning making machine designed to contain God as the spirit of the universe, and, being the last, we are first, where that
which comes from above (incorruptible source of all being aka "great I am") forever serves that which is lower, to increasingly raise what is low to
ever higher heights, unto the realization of Love, and there, in that creative space of limitless possibility, we are born anew as eternal beings
"merely" having a human experience, and the process continues, both as a top down AND bottom up emergent evolutionary phenomenon occuring within the
gap between what is, and what ought to be, in being, and becoming.
What are your thoughts, and might there not exist a rational basis for faith, and a resolution to the problem of human evil..?
[edit on 17-1-2009 by OmegaPoint]