posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:50 PM
Ok, this is my first thread so bare with me. I have dreams that sometimes come true. They do not always come true and often they are hints of the
actual event and not literal. I had a very vivid dream today was very real. I could feel the emotions of the event. Today I was sick (with a cold) and
I slept most of the day. I woke up around three p.m. from this dream; I dreamed a missile hit at the upcoming inauguration. Here is a complete
description of my dream:
I am with a group of people and we are at the inauguration trying to find a good location to stand and see the stage. I have a bad feeling in my
stomach as if I know what is going to happen. I know that a missile will hit so I am now looking for a place to that will allow me easy escape,
somewhere that looks safe. A helicopter lands and Bush gets out surrounded by security and walks to the stage. Then another helicopter lands and
Obama gets out and runs to the stage. Then I switch over to being in a room with Bush and he is cleaning out a closet. I feel secure and safe in his
presence, like I know with him I am safe, the US is safe. I tell him that I feel scared, that I am worried about a nuclear threat to the US after he
leaves office. He turns to me and says “yes, that is what Obama is about”. Then I switch back to the inauguration and both men are smiling and
waving from the stage. I Look into the sky and see a missile to the right of the stage coming fast to the area out of the east. I scream to warn
everyone but I am too late. The group I am with and I run and escape over a wall I can feel the fear and sickness of the event in my stomach. Other
people are running in a panic around us. As we are making our way through the city away from the madness I see Obama getting onto a helicopter and
escaping. Then I am walking in a train station and everyone thinks that Bush is dead and I feel sad. I look up a set of stairs and see Bush meeting
Laura on the landing and he looks back at me and smiles, and I feel relief. The nI have a flash that the real Bush was not at the inauguration but a
look alike. I all of the sudden understand that Bush knew all along that if he went to the inauguration that he would die so he sent a look alike.
Inside I know we are heading for a very bad future that things are going to be bad.
Then I woke up and as I post this (8 Hours after the dream) I still have a feeling of dread inside that I cannot shake. Does anyone have any idea what
this means? Any insight would be helpful.