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Chupacabra or Grey's on the Loose?

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posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 05:46 AM
I was doing some research on the recent sightings of the New Mexico goat sucker when it occoured to me that a map of the whole of the new mexico area would be helpful, so I could stuff colored pin's into it..etc

When I got hold of a map of the area a few things struck me as too much of a coincidence, firstly, the fabled UFO crash of Roswell New Mexico can be found easily on the map of that region, it's not that far from Chilli!

Secondly, the Bermuda Triangle is just of the coast of that area, People have reported strange sights and Lights in the sky around that area of sea for a great meny years.

I have read a lot of articles by people speculating that the Chupacabra might be a DNA lab made creature that's escaped from a Lab, however I would like to pose a more down to earth theory, Lets say a UFO did crash in the roswell new mexico desert and it did have Alien survivour's that made it away from the crash site before the military got round to trying to cover it up, would that not explain these strange sightings of Lizard like creatures springing up from within the whole region! They could be thriving out there in the desert heat.

On Friday, July 28, 2000, at 9:30 a.m., a crew of construction workers witnessed the bombing of a remote site in the Atacama Desert by an unmarked and unidentified military aircraft.
The incident took place "in an area located to the northeast of the road joining Maria Elena (population 8,000) and Pedro de Valdivia, a mining town abandoned since 1996." Maria Elena is a salt mining community in northern Chile, located 140 kilometres (83 miles) west of Calama.
"According to residents of Maria Elena, who claimed having witnessed the event, a large detonation accompanied by a tremor shook the houses of the commune on July 28, 2000. All area residents are accustomed to the sounds produced by the explosions operated (detonated) in the Pampa, and this made them realize something strange was afoot."
"This (explosion) coincided with the flyover of a military aircraft over the area in the early hours of the morning. an event corroborated by several inhabitants. The witnesses are employees of a contractor firm that was engaged in work at a location not far from where the event took place."
"According to their testimony, the jet flew past and bombarded an area which had been characterized as a Chupacabra nest by men working nearby. The area was filled with small hills and mounds which have eroded into caves suitable for use as shelter by such an animal," i.e. the Chupacabra.
"The explosion which could be heard at a distance of several kilometres took place between 8:30 and 9:45 a.m., without anyone having produced an explanation for the event."
There was no comment concerning the incident from Chile's Ministry of Defence. Tm1sFIYva0uDXM40pobNn8P1s0G3mmOzlEuERdqXzmXi3FeVlqmpm%2fM4BYyg3mj3uhNh2JS6RtSdPexzDOGltCTXAYhxHSjcaNO1z8qoZ5xAKcI3HP1zHv3VkR%2b8%2bozuFK2eXLgiOxUXZFe9 FwdcBxMUBvwHUucr6cyMIQ%3d%3d
(NB: Might have to Cut & Paste)
This link takes you to a MAP of the region with Roswell highlighted by a Red Star, you can zoom in and out, the bermuda triangle is to the right of the map area, off the coast of peuto rico.

Here is a survey map of the peurto rico trench within that area, said to be one of the depest ocean trenchs in the World

What you have to ask yourself is did an alien ship really smash down out there and if it did, are these reports of mexican goat suckers, nothing more than stranded grey's thriving in the hot desert region's of new mexico!

It makes for a disturbing thought, first the poor blighters crash down here due to the strange elctromagnetic activity of the Bermuda Region, heh, that screwed there little space ship, and now we're bombing them trying to whipe them out before they breed and take over that whole area!

[Edited on 10-4-2004 by Danger_Mouse]

[Edited on 10-4-2004 by Danger_Mouse]

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 06:48 AM
Uh, I think your map is boned, New Mexico, The Bermuda Triangle, and Chile are not even close to each other.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Kano
Uh, I think your map is boned, New Mexico, The Bermuda Triangle, and Chile are not even close to each other.

Now thats funny. Isnt there amother danger mouse?

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 08:32 AM

No alien race can live in our atmosphere. All races have biology as different from each other as our home worlds are.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:37 AM
Before you squabble on about how no alien race can surive in our atmosphere, show proof to back these claims.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

No alien race can live in our atmosphere. All races have biology as different from each other as our home worlds are.

And who tought you that, your aunt?

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by AnonymousID
Before you squabble on about how no alien race can surive in our atmosphere, show proof to back these claims.

Before you make demands and voice your empty opinion, show your true face. At least I am honest and unafraid to show myself.

I have no evidence that would prove anything, yea or nay. Instead, I am free to share what I know from my own lifelong experience with the alien races.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Originally posted by AnonymousID
Before you squabble on about how no alien race can surive in our atmosphere, show proof to back these claims.

Before you make demands and voice your empty opinion, show your true face. At least I am honest and unafraid to show myself.

I have no evidence that would prove anything, yea or nay. Instead, I am free to share what I know from my own lifelong experience with the alien races.

But you know it's not true.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by EarthSister

No alien race can live in our atmosphere. All races have biology as different from each other as our home worlds are.

And who tought you that, your aunt?

Everything I teach about alien life I learn from the aliens themselves. I do not study or borrow other material or subscribe or belong to any groups. I just share what I know. My husband and I work together with our alien contacts.

The aliens are people just like we are, just different race to race. They are all as different from each other as we are from any of them. None of them share atmosphere. When they meet in the same place at the same time they easily use technologies and natural abilities to accomplish it.

When Earth's visiting races meet with humans, the effects of this we see create a great deal of mystery for us about the aliens themselves, but it is only the normal way of meeting world to world throughout the Universe.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Prove there are no alien races visiting Earth before you post your disbelief on an alien/ufo message board.

You're not starting off very well because the more truth you hear about the aliens the more incredible it's going to be to you.

Really, really. It's true. The problem is that too many people are making false claims about the aliens and few people can tell the difference. But don't let that stop you from learning about the aliens. They are awesome.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:07 AM
Those damn greys , have really gotta keep thier pets tied up , grr letting your pets lose on our plannets back yeard , there oata be law . There nerve of them , bet they dont work for a livng .

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:10 AM
Earthsister, what makes the voices you hear from these aliens any different from the voices some of these "mothers killing children" hear telling them to kill their kids?

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:19 AM
Damn it all to hell. This is why we will never get anywhere when it comes to learning or trying to figure out anything about aliens.

We have people telling the truth, people coming up with good and bad theories and people spreading disinformation. Where the hell should one look for "true information? I find myself starting all over every day. This will never stop me and I still have a good idea as to what I believe.

Danger Mouse, way to think outside the box and I think you did a nice job of coming up with an interesting idea. The locations may not be as close as you think, but maybe it's possibly for greys to get around like that. Maybe greys have been here before the crash and in other locations, such as Chile.

Maybe these aliens would have to go back to their abilities and live like "animals" in order to survive after the crash (or if they have been stranded longer). That is interesting to think. Maybe they couldn't be rescued by their own kind and find themselves in a struggle to survive without their technology. Wouldn't that be something to see such an "intelligent" being relegated to such a "lowly" means of existance. And that's assuming that isn't how they would survive with their technology. Could they be an altogether seperate race that is dying out here on earth?

EarthSister, You must appreciate how hard it is to just take you for your word when you can't show proof. We don't even know you and I have friends and family that NO ONE should trust cause they'll steal your last dollar. You really could be correct and I wont agrue that at all. I do not now the entire truth. Hell, maybe I don't know any of it and I'm crazy. It's just that I don't ask people to believe what I tell them without proof. I kinda just come up with theories and stuff like that. I love to brainstorm and wont try to pass that off as the truth without proof. I just ask people to be open minded so that we all can grow. Don't you want us to grow? We tell you to provide truth and then you ask us to prove you wrong? NO, that's not how it works. You're here sharing your ideas and that puts the burden of proof on you if you care enough to make us believe.

You are doing what religions have been doing to mankind for thousands of years. Are you glad that people have listened blindly to the Catholic Church for hundreds of years? How is this different, and no this can't be answered with faith or by you saying cause you know it's true. I have no disrespect for you and it's good that you post your beliefs. You have to understand how belief works if you truly care about sharing your knowledge with us. Your truth can not become ours without proof, no matter how sad that is. We may all pay for it but if you care about us knowing the truth enough you will find a way to give us facts. You must care enough for us, otherwise you wouldn't want to tell us the truth. The only other reasons you could be here, other than caring for our future, is to confuse us all on the topic of ET's (disinformation) or cause you're (I know you're not so don't take offense) what some like to call crazy and can create the truth out of what you want to believe.

Please don't think I'm trying to rip into you EarthSister. I'm just trying to clear up why we can't believe you without proof. Prove us all wrong. It would be GREAT to have an insider like you who could explain what's going on. I am not ruling out that you may know what's going on out there. I will keep my avenue open to you but please try to be open to how the majority of people learn and come to trust what is true. I will not allow myself to become another form of a Catholic.

[Edited on 10-4-2004 by Mandalorianwarrior]

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Cutwolf
Earthsister, what makes the voices you hear from these aliens any different from the voices some of these "mothers killing children" hear telling them to kill their kids?

I understand your question and why you would wonder that.

If I were crazy or delusional it would affect other aspects of my life. I have had experiences with alien life my whole life, and with other humans present also. As strange as the way it happens sounds, it is natural, just beyond what most humans have even considered normal or even real yet.

The aliens are people, as alive and physical as we are. They have life spans natural to their races, live in homes in families, work and go to school and hold professional positions. The individual beings who travel to Earth are working here as professionals representing their worlds. All advanced races visit their neighboring worlds. The human race on Earth is very young compared to most of the other life in the Universe, and just starting to figure anything out about nature. We do not even understand our own spiritual nature yet, never mind that of advanced races of life. We barely fathom advanced technology even with all our science knowledge.

I see my alien contacts and meet with them in person, just like I would with you if we met in person, but contact between races is usually not physical to physical. That does not mean it's demonic. People around here just think that way for some reason.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:58 AM

I appreciate everything you just said and the way you said it. Thank you very much.

I don't just state my opinion unless I say it is just my opinion. I state what I know to be true and say so, because I experience it. There is a big difference. It is not like religion for me where you hear and believe with faith without knowing anything myself. I am taught things by the aliens in person for this purpose, to share it with others. I know them very well, like my own family. They are personable to me and all work together with each other. Nothing they have told me has come out to be false. I have no reason to mistrust them just because other people don't know them so they don't trust them.

Whether others believe me or not is not the important thing. Getting information out to be offered as further perspective to learn from is vital. Of course it is very hard to believe for those who have not experienced anything like it, but many have or will, or know somebody who has. Nobody should just go around believing in things they know nothing about or have never seen! It is very sad to see so many people believing the wrong things about the aliens though, just because they have seen an alien craft or an alien being before. Or because they believe the evidence of existance and visitation of other races to our planet. Those kinds of evidence "should not" prove to any person that all the propaganda is true! But it often does.

Mainly I help other people who have experiences, and my insight helps them make sense of what is happening to them and their families. My husband's and my communication and level of understanding with the aliens is very high compared to most other alien experiencers. He and I work together to do what we can to help a person make their own bridge between himself and his alien contacts. We do not ask for belief, we leave that up to the person to experience with his alien contacts. It is also very important for everybody and anybody to hear the truth about the aliens, and to learn to think about them normally with reasonable applications of sense of science and technology and nature.

It is valuable to find a human who actually has open contact with the real aliens, and understands and supports what the alien experiencers are struggling with, instead of just all the wild propaganda and crazy ufo groupie people making up stories.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 12:06 PM
ES-It would be great if you could ask the ET's to produce some manifestations that could be recorded and shared with others.Your site is interesting,particularly the take on them appearing before Japan first,due to their peaceful nature.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 12:14 PM

What do humans do with crop formations? Let's not argue what they are. Just look at what the humans are doing with them and you can see what good evidence is yet.

They (we) twist everything every which way but true.

I don't personally have any evidence, but the evidence of existence and visitation of alien life is all over our planet and throughout our history.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 12:18 PM
Oh believe me,you're preaching to the choir.I have seen things that have left me speechless,and there is more than enough documentation out there to confirm we're being visited IMO.BUT-Physical evidence will always command attention beyond everything else.We as humans are very sight-orientated,if we can see something with our own two eyes,it is very difficult for skepticism to override what we see.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 12:27 PM
No problem EarthSister. I've noticed how you have been jumped by some people like they know you're wrong and they know they are correct. I admit, I don't fully believe your claims but I could also be wrong with what I think is going down with aliens and what not. I guess that only time will tell. Maybe I'll have a contact some day, who knows?

I guess I'm just saying that it's kinda almost wrong for you're expereince to be used as fact when you you try to debunk another person's theory. It may be fact to you but it isn't to others. It's all good though. Like I said, you may be telling the truth and you could be correct. Even if not, you're helping us to look at things from a different light, like you said in your last post.

I agree that there is evidence of the existence of visitation by alien life all over the planet but none of that evidence can be linkied to your claims. That's why it would help to have evidence either just from your claims or evidence that can link your claims to the evidence of visitation.

Keep posting away because every persons expereinces and or theories will help us all to grow. We just need to make sure that we are not misleading people or confusing the matter. I'm already easily confused as it is

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 12:28 PM
Just to make things clear, I DO BELIEVE in alien existance and contact. I just don't know the details.

Oh, also. Go ahead and keep posting on this Danger Mouse, I hope you don't think of your topic as hijacked
We do have to respect the direct topic at hand that's posted.

[Edited on 10-4-2004 by Mandalorianwarrior]

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