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UFO over city of Edmonton, Alberta on Jan 14 / 2009

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posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:43 AM
UFO over Edmonton on January 14th, 2009 at 10 PM, taken from a hirise building overlooking the city. Make your own judgements, however, the object was hovering about 4 minutes in the same position before the video was recorded, and it blended in well enough to not really be obvious. Definitely not a plane or a helicopter, seen more than enough since the airport is also within the vicinity. Seems like it doesn't move, but by using the building far right window as a marker you can see how gradual it moves quite a distance without seeming like it is really moving. Will not make headlines, but just another vid showing that activity is daily everywhere...all the time.

P.S. Kind of pisses me off that it displays really good raw, but when i uploaded it to youtibe it comes up really low quality.....??? And again, like always, these damn things are easy to see with the naked eye, but once you have them on video, it comes up as a dumb bright light with no similar movement to our conventional air mobile vehicles.

[edit on 16-1-2009 by PAYBACKCOMESSOON]

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 16-1-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:54 AM

Nice video. The movement is pretty much in a straight line, although at an angle.

Can't say what it is or what it isn't, but congratulations on getting video of it.

If you are willing to supply the hi-res version of the video, as you mentioned Youtube's horrible compression quality, you can upload your video to any of the following websites and post the link here for ATS' experts to download and help you out.



posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 02:56 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, and I will upload both vids in raw, one is hand held and digital zoomed and all over, the other is on a tripod (which is what you viewed) and I will reply when the uploads are there complete for you to download and view.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:00 AM
Here is a direct link from MegaUpload to view the whole thing (i put it up on wmv since i use sony and the file ext is not useable unless you have Vegas software), link is:


posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:02 AM
Venus is setting at the the south-west I think. You can check the time and position with Stellarium.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:03 AM
Sorry I don't have an account yet, but I wanted to ask a few questions

This perked my interest a lot! I am from Edmonton, but moved to Vancouver in August for school. And since, I have missed a meteor and now a UFO...

Which direction are you facing/ area was this taken in?
(although I am sure one the raw footage is up I could see more landmarks... damn Youtube)

Cool post man!

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:13 AM
I see Grant MacEwan... i think

which means you are either facing east or west south-west

am i right?

(signs up for account)

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 06:35 AM
Was downtown in a hirise facing West.

In response tho the Venus theory, guaranteed not. The object was originally flying around above the building and then suddenly stopped which piqued my attention and I then got the camcorder, definitely not venus, was a moving vehicle which suddenly stopped above the building (or just beyond it to the west).

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 08:10 AM
I agree it wasn't Venus if you watch your skies you know Venus doesn't move like that in four minutes time.

I saw your first video post and you are sure it isn't a plane or a chopper heading "straight" towards you, is this correct? I only ask because I watch everything I can and when the planes or a chopper is coming from a distance toward me this is how they first appear. I am assuming you watched and or taped this until it was out of site and you heard nothing or couldn't note anything natural to us.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

If you were facing South/South West, it would be Venus...probably not seen very well from far away due to city lights and haze, then when you zoom in it gets clearer.

If you were facing North or East, then it would not be Venus.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON
Was downtown in a hirise facing West.

In response tho the Venus theory, guaranteed not. The object was originally flying around above the building and then suddenly stopped which piqued my attention and I then got the camcorder, definitely not venus, was a moving vehicle which suddenly stopped above the building (or just beyond it to the west).

Too bad you didn't get video of the light "flying around" because what you *did* video is a dead-ringer for Venus, at 8 pm.

At 8 pm Venus was very prominent and very low in the Western sky at about 245 degrees azimuth (due West is 270 degrees). Venus would be tracking down and right towards the horizon at the same angle your object does. At the high zoom factor being employed, the motion would seem dramatic even over four minutes.

Looking at your 8 minute video, it appears you shot the object over two different nights, yes?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

P.S. Kind of pisses me off that it displays really good raw, but when i uploaded it to youtibe it comes up really low quality.....???

Thats because youtube compresses the video to FLV format, and always compresses videos down to FLV's minimum standards, using youtube for serious UFO video posting is never any good option.

Youtube will never allow Flash HD on their site...takes up way too much bandwidth.


[edit on 16-1-2009 by RFBurns]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 03:08 PM
All i can say is it wasnt Venus, it flew around and made itself obvious it was flying then halted, and inconspicuously stayed relatively still while gradually moving away from the buildings.

Plus, the vid was around 10 PM and actually was the 15th, not thew 14th, definitely not a planet, it was a moving vehicle of some sort.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:43 PM
That light was over Nordland in Norway for 2 hours today. Standing completly still..

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by observe50

I too saw the object in question. As soon as I saw it I decided to walk towards it's direction. I followed said object for 50 minutes. I watch the sky by my house often and I have never seen such a bright star??? in that position at the time it was visible. I saw it at around 7:50pm and followed it from 8:00pm until 8:50pm. I am certain of the time because I had my cell phone and my husband called as I started following the oject. My mother called me at 8:50pm to see what was taking me so long. I got lost and bumped into some people who offered to show me the way I needed to go. As we were walking I told them about the object. We looked up to see it. I pointed the object out and we watched it for a short time. Then turned to walk away. I looked back and the object was now moving so I thought it must not have been the same thing I had seen before. Now I'm not so sure. After hearing others say that they saw it moving I think maybe the object I pointed out was in fact the same one. I live by the airport and I am use to planes as well. I could hear the planes as they passed over the object but I did not hear the object itself. Not sure what it was. My sister called the news as did I. I find it strange that it wasn't mentioned because they've mentioned Venus and Mars would be visible to the naked eye before???? Also they told me they had many phone calles about the object in the sky.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON
All i can say is it wasnt Venus, it flew around and made itself obvious it was flying then halted, and inconspicuously stayed relatively still while gradually moving away from the buildings.

How do you know it was the object moving and not you?

See this thread:

Objects in the sky can appear to move, when they are in fact not moving (or hardly moving as the case may be).

This was most likely Venus or Jupiter IMO...

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by nablator
Venus is setting at the the south-west I think. You can check the time and position with Stellarium.

I tend to agree, although none of us can say for certain.
Venus seems to move or set the same way.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by cluckerspud]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 02:49 PM
I can assure everyone that it wasnt Venus, one Edmontonian has even commented that she was following the vessel trying to figure out what it was. 100%, definitely not Venus (planets dont manouver like this did to catch my attention before it settled into a slow gradual effect).

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:47 PM
I don't recall seeing Venus move that far in that few of minutes. I also don't recall Venus being visible at 10pm at night. Venus is visible only at dusk or dawn.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 04:22 PM
Now beeing a UFO or something extraordinary...

It is at west, just like Venus
At around 22PM, Venus is still on the sky at Edmonton..don't you see it?!?
It moves steady (in the movie), going to West and down, just like Venus or other stars
It looks like Venus.
More, i've used Stellarium, to reproduce Venus setting on Edmonton
Now, look at the moving angle direction:

From your youtube video, look, the moving angle direction:

very close, no?

What are the chances has an unknown object to imitate exactly Venus?

Now, it seems in your video, the object appear to have some kind of speed, because in a few minutes has traveling well in the frame... but, it is clear that you are at maybe full zoom, above 15 x, i think, using tripod, so that's why you detect pretty well the rotation of the earth... (Venus moving)

One last advice: Venus is still be visible at begining of the night in the same area (West), so.... you should see it again.

EDIT: now , i saw a little mistake... the Stellarium simulation is done in 17 Jan..but your video is on 14 Jan...forget changing the date...Anyway, i'll let this how it is, the point is clear..cheking stellarium in 14 Jan, i saw that it is almost the same situation. Try for yourself, Stellarium is free.

[edit on 17/1/09 by depthoffield]

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