posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnake,Crotalus Atrox
It is a shame to see such a magnificent creature salughtered.
For many years the Rattlesnake has been demonized by man as a creature of worthless existence, and to be killed on the spot.
We see examples of this in the rattlesnake round up, held annually in Sweet Water Texas where the Westeran Diamond-Backed is killed for man's
pleasure and turned into items such as hatbands and snake skin belts.
These repitles are an imporant part of our ecosystem and play a very necessary roll in the balance of nature.
The world record is only 1/8 in. less than 7 ft in length !
See Snakes of North America. R.D. Bartett Alan Tennant