posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Galactic Alignment – The arrival of Planet X – End Times...?
Its all a load of Dingo's Kidneys! (excerpt from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe)
In the great tradition of K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid) allow me to put forward for debat amongst my peers, the notion that this date is, in real
terms, just another day, one of many in Earth's 'natural' history. By 'natual' I mean one without any interference from
The Mayan civilization is often quoted as predicting the 'end of time' when measured against its astronomical calender that ends in 2012, but all
this says is that they calculated a period of time that encompassed not only their present time, but way far into the future. They could have indeed
gone on further into infinity but what use would that have been. While highly civilized and with great wisdom the Mayans predicted an event that
they believed was central to their whole way of life, the alignment of their known universe, an event that would only happen every 26,000 years
yet was just a couple or so thousand years off in the future for them. Such ultra rare events then would naturally deserve a restart rather
than a continual of their calendar system would it not?
For an intellectual species, present mankind is but an infant specie on this planet with little or no memory of his origins. This, to some extent, has
been attributed to isolated events whereby his stored ancient knowledge has been destroyed by accident or deliberately. One example is The Royal
Library of Alexandria or Ancient Library of Alexandria founded sometime in 300 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, was once the largest library in the
ancient world until it was lost through accidental fire in 48AD or was deliberately plundered or destroyed later on. There-after religious doctrines
and influences would further restricted or altered our known history accordingly.
Present day, our understanding of our past is based on the few fragments left over from the past, political and religious pressures have all played
their part in misinforming or twisting the known facts. However, while our Sciences have also seen restrictions in its discoveries, in its present
form we can be fairly sure its foundations are solid enough to make some rational hypotheses.
In very basic terms, we can make the following 2 hypotheses.
[1]. We are on a planet, one of many, that surrounds a Sun in a Solar System.
[2.] Our solar system is one of many millions that form a Galaxy.
Assuming our solar system is NOT unique, I.E that the other solar systems DONT have planets that revolve around a Sun, we can then safely assume that
their will be many millions of planets in our galaxy that will also have their Sun 'appear' as though its in the centre of the Galaxy
at some time in its history!. So earth is NOT unique.
To think Earth is so special that when our sun 'appears' to be aligned with our Galaxy that this event will ONLY effect life on this planet
is the same as putting ourselves back into the Dark Ages, when 'we' thought Earth was the centre of the Universe. Realistically speaking, every
planet in every solar system that makes our galaxy must, at some point, align with their sun so that their sun 'appears' to be at the center of the
galaxy! We are talking of millions or even of billions of planets not just Earth here. I have seen NO proof why this event, here on EARTH as
described above, should be any special than those that happen on any other planets within our galaxy
I conclude that any events resulting from, or after 2012, that effects the progress of mankind will be as the direct result of mankind's
manipulations to further control and manipulate its people and NOT due to any divine, celestial or otherwise influence.
[edit on 15/1/2009 by Freelancer]