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Scientists Discover "Universe is Giant 3D Hologram"

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posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:06 PM
Using the zooming tool as an example. If you zoom in on an image you can go past the point of identification until you reduce the image (increase?) the image to a single pixel. Under such magnification you would not be able to identify anything but the pixel. As you pull away other pixels are viewable and you can actually see how they are connected. Pull further away and the connection points become more identifiable and a picture begins to form. The further you pull away the clearer the image becomes until you reach the maximum point of view ability then the image starts to blur again until it is reduced (enlarged) to a smudge or blackness. Is this a limitation of the eye or this a limitation of the minds ability to process what it sees? Does this mean that a black hole may be more than just a black hole? Could this mean that the holographic image is an angular perspective of an image that is being reflected through the lens?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by super70

a couple of us were discussing this here: Hologram Universe

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:28 PM
I read a very interesting book early last year but the name alludes me at this time as does the book, it's kicking about the house somewhere. Anyway it was all to do with multiple universes, the brain is basically holographic memory and the fact that all your life is a recording playing back to you as you live, it goes way over my head with some of it. If I can rememebr the name or find the book I'll post the details.


posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Did you people notice that in the article (i didn't read the whole thing,i admit that) it says more than once "he suggests" or "he suggested"?I'm not posting this to ruin anything but i saw a few people who are like "so,what's new?this is old facts".I don't know,maybe i missunderstood something here.

To SS,Naga:
I have read a few posts of you and i finally decided to ask you this:Is there something speciffic in all those things that made you believe that it's a reality rather a hallucination or something like that?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Waldy

Is all this just an intelligent design?

I have always heard these words...but never really thought about it.

IF that is the case, that is like asking of certain robots have feelings that are meant to correspond to environment and the surroundings?

Could someday we build a "robot" that is so smart and advanced, that it will outlive humans and then build a further robot?

Do robots have to consist of metal or could we all be "made" from the following creator?

This is "far fetched"...but then again how crazy can something get

IF THIS IS THE CASE...I wonder what would happen once we really find out how we came to be?

I skimmed the article so I should read it and more entirely...but this idea popped in my head.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:52 PM
The title of this thread is a bit misleading. It is not proven the universe is a hologram nor is this article presenting any sound theory. It is just showing how this machine is being used to analyze frequencies traveling through space to see if they can find a "bit stream" or the quantum information that could possibly be related to the radiation emanating from black holes.

The tail they are chasing (just like many others) is this holographic theory. Hogan believes that the information they are looking for could be projected from a 2D (or other dimensional) source and manifest itself (with the use of light from the sun) in our world.

And yes, Bill Hicks was right.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:52 PM
I don't know what the hell you guys are talking about. All I know is I'm sitting in this computer chair right now and eating a yummy Hot Pocket.

Not on some 2d plane.


[edit on 1/15/2009 by thehumbleone]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by thehumbleone

*Laughs* Same here. Some "Hologram", eh?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:10 PM
I'm not a plane of existence- I missed the plane, hadda take a bus.

I always considered life to be too weird to be real. IF all of existence is a hologram/ hard light projection, Why do we not have more control over it? Is it just a rule the NPCs cannot control their existence.....

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by wylekat

Hard light projection are you a red dwarf fan.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Oceanborn
To SS,Naga:
I have read a few posts of you and i finally decided to ask you this:Is there something speciffic in all those things that made you believe that it's a reality rather a hallucination or something like that?

Yes, Oceanborn, there is. I am a practitioner of the shamanic way.

I have experienced spontaneous cosmic consciousness at age 17; at age 11 I had my body shifted out of the material world around me, and the forces about me were inconceivable: here I am, a young kid of 11, and I find myself thinking, "I can go back now, and re-experience this anytime I want, because I now know of it." No fear whatever. I wasn't able to, until it happen again at age 14. I experienced the CC a number of times. I've fully arounsed the Nuclear Fire (Serpent Fire), which started 35 years ago. I do not call Samadhi the same thing as CC, but many do: I am able to enter this state with only a very little effort. I can travel the inner planes. I have encountered my Higher Self many times; I have Become my HS, even! I count this as an incomparable experience. I have sat within the Wave of Existence! I readily enjoy expansion of consciousness with my evironment. And this is just the overt stuff, so I don't sound crazy. Whoops, too late.

I have developed a unique method of validation for the Inner & Outer Realms: a giant consciousness (about 50 ft. in the air, the size of a mansion) spoke to me (below the Garden of the Gods in CO., usa), and amoungst others things (very wondrous, that I'll never forget), conveyed to me to achieve validation, and gave me a statement to use: "Certain Knowledge of Absolute Truth." Now, we all know there are no Absolutes, just relative absolutes: but the Absolute maintains this state, and the knowledge accrued that works with It, I call "the Stones of the Pyramid of Consciousness." Just me, something i've done now for over 3 decades.

How does one validate this with others? It is reserved for those within a close circle, like my wife, et al. Other than that, I assure you, as a Warrior Spirit, I don't just have experiences and think I know everything, that's really foolish. I must melt them in my Forge of Knowing, and draw the/a finished product forth as Wisdom. So, yes, I assure you this is so:
The Unreal is the Reflection of the Real.

It's a Journey: the journey of the Soul, called the Cycle of Light: when the denouement is reached, and one is before Infinity, then the Contribution is made to the EverAll, making it more than it EverWas.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:14 PM
This reminds me of what Alex Collier used to say back in the early 90s. "The entire universe is hologram inside a hologram inside a hologram..." He also said that a race of beings on the 11th density called the Paa Tal created those holograms

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:15 PM
I think this is spot-on work. In fact, I would like to go into a little of it as I see it and how it ties into our religious concepts. (Not that I am an expert in either physics or theology, but I tend to think I have a working layman's knowledge of both... I probably won't make sense, that being said, I ramble a bunch)

You see, Bill Hicks WAS exactly right, imo. It only takes QUITE A BIT of pondering to get there.
If existance is eternal, there is no way, at least in my mind, that I am not eternal also. Afterall, as this article goes on to explain, the entropy once thought to exist in the diminishing of a black hole doesn't actually happen. Quantum fluctuations remove coded bits of info all of the time until there is none left. It is just a matter of time before those snippets of info are coalesced once again and form coherent consciousness...
Granting the idea that consciousness and existence are eternal, then one has to ask, what was BEFORE all of this began? Simply put, everything was just one. Being ONE would be boring.
So, what do you do? You decide to break things up and CREATE THE ILLUSION of time in order to pass it!
Following those admitted logical leaps, one comes to the conclusion that, yes, we are all one and we are actually creating this stuff as it goes. Nothing matters. Because in the end, we will be as one again. And then it will get boring again. And then we will create MORE TIME just to pass MORE TIME.

However, living in an observable 3 or 4 dimensional reality, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to imagine a 2 dimensional reality. Nothing that we have words for describes what that would be like. The Visa Card analogy is close, but even the plastic the hologram is etched on has a thickness, albeit very small. My mind cannot quite wrap around the idea, as I am trying to imagine something that is stretched to a great length projecting something more concrete.

Eh, this is a touchy subject to even speak about. My mind can form thoughts on it that I can't even put into words.

A little bit of evidence of this reality, aside from the physics of it. I am becoming more and more convinced, all the time, that we are connected at the very least through universal consciousness. This very topic, in fact, I had formed thoughts on less than one week ago and now, low and behold, we have some new "article" by some "physicist" explaining it. This is happening, to me, more and more, all the time. I reflect a lot and often times, I will come up with something that has nothing to do with my activity on this site only to see it appear on this site shortly after.
I mean, someone could review my posts by forum and I will guarantee you that the forum I stay furthest away from is religion. I post there occasionally, but not very often.
However, this all makes sense.
I am god. Bow to me. But not too much, because so are you....

On a side-note, maybe the black holes are the pixels of the cosmic image of US.
It is all very confusing, but one thing I can say for certain, it is an amazing ride!

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by super70

This is Not a new concept... In fact it is thousands of years old...LOL..

I have been in a project for nearly the last 16 years, that has been doing R&D with Optical Interfaces with what has produced this Holograph and billions of others that are similar.

This knowledge has also been know by some for thousands of years and you can find record of this all over the Earth in the form of mosaic patterns in government buildings, palaces, temples, churches, monasteries, public buildings, Arcades, walkways, banks, and other buildings, and archaeological sights and ancient ruins back to the days of Plato and before...

I can give many of the formats (Partition Maps etc) and instructions for this system along with instructions of how to see and manufacture an optical interface to interface with the control system of that which is generating this holograph.

The understanding of the Holographic Universe is as old as time its self and before time was thought of... LOL..

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:22 PM
If it wasnt for them trying to renormalize matter they would relaize that it get infinitly small....and there is no hologram...

The only reason they have decided its a hologram is because they still use a mathmatical function and uderstanding that removes the infinite density they found in the vaccum.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by SS,Naga

No,what i meant is,could you show some hard evidence to someone or even just yourself that it is real?For example,if i'll bump on a coffee table i'll get a bruise,something to show for.Ya know what i mean?
I know that i sound shallow with this but,first,i'm pretty sure that you expect questions like this and second,questions like this,imho,have to be asked to someone who's so serious and certain about what he's saying (and he's affecting people around him either he wants it or not).

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:29 PM
I thought holograms were see-through projections of light?

If all of this is just a hologram then shouldn't I easily be able to punch my arm through a "solid" wall? But gee, what do you know, I can't. Seems pretty rock solid to me.

Anything is possible, and it's a nice theory, but I doubt it's true for this physical Universe.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:35 PM
Oddly enough I am currently reading The Holographic Universe (Talbot 1992).

The theory itself was independantly realized by both David Bohm and Karl H. Pribram, names that are hardly without merit. Bohm contributed to the Manhattan Project and worked closely with Einstein, with whom he discussed this very subject.

I find it quite likely that this theory might well be the case considering that DARPA are using Pribram's idea of the Holographic Brain (where interference patterns and recognition are concerned) in experimentation that deals with brain augmentation and interfacing.

[edit on 1/15/2009 by uv777bk]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:35 PM
This has nothing to do with holograms or things being unreal.

Human understanding of the scientific discovery is the flawed factor.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

I think it's more of a metaphor insomuch as holograms work by storing image information non-locally. This means that if you have a hologram of an apple then you slice the hologram in to two parts what you end up with is two holograms of the same image.

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