posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 08:33 PM
Ive had some friends who went through those landmark forums. Their behaviour did change afterwards and hence we lost contact. I feel they were too
young (17) too handle the info and this disconnected them at the time from the people around them. I hear they are fine now (8 yrs later)
Obviously the landmark forums are set out to change your thought patterns in a relatively short amount of time yes, But IMHO the stories Ive heard
protray that they are a really harsh way of saying 'We do it to ourselves' because we do 'do it to ourselves'. Everything we experience is
percieved and because we are taught to be emotive in response to things many forget that emotions are a choice.
Perception is everything and self realisation and adopting the courage to change the way you see something - to see things in a way that works for
you, not against you leaves no excuses or blame to be laid. It mkes life frustratingly simple. Its how i live my life but I didnt go to a forum to
find it. It came through martial arts for me.
I am not sure why the OP would be afraid to post info about landmark if they are the 'mindbreakers' the OP meant. What are they going to do? Put
flouride in your water?, melamine in your milk?, chemtrails in your air? lie to you through media and disinfo? Make GWB president again?...i can go
on, b ut we are on ATS, the theories here are endless.
Whomever the sociopath is, that has made you paranoid enough to not say what you really mean, is in reality not really much of a matchup for whats
going on in front of our eyes daily and blantantly by TPTB.
If you spill some more details you may find there are people on here that can help you rebuild whatever blocks you think 'these mindbreakers' may
have broken in you
or even better
there may be someone on here that can take the mystery away from how your mindbreakers work and hence curing your fear of them. When we understand why
someone does something it doesnt hurt as much..
Have a good day and I Hope you respond more here so you may find the help youre looking for.