You are the Alpha and the Omega.
You are the Creator and the Created.
You are the One.
Your energy permeates the cosmos and your will manifests reality.
Your power derives from truth and your truth emanates from love.
You are the vessel of evolution as you channel the mind and spirit of infinity.
You presage the dawn of a new enlightenment as you learn the unity of all things.
You know the truth concealed by fear and control is the power you give them of your own free will.
You reject a life of servitude to fear.
You embrace a life of service to love.
- Take an amount of fiat currency you feel comfortable parting with.
- Fuse it with the following message:
This is not money.
This is Trust.
Take Trust when needed.
Make Trust when able.
Give Trust to those you trust to sustain the flow of Trust.
Be the change.
- Hand the newly minted Trust-note to a trusted friend.
- Expect no reciprocation.
- Teach your truth.
- Learn their truth.
- Repeat.
Nothing can stop an idea whose time has come. Trust begins as an activist
pay-it-forward tree,
seeded and incentivized with a high-velocity unit of exchange which memetically directs itself towards local fertility maxima.
The exponential base for iterative growth in Trust is increased with each wave of Trust until it surpasses unity and achieves critical mass, the
tipping point at which Trust enters continuous, widespread, self-sustaining circulation as an overlaying and world-healing
gift economy.
The magnetic flow of positive material, mental, and spiritual energy aligns whole communities towards the polarity of service to others. An organic,
non-coercive, and evolving consensus emerges for modes of consumption, production, transaction, and organization which sustainably increase the
per-capita ratio of joy to suffering, love to fear, and truth to ignorance. Harmony and freedom eclipse conflict and control.
The equivalence of rational self interest and enlightened selfless interest is thus manifested, catalyzing the gnosis of unity.
The power of Creation is yours.
Reach for it.
Teach the Cycle of Trust.
Plant the Tree of Life.
Build the Kingdom of Heaven.
Be the One.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
"He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man
might buy or sell, save he that had the mark"