posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 08:50 PM
It’s a learning experience, to spend some time studying the hardcore homeless. There are lots of them around here. Don’t let their looks deceive
you. They are some of the sharpest people. Many of them are masters, when it comes to reckoning their way from one day to the next, with little more
than the clothes on their back.
In this area, one needs to cultivate urban survival skills. In a “trance state” on an “urban walk about,” the synchronicities you can
experiece are literally magic. The universe provides, but in ways most are not accustomed to recognizing. Pay close attention to each step. If you
silence the “monkey mind” and focus with intention on the moment, you will start to identify an abundance of gifts, contributions, rewards,
donations, offerings, and souvenirs.
I don’t plan on leaving, no matter how bad it gets. This place is my home. But for those who decide to go, you may want to wear as much warm
clothing as you can handle. It can always be shed.
I’d pack lots of dried fruit. It’s nutrient dense and light weight. Water although ABSOLUTELY necessary, will be your heaviest item. I wouldn’t
leave home without dental floss, toothbrushes, hydrogen peroxide, a bottle of shampoo, paper towels, wash clothes, and small towels. I’d also like a
couple of Zippo lighters, extra flints, cotton swabs, wicks, and a small bottle of Naptha fuel.
Don’t talk too much around strangers. At first, it’s always better to do most of the listening, until you figure out who you’re dealing with.
Most people are good, but rotten apples exist. There are basically two types, those who serve others and those who serve themselves. Be careful of the
latter. On a walk about, it would be wise to drop service to self folks, like a bad habit.
You’ll find it more helpful than you can imagine to continuously request guidance from the universe. If you’re disciplined in this, before long
you’ll begin to see results. The universe will only intervene in your life, if asked to. So remember to be persistent in your asking. Request that
which you feel is necessary, as you wander.
P.S. No fear, it’s all fun!
[edit on 14-1-2009 by seasoul]