reply to post by Raud
I think you're correct on every point.
The only practical solution was a "two state" solution, and that was why it was internationally supported.
But, as we've seen, Israel has no intention of ending the ongoing conflict with Gaza, and Hamas views Israel as an occupier (which is actually
correct, regardless of how Israel likes to ignore this fact.).
Hamas are to blame also, it's not entirely Israel. Without at vocal, moderate and rational opinion, a state is viewed internationally as dangerous
and irresponsible.
It would be much better (and Israel should know this and end it now on the basis of this) that international support is given when restraint and
tolerance are displayed. I'm not talking about world leaders here, they couldn't give a rats ass, they just look at the money. But the people
worldwide decide on a nation based on the way it behaves.
Israel would have my support if they had approached the international community without being irrational and violent, and stated that they feel they
are suffering but that they don't want to attack Gaza. If they had refused to risk the lives of innocent civilians, based on the rockets being fired
into Israel, and opted to further talks and discussion, they would have maintained international support and sympathy.
The fact is, the few killed and injured by rockets fired into Israel is not something they worry about as a government. In the massive population,
these figures are minuscule. Far more are killed in other more easily preventable ways. It's PR for the people to state that you are taking this kind
of action to safeguard a minute number of your people. It's not because of that at all.
This is nothing to do with the rockets being fired into Israel. That is an excuse to enact a war in which there are greater rewards to gain. I don't
pretend to know what the real reasons are, but I do have a belief that it certainly involves Iran. And I do believe it has the backing of the US
because of this. They know the game plan.
Either way, Israel and the US have further eroded respect for either nation. Not many people will have sympathy for either after this. And rightly
I had the misfortune to log on here last night and saw an image that will stay with me forever.
Many of you probably saw it too. And I've no doubt the insane pro-Israel posters still either remained silent on it, or refused to accept that their
glorious Israel did that. Some probably even glorified it.
We all know that these are the harsh realities of war. But when you are confronted by something like that, you have to understand why people become so
angry. And when you see what Israel is doing, the war crimes and atrocities, and you know that they just don't care, it makes me even more angry than
I ever thought possible.
The only way it stopped me (a grown man) from breaking down, was that it was quick, and that this baby didn't understand the stupid reasons and
hateful minds behind their death. I'm thankful that they wouldn't have understood that adult Humans would do that to them.
I have actually found myself almost rooting for Hamas! Last night when I heard Hamas was still firing rockets into Israel I actually caught myself
saying "good!" I never thought I would have such a reaction.
But seeing the image of a mutilated and burned body of a baby flicks a switch in the mind of any sane person, it makes you vengeful, it makes you
hunger for swift and absolute justice. It certainly made me consider what I would be doing if I were in Gaza right now and had seen that for myself.
Chances are good that I would be firing at every IDF soldier I saw, supportive of Hamas or not. I would do everything in my power to end the lives of
those grown men killing babies for their government, hundreds of them still wouldn't make up for that one child.
In my opinion, the UN should take a collection of those images, go and see the "mighty leaders" of Israel and force them to look at them. They
should not be allowed to detach themselves from what they are responsible for. Bush should be shown them too, just so he knows what his financial and
military support is responsible for. No more numbers and statistics, they need to see for themselves what their glorious military might is doing.
Does anyone know that child's name?
And if not, why not?