posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by flyingunknown
Yes, this topic has been discussed many times.
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were the only two candidates not tied with corporate interests and foreign policy think tanks like the Council on Foreign
Relations. They were also the only two candidates with a major following to be largely ignored by the media. Just a frickin' coincidence, I'm
The media ignored his message for a reason. That reason is because it goes against the status quo. If Ron Paul was given any amount of air time that
didn't involve his views being laughed at and mocked by fat ass corporate shills like Sean Hannity, his message would educate people about what is
really going on.
Educating people is simply unacceptable to our corporate owners.
Ron Paul's views and policies pose a threat to the status quo. If he somehow did proceed to win the Republican nomination and win the presidency, he
would no doubt be assassinated. He stands for freedom, privacy, justice, and security. He doesn't stand for corruption, fear mongering, unjustified
war, and socialist police states. Therefore, he logically isn't the right person to lead this country. Apparently the ignorant masses agree.
This country will never have a leader like Ron Paul. This country will never be pulled from the depths of economic ruin. This country and it's people
will never again enjoy freedom. This country will never again be safe and secure without making large sacrifices and living in fear. This country will
never fight for the cause it allegedly believes in: world peace. It just won't happen. Any one hoping it will - or God help us, thinks Barack Obama
will - is delusional.