Hello, I hope I'm posting this in the right forum. I was looking at the Orion Nebula on Google Sky and 3 things caught my eye. I was wondering if
someone might have an idea on what these are. I didn't notice them until I was zoomed in deep into the nebula.
I've put them into one picture, so the 3 objects are from 3 pictures.
APOD! Man that website is run by Nasa and the Government! This could easily be a cover story to hide the fact that an Alien race has developed a giant
space station floating within the nebula.
APOD is great, one of my favorite websites of all time. Check out Galaxy Zoo if you crave additional galactical images and a chance to contribute to
the research.
Not unless you have access to one of the world's largest telescopes or the hubble.
This is about what you can expect to get out of the orion nebula in a moderately sized amateur telescope, less under light polluted skies or without a
good camera & tracking setup.