posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Wouldn't it be based off of faith to trust the aliens? I mean seriously, even if they seem nice, could you see those involved in the US Coverup to
110% trust the aliens? Seriously, please consider this, WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO ON EARTH IS SPEAKING WITH THE ALIENS. It could be some gun-tooting
redneck hick for crying out loud! Yes he might be trained and well educated and so on and so on, BUT, don't you think there would be a point where
they question themselves, "Hey guys, we're making deals with aliens here, we still know nothing about them." Unless the aliens took them back to
their home planet and everything is hunky doory, and everyone is friends and trusts each other.
But honestly, imagine if we traveled deep in space first! And we circled a planet for many years observing below. And eventually we touched down and
made contact, or they shot us down out of fear. If we don't have communication with some back up to rescue us, then yeah we're pretty screwed. BUT,
imagine if we did, and they came back, and rescued us, wouldn't we always have the upper hand? HAVEN'T THE ALIENS BEEN IN CONTROL THE WHOLE TIME? I
mean seriously, aren't their claims of orbs and ufos running circles around fighter jets going nearly at the speed of sound. Give me a break, there
is nothing we can do. Hopefully the aliens are humble and have some alien mindset that is more peaceful than we can even imagine, or a mindset so
different, that words cannot describe it.
[edit on 13-1-2009 by game over man]