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Ann Coulter bashes single motherhood on the View

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Normally I am on perpetual "Tune Ann Out" mode, but this offends me. I also heard her on the radio pumping this book.

Most offensive, Ann does not take into account that virtually no one chooses to be a single mother. That shoudl not be a judgment on a parent or child's character.

And as one of the chatty women asks, why isn't she looking at the fathers in her reasearch?

It's not like parents who stay together don't often turn out messd up children, as well.

I also take offence to Ann's idea that every single mother is a whiny, mooching woman breeding future criminals.

I wonder, if some of these horrible single mothers who's status comes from trying to escape abuse did uphold their moral duty and stay married or get married to the father of the baby, would Ann be as eager to speak out against the physical, emotional, or sexual abuse that would pervade their unions?

[edit on 12-1-2009 by asmeone2]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Anns a Rascist,Hatefull,Spitefull Paid windbag.
Shes paid by the Gop interests too stir up any and everything.
Same with that Moron Rush and the Bulk of Fox/Faux News.
Honestly Ann shouldnt talk about unwed mothers or Any Other Morality type issue at all. She herself seems too have no Morales and Does what she condems a lot of times.
She admittedly has had Unwed affairs.
Bottom line AC is as my kids say "a douche bag" and I tend too agree.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:42 PM
Sadly most people do not see she/he has a very fat, very well paid tongue in cheek and probably doesn't believe half of what it writes. She sure doesn't seem to keep track of what she writes judging by her inability to answer questions a lot of the time. I used to work with a Jewish editor who literally frothed at the mouth whenever the "Anti-Christ" (now there's irnoy for you, a Jew calling an alleged Catholic the Anti-Christ) was mentioned and had the gall to threaten me for admitting that the media orchestrates this hysteria to.....sell books and attract viewers. Notice how soon Limbaugh changed his tune once when Japanese advertisers bought air time on his show in the early 1990s.
Personally I wouldn't stop someone from smacking him/her/whatever it is but Coulter is more interesting than Brangelina, Paris Hilton or the other media creations. At least it isn't spawning!

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 12:20 AM
Well, I dont watch Ann.. well, ill save out the explicit mockery of her last name, but what a total, ignorant, spiteful (agreeing with VType) woman. I have never seen a television personality with so much disgusting views in my life. I hope single mothers call her out on this, and that she catches more excrement that she duly deserves.

If one person could end up a single mother right now, oh please God let it be Ann Coulter.

[edit on 1/13/2009 by deadline527]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 12:44 AM
As much as i am no fan of the view, I really hate that these people would even give this banshee a platform to promote her hateful ignorance. Nothing she ever says has any informative or intelligent thought put into it and most of the time, I get the feeling she is well aware of the act she is putting on.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 01:03 AM
Ann does like to push the envelope but she makes some points I agree with.

First, anyone who's cracked a ladies' magazine in the last 10 years must know how left leaning they are, and because of this they are constantly promoting single motherhood. They make it seem that a single parent upbringing isn't missing anything of a mother and father upbringing, which simply isn't true.

Which leads me to my next point. The best mother in the world by herself is not as good as a good mother paired with a good father. Kids need a mother and a father otherwise they just can't get all the instruction they need to become the best people they can be. Of course it's not always possible, but Ann is right when she says that for women to willfully bring children into the world alone is downright selfish. And this is a common enough occurrence otherwise sperm banks wouldn't be in existence.

Obviously no one gets married intending to lose their spouse or get divorced, but these aren't the people Ann is talking about. She's talking about women who never intended to get married, and probably never intended to have a child but didn't use protection and just let the chips fall where they may.

edit to add: I'm surprised The View even let Ann Coulter within 100 yards of the studio. The hosts are downright rabid when it comes to their leftist views. Of course they only intended to crucify Ann with a 5 on 1 advantage in front of a sympathetic audience...which is exactly the kind of pandering they accused Ann of at the top of the interview.

[edit on 1/13/2009 by sc2099]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by VType
Honestly Ann shouldnt talk about unwed mothers or Any Other Morality type issue at all. She herself seems too have no Morales and Does what she condems a lot of times.
She admittedly has had Unwed affairs.
Bottom line AC is as my kids say "a douche bag" and I tend too agree.

She is unmarried and has no children of her own. Before she throws rocks at single mothers she should appreciate marraige and what it is to raise children.

I challenge Ann to go spent some time in a women's shelter, and to observe the fear and hardship rampant in those places, then come look me in the eye and call those women liberal manipulators.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by sc2099
Ann does like to push the envelope but she makes some points I agree with.

First, anyone who's cracked a ladies' magazine in the last 10 years must know how left leaning they are, and because of this they are constantly promoting single motherhood. They make it seem that a single parent upbringing isn't missing anything of a mother and father upbringing, which simply isn't true.

I do not read magazines, but I would wager they may not be promoting, so much as discussing what is already a part of our society. There is a difference between supporting single mothers, and espousing single motherhood as an idea--it is much like support the troops, hate the war.

Which leads me to my next point. The best mother in the world by herself is not as good as a good mother paired with a good father. Kids need a mother and a father otherwise they just can't get all the instruction they need to become the best people they can be.

That assumes that the good single mom's counterpart is also a good parent. Many are not, thus the reason why they are 'single.'

If one parent in the relationship is abusive or unstable, the other should not think they have to stay with them because it will be "better for the child." Even if there is no physical danger involved, nothing is worse for a child than seeing their parents fight.

A child's stability comes from seeing his parents strong and calm. This is destroyed if the parents fight or one parent cannot get his act together. In these kinds of cases it IS better for one parent to raise him.

Think about this... which is more preferable? A child raised by a single parent, or a child raised by both parents where one will hit, molest, or emotionally abuse him?

Of course it's not always possible, but Ann is right when she says that for women to willfully bring children into the world alone is downright selfish. And this is a common enough occurrence otherwise sperm banks wouldn't be in existence.

And the men having sex with those women had nothing to do with bringing the child into the world. OK, gotcha.

Sperm banks also serve infertile couples. Do these happily married and stable people not deserve children because some "undesirable" might bring a child into the world?

Obviously no one gets married intending to lose their spouse or get divorced, but these aren't the people Ann is talking about. She's talking about women who never intended to get married, and probably never intended to have a child but didn't use protection and just let the chips fall where they may.

I didn't hear her say that, maybe you have a source to another interview where she stated that?

Anyways, it is irrelevant, as one of the View ladies said, if that is actually her position, she should be promoting birth control of some kind rather than attacking those who have already conceived.

It's really backwards. To people like Ann, these women are damned if they have sex and use birth control, damned if they get pregnant and get an abortion, but also damned if they get pregnant and keep the child.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:12 AM
She's a shock jock type. It's what she does.

BTW, I know quite a few women who actively chose to be single mothers. One in my immediate family as well. All of their reasons were stupid and/or selfish.

"I want someone to love me"
"If I get pregnant he'll marry me"

and my favorite:

"If I have another kid the government will extend my benefits"

Dont tell me it doesnt happen. I heard it with my own damn ears and saw it with my own damn eyes and was close enough to reach out and smack it.

I used to be a bleeding heart type until I went more places, met more people and discovered there honestly is trash bleeding the system at my expense. The most offensive is that a substantial portion of these "people" (I use the term loosely) are doing it intentionally fully aware of the consequences to themselves, the nation, the unfortunate children being brought up in the situation and the great big "F.U." to the working, tax-paying man.

I have no sympathy for this trash.

I also have mothers in my family who were made single by a series of events. They used WIC briefly. They busted their asses and are now functioning in society not as leeches. The people who find themselves single mothers do alright. They pick themselves up, dont play the pity game, dont expect helping hands to come along. The women who pop them out for whatever reason regardless of their unhealthy circumstances thrive on being blight and have no desire to change their situation unless change means having another kid for the extra monthly payment so they can keep their cell phone.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:14 AM
Well, this being a conspiracy site and all, I'd like to add that perhaps her (what seems to be)prominent adams apple is an indication that it is physically impossible for her to bear children of her own and she is in actuality lashing out in some sort of hidden jealousy towards the single mothers?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:16 AM
There are bad apples of course but this does not warrent making everyone raising a child alone out to be a villain.

Most of them are the arse-busting type you mentioned.

I do not think people like her take into account, that it is only worse for the child to put a stigma on their family situation.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by DiabolusFireDragon

I'm not about to peep under her little black dress to find out.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:18 AM
The woman has become a caricature of herself. Why does anyone still pay attention to what she has to say?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:24 AM
I only read the topic sentence and was forced to agree with Ann on this.

I've seen the overall loss of station, the loss of manners, the loss of discipline, the loss of self-worth, the loss of direction, loss of morals, and loss of value that one can lay directly at the feet of single parenthood.

Much too often, a man will not be a man. The woman gets pregnant due to stupidity.

And who is it that suffers from these complete irresponsibilities?

One might note the loss of morality, the increase of crime, and to overall loss of sensitivities and performance directly tied to single parenthood.

Our values have gone right down the crapper, as a single parent can only provide at most - half of the values and example that children need.

The thing that pisses most people off about Ann Coulter is that deep down, she's done the analysis before she arrives at an opinion, and folks who can't personally meet up with these standards, or fall within the parameters that she describes, are just livid.

We've had liberal moral values. And is anyone happy with how we're doing?

No one's at fault, everyone do their own thing, no set of standard values, screw over your neighbor, lie whenever necessary, take what you need, give what you have, on and on.

With all these mega disasters mentioned here on ATS, disasters sure to wipe out significant portions of the population, maybe that's what the world needs.

A good enema.

To rid the earth of the current state of moral sorriness.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by dooper

The thing that pisses most people off about Ann Coulter is that deep down, she's done the analysis before she arrives at an opinion, and folks who can't personally meet up with these standards, or fall within the parameters that she describes, are just livid.

Muslims hate us for our freedom. The check is in the mail. No, I am not married.

Ann Coulter is not capable of deep analysis. She is a Stepford hatemonger programmed by her Republican handlers to spout the party dogma.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by dooper
I only read the topic sentence and was forced to agree with Ann on this.

I've seen the overall loss of station, the loss of manners, the loss of discipline, the loss of self-worth, the loss of direction, loss of morals, and loss of value that one can lay directly at the feet of single parenthood.
moral sorriness.

Well, you should read more than that, maybe watch the video too.

What proof do you have that the things you mentioned are the fault of single parenthood, versus other factors like poverty, media influence, poor education, and a general removal of personal responsibility from our society?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:55 AM
She actually went on 'The View'??
That is the worst show on daytime TV. Those women are awful.

I can see the tv guide write up now - Awful lefty women meet awful righty woman. Waste of time and airwaves.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
She actually went on 'The View'??
That is the worst show on daytime TV. Those women are awful.

I can see the tv guide write up now - Awful lefty women meet awful righty woman. Waste of time and airwaves.

This morning I was flipping the news stations and saw Glenn Beck on Fox&Friends so I had to stop.

I caught them just before a commercial break and one of them read the next story coming up. It was what Ann Coulter said on the View. Glenn Beck started laughing and said "Why?" asking why Ann would even bother going on that show.

I had to laugh.

She was only on for her publicists sake I'm sure and what happened and any perceived outrage is exactly what the goal was. Get all the moonbats crying about her cruelty and a few extremies calling for banning and censorship and you prove the choir to which she speaks that she's right and you help her sell a couple million more books.

She'll keep offending crybabies and they'll keep crying and the same people who've been buying her books all along will continue to buy them. Not getting a reaction from the left would make those about to buy book wonder if it's any good. If it doesnt offend and make idiots cry then it can't be any good.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

She'll keep offending crybabies and they'll keep crying and the same people who've been buying her books all along will continue to buy them. Not getting a reaction from the left would make those about to buy book wonder if it's any good. If it doesnt offend and make idiots cry then it can't be any good.

And that my friend is exactly the point. She's hawking her latest work of fiction and as long as she sells one book it will be worth her time. She loves the exposure and relishes any attention she can get.

As far as her even having an opinion on this subject when she obviously has no children of her own I can only think back to an opinion that Al Franken made in one of his books (yes, that Al Franken, some interesting facts sprinkled with sarcasm and humor, something that the "right" abhors).

Paraphrasing here:
"Ann Coulter is such a bitch that she would probably eat here own children".

Gotta love her.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by DiabolusFireDragon
Well, this being a conspiracy site and all, I'd like to add that perhaps her (what seems to be)prominent adams apple is an indication that it is physically impossible for her to bear children of her own and she is in actuality lashing out in some sort of hidden jealousy towards the single mothers?

I'm going to "Yeah, That" this post.

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