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Post UFO Disclosure ideas in the "Citizen's Briefing Book" to Barack Obama on!!!

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posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

If we got this to number 1 MSM would have a field day.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:21 PM
here is a first draft of a YouTube PSA for voting on this topic.

"a Roper Poll has shown that 70% of the U.S. population believe that the government hasn't fully disclosed all that it knows about UFO's.

56% believe that UFO's are real craft and 48% of the people feel that aliens have visited our planet and continue to do so.

Whistle-blowers from high ranking military Generals to FAA chiefs and administrators, ex-CIA chiefs and governors of states, career pilots for both the military as well as civilian carriers have all lent thier professional voices and risked thier careers to a topic that has been officially supressed by administrations for the last six decades.

Over the course of the last two years, the national governments of England, Brazil, Belgium and France have released and declassified all of thier UFO files to the public.

The time has come to demand our government do the same.

On November 4th of last year, the world watched in amazement as a nation..tired, fed up and hungry for change made thier collective voices heard to make unprecedented history.
Today, whether a citizen of this nation, or just a citizen of humanity, you have another opportunity to make history.

Please go to and click on the Citizens Briefing Book, search for UFO Disclosure and vote.

Isn't time your voice is heard?"

thoughts, ideas and suggestions are welcome...

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:22 PM
if it hasn't already been suggested ...

those of you who feel very strongly about this could join other 'ufo/alien' type sites to call for more support. i'm sure they'll be just as interested in this project as you guys but probably know nothing about it.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

excuse me sir,
but i hope youve contacted your long list of 'connections' on this one.
ricky sorells, larry king, GOD to name a few.jk
but no seriously get on the phone. peace.

[edit on 1/13/2009 by LordThumbs]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

Looks good to me. Get it up and we can get everyone to go and give it some traffic and spread the word... Once it gets legs on youtube, the site will become flooded.

Oh yeah, throw something in pleading for people not to post sensational claims in the comments section on the website...

Also, not to vote more than once.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

"CUT PRINT ROLL THE TAPE MOVING ON!" -jim carry as the grinch

this is perfect. it doesnt have to be a platnum hit. it has my vote.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by nsaeyes

Oh yeah, throw something in pleading for people not to post sensational claims in the comments section on the website...

Also, not to vote more than once.

DITTO my friend.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:27 PM
We need to organize a mass nationwide marijuana user work strike. Right in the middle of all this chaos in the economy, middle east, everything.
One the day after obama is inaugurated sounds just about right. how hard would it be to make this a reality?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by ruj00

Why would you even take the time to post here if you can't be on the topic of the thread?

Don't distract.

Eh, what am I thinking? Your post will be removed shortly.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:31 PM
I do not think are goal here should be to get UFO disclosure because its highly unlikely it will happen. Our goal should be to get some media attention on this topic. If its voted in the top 10 then I am sure it will be all over the news. We need to promote this more. Youtube video is a great idea but we need it up ASAP. Registering on other forums and spreading the word also another great idea. Getting this info to local radio stations and Coast To Coast AM. If someone can find away get this info to Larry King. Anything we can do to help this topic get more votes is a step in the right direction but its going to take speedy work and dedication. I don't expect the administration to do anything about this in the short term with all of the other more pressing issues it has to deal with but the media exposure to the topic would be a wonderful thing.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:33 PM
I have contacted several other web sites and people.

The ball is really rolling.

If the "UFO Disclosure" idea ends up in the briefing, it will get media attention. So don't worry about the details in it.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

Also, I would suggest that you give each little paragraph a good amount of time to stay on screen before you move on to the next point...

It isn't that I'm a slow reader, but sometimes your mind is preoccupied and by the time you have focused on what you are just about finished reading, you miss the last sentence of the paragraph... Give each one a good 7-10 seconds of play.

Not trying to bark at you, just noting from past experiences reading script like this in a video format.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
reply to post by nsaeyes

Also, I would suggest that you give each little paragraph a good amount of time to stay on screen before you move on to the next point...

It isn't that I'm a slow reader, but sometimes your mind is preoccupied and by the time you have focused on what you are just about finished reading, you miss the last sentence of the paragraph... Give each one a good 7-10 seconds of play.

Not trying to bark at you, just noting from past experiences reading script like this in a video format.

there's 2 ways to do this...1) just to do it in text format....

the other way is to do it in person and read it...not from the paper, but speaking to the camera like a real PSA...

which one do you guys think would work the best?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:41 PM
As pointed out before, this effort really needs to focus on changing the laws so that black operations no longer fall outside of constitutional checks and balances.

Really folks, this isnt the first time such an endeavor was done to try to get disclosure. Those previous efforts did not do anything because of how the black op organizations are outside of law. Unless those laws are changed to bring them into the realm of law, there will never be any disclosure.

There were efforts done via the National Press Club and even multi-international efforts that far exceed any youtube effort. In fact, this idea of using youtube will probably hurt it more than help it. 80 percent of the content on youtube is of the crazy, rediculous, outlandish, and outright nonsense catagories. Just because you can get a million site hits using youtube, that doesnt mean that the credibility and sincerity of the effort will have any more credibility or be taken seriously simply because of where it is originating from.

Well known names in the disclosure efforts over the last 10 years have barely gotten any results even with countless testimony, even from the inside. They too have even admitted that the laws need to change so that these black operations are brought into the realm of accountablility and are able to be brought into an inquery by congressional act.

If this is not done, nothing is going to change, especially in these times when the first things on Obama's plate are going to be the Israel/Gaza situation, the Iraq situation, the economy, the jobless issue, so many other issues that will no doubt take priority.

This effort also needs to have the "bell curve" part of the public behind it. The "silent majority" must be in the mix too. It needs like 2/3 the public attention for it to become an issue that is on the radar screen.

It seems that this effort needs some professional organization to it. I suggest that before all this hope and effort is wasted, that this be organized and planned thoroughly and action taken in appropriate steps to be effective.

Right now its basically just a grab and go crash course that will only end up smashing into a dead end.

Fail to plan, then plan to fail.

Good luck.


posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:41 PM
I keep trying to input my post, but, it either tells me the page won't load or I'm not connected to the Internet when I can see clearly I am, and this last attempt, it went through and said nothing, yet, when I scrolled through to the bottom of the posts, I could not find my post. Can anyone else see it there?
Here was my post, in case I can't get the CBB to accept it:

SOLAR EXTINCTION= MAN' S EXTINCTION. Experts estimate, depending on whom you ask, that the Sun has about 5 million yrs. of Life left, and that Earth (or, at least, Man) has about 3 billion. See, the experts pretty much agree, We WILL Die before the Sun does.

If there are Beings and Technology capable of visiting this rock we call Earth, and They can survive not only the trip, but also, the Environment of this Planet (even if by assisted means), ergo it follows: So can we ensure the survival of the species.

Bear in mind, the estimates could be wrong. Consider if the Sun, en route to expanding to around 300 times it's current size, along with the exponential increase of It's Hydrogen- Helium Solar Thermal Activity- that is to say, as it gets extremely hotter- it could ignite the Combustable Gas atmosphere of Venus.
Or, maybe, it could, with it's increased Gravity and Mass, pull Mercury and/ or other Celestial Bodies out of their Orbits and, say, draw them into itself. If Newton and Keppler are correct, wouldn't that have a potentially catastrophic effect on the Earth, since the Sun "theoretically" controls things like the speed of our Orbit and it's Gravity tethers our planet to the others, so that if one moves out of position or alignment, they all do? Or are we being taught falsehoods in our Schools and Media?
So, potentially, the estimates of our Earth and/ or Man's Extinction due to Solar Extinction, although not expected to give us the precise date and hour of our Guaranteed and Certain Demise, might well be grossly over- stated.

Therefore, if there be no such thing as the Existance of Extra- Terrestrial Beings and these things truly are merely Man- made, Psychological, or Natural to earth in Origin- Disclose as much. Wouldn't Public Interest and National Security of the USA, in part, and the Global Community, overall, be best Served (and that is what you vowed to do- Serve- so put your Oath of Office above all other Oaths you undertake past, present, or future, even if you vowed to put, say, your Brotherhood, or Other, first already).
This is too important an issue, because, we as a people need to concentrate our time, resources, and intellect in real areas of endevour which will advance mankind and ensure our survival from an otherwise Inevitable Extinction.
It is not right to leave the decision to the Un-Elect or the Elect who fail to adequately represent us. This decision does not belong to Men who think purely Objectively, either, as they tend to discard Subjective and Relatavistic thoughts, which tend to favor the few at expense of the many and morality is purely Perspective- based, and is generally tossed to the wind or the Opinions of the Few tend to be imposed on the Many. The Constitution protects Minority individuals and entities from the Majority, it does not Empower them. Disclose the truth, so that, if there are no ET's, UFO's and the like, we can focus on reality- based Issues. If there are, such Intelligence and Access belong's to the Citizen's of the World and the Spirit of Democracy and the Replican Idea demand as much, as you do not Represent all the Citizen's and Countries of the Earth. Only Tyrants and Dictators naively assume they speak for the Global Community at Large. Even head's of Organized crime Syndicates and Families know not to overstep the Jurisdiction of all the Other Heads. No matter how Powerful and Connected one may be. No one has a claim to Non Earth based Assets and Resources. The US NAVY may have Jurisdiction of Space to Regulate and Control Activities Conducted there, and to protect US interests, but, the Constitution neither dealt with or implied any right with regard to Aliens, UFO's, and Space- neither did any of the Laws or Treaties it honors. Therefore, since States and Government have officially declared a non- interest in the Issue, it falls as a Right of the People, without contest. You have no Right to keep it from us, and doubtful any legal Right to Enforce it's being retained.
Disclose the Information, or maybe, we'll devise a Way to catch one for ourselves. If we capture one of your toys what can you say or do, Officially, you have no such things, they're all in our heads, how are we to know. It's not ignorance of the Law if the Law is: It doesn't exist.
Enough said, I guess.
Except: You could sit on it, but, someday, we may quit asking.
And for those of you who vote it down, who "butters your bread?" There can't be any real opposition to this request as this requesy will, if Disclosed, either shut us up or prove us right. And religious fanatics can't really be offended. If God made Man God can make beings that are not Man. There were "Sons of God" Rapha'im, Nephalim, the Heroes and Legends of old. All the Pagans believe in Non-Human Beings from Space. Eastern Principles don't conflict with the idea of Universal Life Principles and Extra Dimensional Beings. So, if you Vote this down, you are either the real crackpot here, a ploy to downplay the interest in Disclosure, or suffering from the pure fear that the answer will perhaps not be the one you want, or, will put you out of a profession. Vote it up and Vote it Repeatedly
Even the Founding Fathers knew the Mob rules. History shows that when Governments fail to assist the needs, wants, and desires of their people long enough, dark forces soon move in to fill the void of that absence. They may say to themselves, "Self, if the President's powerless against these "black" operatives at Work behind the scenes, I wonder what the GodFather might be able to do." Just saying, it's not uncommon to trade one dictatorship for another. If high ranking officials and their Congressional testimony -that ET's, UFO's, and the like are, in fact, real- are so easily dismissed, what power could this request or you have to change the current paradigm on this Issue? Likely, none. Take away People's Avenues of ReDress long enough, and what choices are left? Disclose.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by PhyberDragon]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

Well, it depends on how good a speaker you are. If it were me, I would read it.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Sen an e-mail with the link and some info to everyone at Coast to Coast. Suggest other people send some as well to increase the likelihood that it gets mentioned on the show.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

I understand what you are saying, but what more would you have us do? It is sorta late in the game here.
Not saying that something to this effect can't be started, but we have an opportunity to do SOMETHING now. So something is better than nothing. Even if it is just some extra media attention that it wouldn't normally get, that is fine by me.

As for what you're saying, I'm all for that also. Maybe we here at ATS could use the same methods to appeal for a more stringent set of laws in this area?
Who wants to head the charge?

Do we have any lawyers in the house?

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Winsor


2nd line.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:50 PM
I'm so gutted I can't vote this up. But I'm not in the U.S so it'll be up to all you Americans to get UFO disclosure for all of us

And those of us outside of the U.S.A should be putting pressure on our respective government to disclose any UFO information they might be sitting on. I live in New Zealand so there's probably not a lot to hide but if there is anything, even the tiniest bit of information, the country should be able to have access to it. The same goes for any country. For example, I'd bet that the British government has a large number of secret files to share with the world!

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