The people of Gaza, these people who spew such hatred towards the Jews, want you believe are living in an occupied area, so their violent behavior
towards Israel, their "occupiers", is just what we should expect.
But the truth is that whatever occupation there might have been, ended in August 2005 when Israel removed all Israelis (and Israeli property) from the
area. There has not been one Israeli residing in Gaza for over three years. NOT ONE. Every Israeli family was forcibly removed from the area by the
IDF, and their homes were destroyed so they could not return. These Israeli citizens were cast out of their villages, to resettle in Israel. But they
were not even helped by the Israeli government to resettle. Did you know that?
Israel destroyed the lives of 9,000 of it's own people, making them, to this day, temporary residents in communities not their own. Israel took their
livelihoods away when they forced them to abandon amazing greenhouses that grew some of the best organic vegetables in the world. Greenhouses that
were turned over to the Palestinians as another absurd gesture of good will, and as thanks, Palestinian mobs attacked and burned the greenhouses.
Israel did this to their own people in order to pacify the Palestinians. To give the Palestinians the land that they demanded. Israel did this for
peace. Because that is what the Palestinians wanted, their own land. For this, Israel bulldozed whole towns and villages.
What did the Palestinians do in return?
They shelled Israeli settlements night and day for years. They kept on killing Israeli citizens and crying about how terrible their lives were in
"occupied" Gaza.
However, Israelis abandoned all of Gaza. Gaza is not occupied by Israel. It is occupied by Hamas, the duly elected government of the Palestinians, who
this morning announced that they didn't want a cease-fire, and promptly shot more rockets into Beersheva, a city of more than 150,000 people.
So I not be accused of twising Hamas' words, I present YouTube video in the actual voices of Hamas. This is their work, not mine. Hamas - in their
own words, spewing forth their hatred of the Jews and of Israel. Spewing for their hatred and reminding Jews and Israelis that they want our complete
and utter destruction. They do not one Jew to remain on this earth.
For those who do not want to be confronted by the truth, for those who cannot stand to see the full nature of evil and hatred, I apologize and suggest
you skip the video. For the rest, for those who want to understand the hatred that drives Palestinians to commit suicidal attacks and fire rockets at
one million Israelis please see